The Gym is for Work. (Rant)

I’ll start out by saying that I haven’t met all my goals and don’t have the body I want yet. But then again who does. Is anybody ever happy? Having said that I was extremely pissed off in the gym today. I saw two people, a man and woman (I’m assuming a couple) take a slow walk on the treadmill while watchig TV and do maybe 10 minutes of light weights (Lat Pull downs and leg extensions mostly) and then get ready to leave.

I was curious so I asked the guy how long he had been coming there since I had just joined this gym. He said six months but he was thinking about quiting because it isn’t working for them. I am a very timid person for the most part but got the balls up to ask, “Is that typical of your workouts?” He said, “Yes.” “So you aren’t rehabbing an injury?” He said, “No, just trying to lose some weight.” Seriously? No results? Of course not! Can anybody out there tell me what the hell wrong with people?!?

I may be a bit lazy some days and not work out as hard as I should but I literally beat myself up about it the next day at the gym to try and make up for it. I am soooo tired of the girls who come in the gym and do nothing but talk and try to hit on guys and the guys who are only there to try and appease their girlfriends or boyfriends or whatever. Do it for yourself and no one else. I think those girls and guys give someone who is trying a bad name.

Like the chubby girl at my old gym who after six months had visably lost quite a bit and toned up. The funniest thing I ever saw was a guy trying to hit on her and her response being, “I’m busy.” She always busts her ass and isn’t there to mess around. The people I’m pissed at are the poeple who seem to have endless amounts of time to waste. My time is precious and I barely find the time for the gym so I make it count. I hate the people who don’t.

Oh wait I forgot the Old Guys who trying to talk to you when you are in the middle of a set of deadlifts and get annoyed when you don’t answer. Maybe the new gym will be devoid of those guys? Just maybe.

Anybody else feel this way?

Trust me, you’ll get used to it. It takes time, but you gotta learn to mind your own shit and do your own thing.

Get an iPod, then you don’t have to pay attention to 'em.

Agreed, you will get used to it.

Remember too, that entitlement works both ways, and just because you bust your ass and demonstrate a level of competence in your general life above the normal, doesn’t make you any better or more deserving. Actually it does, but don’t start getting a big head or acting like your hot shit, because other people feel the same way about their activities and some of your habits probably piss them off as well.

There is nothing wrong w/ girls going to the gym to hit on guys either. In fact, I would be for far more of it. A slap on the ass and a ‘looking good hot stuff’ after a heavy set of squats would be awesome.

[quote]B.L.U. Ninja wrote:
Trust me, you’ll get used to it. It takes time, but you gotta learn to mind your own shit and do your own thing.[/quote]


I get you. At my gym it sometimes gets to be more of a hangout than a place to lift. But i wear my hat low and have my ipod with me so no one bothers me. I dont go to the gym to make friends. If you are lifting for yourself than make it about yourself. Be as selfish as you want in the gym. Its not a team sport. You vs. the weight.

i like it that way. if everyone was jacked and strong then this whole thing wouldn’t be half as fun.

hell, i probably wouldn’t even do it.

like you said just do it for yourself.

I drool on myself a lot. I think that keeps the majority at bay.

As for getting angry at the people you see. Knock it off. That you’ve made these mental notes about people tells me that you aren’t focusing enough on your own shit.

Do more of that.

It’s difficult not to people watch, especially when someone is being lame or a girl is hot or a big dude is picking up really heavy stuff. But no where in any workout plan does it say “stop what you’re doing and people watch for two minutes.”

Feel me?

The gym to me is like church man, everyone is there for their own reasons be it better heart health, weight loss, muscle building, flexibility, etc. So as long as you’re getting out of it what you intended to get out of it who gives a shit about everybody else. They might be getting out of it what they intend as well, even if it looks like a waste of time.

The people that get on my nerves are the few that have made 0 progress in their five years hanging around the weights yet go around and dish out bad advise to people.

There is this older Asian male at my gym (mid 50’s about 150 pounds) who gives horrible advice to people who do not know better but to listen. Some of his words of wisdom:

To a male doing squats – “You are much to young for that (16 year old), when you get older you will have back problems”

To a male benching – “You have way to much weight on the bar (190 lb), you do not need to lift that much weight to get stronger, just do it more often, I bench 3 times a week.”

My favoirte line – “You want to know the secret to a six pack? When you wake up in the morning before you go to the bathroom, go to the kitchen a drink a cup of warm water. After, wait 10 minutes and then go to the bathroom. This will flatten your stomach and give you definition.”

I eventually had to confront him when I saw him talking to the younger brother of a friend. The guy had told him not to lift weights at all, but instead do lots of push ups/running/pull ups (body weight exercises) because that is what they do in the military. Friends brother tells him his goals are different to which he replied body weight exercises will lead to better muscular development…

We all know the benefits and pleasure weights can give. It is a lifestyle I preach and try to spread. It pisses me off to no end when new people venture into the weight room for the first time only to get bad advise that either turns them away from weights or puts them into a position to never progress.

Yeah. I’ve managed to convince teenagers to do good whole body training and they are somewhat smart about it. Yet I can’t convince some people closer to 30 and clinically intelligent to realize that the posterior chain and legs actually make a difference regarding how you look.

[quote]IB.Curlin wrote:
The guy had told him not to lift weights at all, but instead do lots of push ups/running/pull ups (body weight exercises) because that is what they do in the military.



it’s even more entertaining when i am told this advice while in a civillian gym or with my buddies

[quote]BradTGIF wrote:
It’s difficult not to people watch, especially when someone is being lame or a girl is hot or a big dude is picking up really heavy stuff. But no where in any workout plan does it say “stop what you’re doing and people watch for two minutes.”

Feel me?

Grudgingly, you have a point. Doesn’t change the fact they suck. But point taken.

all those poeple you hate at the gym are the only reason your gym is in business…the VAST majority of “members” sign contracts and rarily go.

it would be FAR FAR FAR worse if every single member in your gym actually showed up 5 times a week and did all the exact same excersises you were doing…its a good thing they are walking on the treadmills.

[quote]tigertron wrote:
all those poeple you hate at the gym are the only reason your gym is in business…the VAST majority of “members” sign contracts and rarily go.

it would be FAR FAR FAR worse if every single member in your gym actually showed up 5 times a week and did all the exact same excersises you were doing…its a good thing they are walking on the treadmills.[/quote]

Exactly, they are subsidising your gym membership. You should thank them and hold the door for them as they waddle out.

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
tigertron wrote:
Exactly, they are subsidising your gym membership. You should thank them and hold the door for them as they waddle out.[/quote]

Now you’re telling me they are the TARP of Gyms. That doesn’t comfort me much.

Whooooooooooooooooooooooo CARES?!

Thats one big reason i have a gym partner, makes shit funny. I dont mind these people, standing around, doing retarded lifts, doing ball Military presses with a 130lb ‘trainer,’ because i can always have a good laugh with my partner, while still keeping my workout in check. Aside from taking up space, which can normally be solved by asking “Are you done with this,” they are comic relief, in my gym at least.

Oh and IB.Curlin, there’s a guy like that in my gym too, some scrawny little middle eastern dude. Despite the fact that my legs are probably 2x the size of his, he had the balls to come up and try to tell me my squat form was all wrong. Then he hoped on the smith cage and demonstrated the “proper” form. His legs were about 2-3ft in front of him and he was essentially leaning on the bar. My partner and i Lol’d

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
tigertron wrote:
all those poeple you hate at the gym are the only reason your gym is in business…the VAST majority of “members” sign contracts and rarily go.

it would be FAR FAR FAR worse if every single member in your gym actually showed up 5 times a week and did all the exact same excersises you were doing…its a good thing they are walking on the treadmills.

Exactly, they are subsidising your gym membership. You should thank them and hold the door for them as they waddle out.[/quote]

Yeah, they make our passes cheaper. The thing I hate at my gym is when I accidently show up at the same time as the entire hockey team. I dont mind the guys themselves, I just hate a very crowded gym.

Not now chief I am in the fucking zone.