First Cycle

I have acquired, and began (entering week 3) my first cycle. Test e/test prop/deca. 250 each on test e and p and 300mg deca, once/week (however I realize I should ideally be pinning the test prop in smaller multiple doses across the week due to shorter ester).

I am already feeling and seeing some pleasant results. This stack was suggested by an experienced friend as a bulking stack. I am 185lbs at approx 7% bf currently (6’1" ecto/meso), I have been training consistently for several years, Im 27 yrs old.

I have been having second thoughts about continuing to run the deca. More and more I coming across suggestions of it being a bad choice for a first cycle, and/or running multiple compounds. The test prop was intended as the “kicker”. I admit, i feel a bit disappointed in myself for having diving in without doing far more research and asking around, but being only a couple weeks in I figure also that it is not too late to make some adjustments if needed.

In a nutshell- I am welcoming any and all critiques, input, suggestions, etc etc, and all are greatly appreciated

Well should have done more research. IMO fuck deca and test p should be pinned ED or EOD

Any AI? Pct?

[quote]BUDs wrote:
Well should have done more research. IMO fuck deca and test p should be pinned ED or EOD

Any AI? Pct?[/quote]

Yes for certain. Thanks for the input. Seems to be the dominant consensus on deca, i am gonna cut my losses on it and discontinue its use. Daily or EOD, wow ok…thx. I am waiting upon some arimidex for AI, also waiting upon some HCG, and have also yet to acquire PCT, was considering nolva for PCT along with the HCG

Hcg should be used on cycle. Nolva will work for pct 40/40/20/20