I know, you see these questions all the time, and I do already know the basics needed but wanted to get some input on my exercise selection. My goals are max strength and hypertrophy, and although I am injury free, certain exercises if done too long, or for too much work, will start to cause problems.
But some of these exercises are high risk, high reward exercises, and thus I want to include them at least part of the time, but I will have exercises to switch out for them when im training at my hardest. Heres what ive come up with.
Front squat
Bulgarian split squat
1-leg deadlift
DB pressing
Horizontal rowing (ex: cable row, bw row)
Dips ----> Decline DB press or DB floor press
Push press ----> High incline DB press
Power clean —> DB swing
Power snatch or Snatch pull ----> DB snatch
Pullups ----> Horizontal pulling
Thats basically what ive come up with for my big exercises. My plan is to use some of my desired exercises when my training loads are low, either lower volume or lower intensity. Then as things progress and i have done these for a few weeks, i’ll alternate in the exercises that seem to give me less problems that way I can push harder to make gains.
***Also, one other exercise that I would really like to include, is Overhead squats. It seems like this exercise is a great way to increase mobility and all around strength. My only concern, is where i’ll fit this exercise in my program. It seems that it would either replace front squats, or would just be done with fairly light weights as a warm-up. Which way should i go?
There weren’t too many questions in there. As far as the OVS, I would not switch them out for front squats, for me they are just a warm up type of exercise to help get my loosened up. What are your other questions, everything else looks pretty good in terms of exercise choice.
[quote]dankid wrote:
Main question was am i missing any valuable exercises?[/quote]
Looks good, of the exercises you usually don’t have a problem with you lack the vertical push and pull, but both those are located in the exercises you want to include (pullups and overhead press).
Seems like you like working your legs and don’t pay as much attention to upper body, so props to ya on that. What do you think your actual workout layout would be?
Thanks PF_88. Ive kinda got vert. pushing covered with high incline db press, but think I could use push press to develop a lot more strength. But for high reps, incilne db press will be what im using.
My legs aren’t big, by they are definately my strong area. Once I get into things I want to put a little more focus on developing my upper body, and shift some of my lower body focus to HIIT.
I think if I can maintain lower body strength, while doing bike intervals, and incline treadmill intervals, my legs will get some nice growth.
Heres the plan I came up with right now. Its very basic, and is just going to be used to get back into things. After a few weeks of this, im going to start specializing in certain lifts to try to bring up my lagging body parts, and focus on growth.
I may change the reps in the plan, to be a little more focused at strength. So I might knock them down to the 3-5 range, that way when I switch things up for growth in my lagging areas, ill have the extra strength.