Hey everyone, have just planned out my first cycle and I was wondering if some of the more experienced users, I.e everyone lol could give me some feedback.
Age: 27
Height: 5’10"
Weight: 96kg
Body fat: 12%
Years training: 8
Diet is immaculate, as I’m sure with a lot of us I have a bad case of ocd with my eating and as such am extremely strict with my dieting.
I first wanted to do a tren a/test e combo but thought, hey, I have no idea how I will react to exogenous test in my system, throwing something as strong as tren a in might be a bit silly. So this cycle is a test only cycle to gauge my response.
I have 4 vials of test prop @ 100mg/ml and 4 test ethanate @ 250mg/ml. I wanted to use the prop to kick start the test e but am not sure exactly how to go about it. Most research I have done states prop should be done eod to maintain stability. So on a given week that could be between 300-400mg, which is cool. But how do I bring in the test-e? Would a 250mg shot once a week suffice? Or should I be doing 500mg a week of test -e plus the kick start of 300-400mg of prop. Then I’m dealing with almost a gram of test for the first couple of weeks on my first cycle :-s.
I’ll be running aromasin 12.5mg ed to keep estrogen in check, plus hcg 500i.us twice a week (monday/Thursday). Plus I have nolva,Clomid,hcg,letro and I going to get some hmg to smash in the bridge before pct starts.
Any help is greatly appreciated as I’m just a little precarious about running close to a gram of test on my first cycle.
Cheers guys,