Another First Timer

Hey guys this is gonna be my first cycle but ive been researching this stuff for months, i’ll start off by giving you my stats.
I’m 21, 6’0 195 pounds with 13.7% BF. been training since 16 but got serious in the last 3 years when i focused more and fixed my diet, started taking supplements and all that jazz.

The cycle i’m looking at is as follows
500mg/wk test prop shot EOD for weeks 1-8
300mg/wk deca shot E4D for weeks 1-5 (trying to end at the same time)
350mg/wk masteron prop shot EOD weeks 1-8

25mg/day nolvadex weeks 1-11.5 and 12.5mg/day weeks 11.5-13
and to help protein sythesis and stuff cause ill be taking shakes too ive added 250mg/day of vitamin B-6 supplements.

I also have arimidex on hand if I’ll need it. I made a slight change to my original plan when i heard that test and deca should be run at a ratio of 5:3 accordingly.
soo does this cycle look good? any input/advice/ideas are more than welcome!

Current problems with your cycle:

  1. Too many substances, you don’t need three seperate compounds your first time.
    2)Running deca for only 5 weeks is way too short.
    3)Dont run a SERM during a cycle unless gyno comes on, use an AI during.
    4)What does your PCT look like?

deca needs to be run at least 12 weeks, only 5 weeks would be a waste

doesnt the SERM prevent gyno though? i was gonna take it as like a precaution during my cycle, and then in my pct i would take it mostly to restore test levels.

An AI would prevent the steroid from aromatizing, a SERM is only a cover up for high estrogen levels.

If you are prone to gyno, would it be a good idea to take nolvadex throughout? Or just when it starts to flare up?

[quote]Jameson79 wrote:
If you are prone to gyno, would it be a good idea to take nolvadex throughout? Or just when it starts to flare up?[/quote]


Gyno = Anastrozole (Arimidex), beginning with .25mg/day

PCT = Nolva, probably 20mg day

I understand what Jameson is saying though. Nolvadex does help prevent gyno right? or am i crazy.
“Nolvadex actually has quite a few applications for the steroid using athlete. First and foremost, it´s most common use is for the prevention of gynocomastia”

Run a search through this site on “test taper”. Read the hits - they will give great insite into what to do and take during cycling, and how to successfully end it with tapering and PCT.

Don’t mix your esters. You are begging for trouble.

Drop the Deca if you are only going to run it for 5 weeks.

Test and masteron is a good stack for a first cycle.

Don’t use the nolva during the cycle. Use an AI such as adex or aromasin.

[quote]studying4mytest wrote:
I understand what Jameson is saying though. Nolvadex does help prevent gyno right? or am i crazy.
“Nolvadex actually has quite a few applications for the steroid using athlete. First and foremost, it´s most common use is for the prevention of gynocomastia”[/quote]

You are right.
Before AI’s were readily available or affordable, nolva was commonly used during a cycle to combat the effects of estrogen.
Since AI’s are now cheap and easy to get, they are a better choice for use during a cycle. Nolva can be used if gyno does show up.

okay so i know this is really delayed but i have decided to change my cycle as follows:

500mg/wk test prop shot EOD for weeks 1-14
300mg/wk deca shot E4D for weeks 1-12
350mg/wk masteron prop shot EOD weeks 1-14

.25mg/day arimidex weeks 1-17
25mg/day nolvadex weeks 17-18.5
12.5mg/day nolvadex weeks 18.5-20

sound better?

[quote]studying4mytest wrote:
okay so i know this is really delayed but i have decided to change my cycle as follows:

500mg/wk test prop shot EOD for weeks 1-14
300mg/wk deca shot E4D for weeks 1-12
350mg/wk masteron prop shot EOD weeks 1-14

.25mg/day arimidex weeks 1-17
25mg/day nolvadex weeks 17-18.5
12.5mg/day nolvadex weeks 18.5-20

sound better?

Better, yes, but, here’s how to improve even further. RainJack hit the nail on the head. I see you read his words and moved Deca to 12 weeks which is proper per se. However, for your virgin cycle I’d be reluctant to advise this triple play of Mast, Test and Deca. Furthermore, if you’re gonna run 14 weeks of Test might as well move to Enanthate or Cypionate they are cheaper and you’ll only need about 2 shots a week versus 3-4 with prop.

Also, I think it is wise to be cautious when it comes to estrogen but if you take the advice to only run Test with either Deca or Masteron then I doubt you’d need an on cycle AI. If you do choose to use one, look at Aromasin. Aromasin can be used pre-PCT aka pre-Nolva and some even use it during PCT. Finally, if you run 14 weeks of gear you’ll need more than 3-4 weeks of Nolvadex and at higher doses than you had planned.

sounds like some solid advice, many thanks.
so for the nolva maybe ill throw in

50mg/day 17-18.5
25mg/day 18.5-20
12.5mg/day 20-21.5

just extend it another week and a half and start it at a higher dose.

just for general knowledge what would be the negative effects of taking a combination of three instead of two? would i have to take more later on? or possibly get stretch marks? or is it just a waste of money cuz i only need 2 to make great gains?

[quote]studying4mytest wrote:
or possibly get stretch marks? or is it just a waste of money cuz i only need 2 to make great gains?


Stretch marks are hereditary, if your afraid of them go to the “pregnant” section of your pharmacy.
You only need -ONE- to make great gains.
Testosterone + Diet + Workout + Sleep = Great Gains

[quote]studying4mytest wrote:
sounds like some solid advice, many thanks.
so for the nolva maybe ill throw in

50mg/day 17-18.5
25mg/day 18.5-20
12.5mg/day 20-21.5

just extend it another week and a half and start it at a higher dose.

just for general knowledge what would be the negative effects of taking a combination of three instead of two? would i have to take more later on? or possibly get stretch marks? or is it just a waste of money cuz i only need 2 to make great gains?


Your Nolva therapy looks a bit better that way. I’m guessing by your 25 and 50mg dosages you’re going with a research chemcial. Maybe ChemOne? If so thats a 60ml bottle. Assuming you don’t tap into it on cycle. You could run 2 weeks at 50mg, another 2 weeks at 25mg. That will only use up 42 mgs of your 60mg bottle. At that point you could keep running 25 or drop down to 12.5 depending how you’re doing. You don’t necessarily have to empty the bottle of course.

As for taking Deca, Mast and Test its a little bit of overkill for your first cycle. You don’t know how you will respond to any of the chemicals. Deca can be a funny beast too. Thats why so many like just plain ole Test.
Personally, I think you’d get great results with 500mg of Test E or C alone.
Also remember if you don’t lift and eat like a beast none of this will pan out for you.