Yes, Another First Cycle Thread

Hey everybody, I finally broke down and started a new thread. I’m just looking for some advice from those with more more knowledge than I. (So everybody feel free to chime in lol.) So, down to business, this will be my 1st cycle (8 weeks). I’m a Div I athlete, I’ve been training for about 6 years now, 20 years old, 5’10", 265 lbs., about 20% bf.

week 1-8 Test Prop 100 mg/ED
week 1-5 Deca 60 mg/ED
week 3-8 HCG 250 iu/E4D

Some questions:

  1. What kind of PCT should I be looking at?

  2. I understand the the Deca has a negative impact on libido but will the Test and HCG counteract this?

  3. I’ve recently found out that Deca has a very long half life, so does this mean that I would need to continue the use of some sort of AI? (Also, in conjunction with question #2, will the long half life mean libido problems post cycle?)

  4. Will there be any kind of problems with the frequency of injections?

Thanks in advance for everyone’s help!

If this is your first cycle, just run the test/hcg. No need for deca, especially on such a short cycle, by the time its kicked in, you’ll be off!

As for PCT you could either run a short stasis/taper, or the traditional nolva PCT.

Save the deca for when you want to run a 10+ week cycle. You’ll see amazing gains of 8 weeks of 100mg TestProp ED.

What are you using for an AI? You need some arimidex and nolva on hand for the whole cycle.

Div 1 for what?

Keep it simple! Good luck

First and foremost I do not support a 20 year old using steroids. I especially do not support the use of drugs in tested sports (and yes I’ve heard the “everyone is doing it line”).

I also think you should drop some bodyfat before going on cycle. There is no reason for a man to ever be at 20% bodyfat and it is a worse idea to start a cycle at that level unless you are perfectly healthy and know how to precisely manipulate your diet (which I don’t think you do considering the fact that you are at 20% to begin with).

What are your goals for the cycle and provide some lifting stats.

Since you will probably do this cycle anyway

My suggestion is

8 weeks of Prop
9 weeks of arimidex

No hCG. If you have it already, use it. If not, don’t bother for an 8 week cycle. It definitely will not hurt to use it, but I don’t think it is completely necessary.

Save the deca for later on. No need for it right now. It will also give you time to read up on the properties of deca that will help you answer your own questions.

Use Nolvadex for PCT.

[quote]ironjoe wrote:
If this is your first cycle, just run the test/hcg. No need for deca, especially on such a short cycle, by the time its kicked in, you’ll be off!

As for PCT you could either run a short stasis/taper, or the traditional nolva PCT.

Save the deca for when you want to run a 10+ week cycle. You’ll see amazing gains of 8 weeks of 100mg TestProp ED.

What are you using for an AI? You need some arimidex and nolva on hand for the whole cycle.

Div 1 for what?

Keep it simple! Good luck[/quote]

I have ran Deca at 200mg/wk upto 500mg/wk for cycles from 6-8 weeks and it works just fine (no frontload).

It is true that peak levels take longer to occur, but to suggest that by the time the deca begins to work then the cycle is over isnt correct fella.

OP - yes, you will have a harder recovery due to the lengthy life of nandrolone decanoate - I believe partially due to the matabolites released from adipose over a long period and its effects on prolactin… let alone how efficient it is at suppression of the HPTA in a low dose.


[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
First and foremost I do not support a 20 year old using steroids. I especially do support the use of drugs in tested sports (and yes I’ve heard the “everyone is doing it line”).

I also think you should drop some bodyfat before going on cycle. There is no reason for a man to ever be at 20% bodyfat and it is a worse idea to start a cycle at that level unless you are perfectly healthy and know how to precisely manipulate your diet (which I don’t think you do considering the fact that you are at 20% to begin with).

What are your goals for the cycle and provide some lifting stats.

Since you will probably do this cycle anyway

My suggestion is

8 weeks of Prop
9 weeks of arimidex

No hCG. If you have it already, use it. If not, don’t bother for an 8 week cycle. It definitely will not hurt to use it, but I don’t think it is completely necessary.

Save the deca for later on. No need for it right now. It will also give you time to read up on the properties of deca that will help you answer your own questions.

Use Nolvadex for PCT.

Sounds good to me. :slight_smile:

ironjoe: I’m a wrestler. (hwt.)

BONEZ217: As far as goals for the cycle are concerned sure it would be nice to look and feel better but the true reason for my interest in a cycle is an increase in strength which will directly improve my performance on the mat. Some lifting stats are as follows: Deadlift-550, Power Clean-300, Bench-350, Front Squat-385.

Again I’d like to thank all of you for your input.

P.S. I promise I’m not just some fat kid looking for a shortcut lol. I am merely looking for a way to more fully utilize my already substantial workload.

[quote]teddybear5718 wrote:
ironjoe: I’m a wrestler. (hwt.)

BONEZ217: As far as goals for the cycle are concerned sure it would be nice to look and feel better but the true reason for my interest in a cycle is an increase in strength which will directly improve my performance on the mat. Some lifting stats are as follows: Deadlift-550, Power Clean-300, Bench-350, Front Squat-385.

Again I’d like to thank all of you for your input.

P.S. I promise I’m not just some fat kid looking for a shortcut lol. I am merely looking for a way to more fully utilize my already substantial workload.

Those goals are fine and steroids would surely help, but now is not the time to be using. Dropping some body fat will make you look and feel better. You do not need to use steroids to accomplish that. Dropping some bodyfat while preserving muscle will make you faster, which will improve your wrestling performance.

I think doing a cycle at this point would be a mistake. I think you should put in a full year of hardcore nutrition monitoring to get yourself into better shape. That year will give your endocrine system more time to mature and will give you plenty of time to read about steroid usage. That’s my opinion.

teddy -

As a div I athlete there’s obviously a chance that you’ll be tested. I hope that you are aware that deca’s metabolites can show up on a blood test for well over a year.

I totally agree with Bonez on this thread.

Good advice all around.

After further deliberation I have decided against using. Just to satisfy my own curiosity may I ask how old you gentlemen were when starting your first cycle? Anyway I thank all of you for your advice and I hope no one sees the small amount of time devoted to this thread as a waste.

[quote]teddybear5718 wrote:
After further deliberation I have decided against using. Just to satisfy my own curiosity may I ask how old you gentlemen were when starting your first cycle? Anyway I thank all of you for your advice and I hope no one sees the small amount of time devoted to this thread as a waste.[/quote]

It wasn’t a waste don’t worry about that.

I was too young and regret it all the time. I’m just happy I can still make gains naturally and didn’t completely destroy my endocrine system.

[quote]teddybear5718 wrote:
After further deliberation I have decided against using. Just to satisfy my own curiosity may I ask how old you gentlemen were when starting your first cycle? Anyway I thank all of you for your advice and I hope no one sees the small amount of time devoted to this thread as a waste.[/quote]

Good decision to walk away. I have had a friend lose his scholarship because of nandrolone decanoate (deca). He had been off for 6-7 months, but the ncaa still got him.

if you are a division I athlete, you should have access to a top tier strength coach available to you. Go ask to speak to him in private and tell him your concerns. tell him what your goals are and ask him for help with workouts and diet advice. If after a 3 month period you are unhappy, then come back.