Today I woke up and went about my business as always. I wasn’t really happy to begin with. It’s one of those moody days where you wake up and you want to punch somone in the face. Anyways, I went to the gym and went about my workout, when suddenly this annoying old man who has been stalking me comes over. It wasn’t the first time he approached me. The last couple of times he tried to tell me how to execute some exercises “properly”.
I knew right away he was full of it and didn’t know what he was talking about so what he said went in one ear and out the other. Today he came over and started talking to me just before I was going to begin a set (first strike, I hate talking when I’m exercising, aside from keeping me from doing what I’m suppose to, I lose concentration). Then he says I looked lazy and how the last couple of days he only saw me stay between 30-45 minutes. I told him it was a bad week.
He then asked if I did cardio. I told him that I was trying to stay low on cardio because I’m trying to gain mass. He went on a rampage. Telling me that only those huge guys that compete bulk and then cut. That there’s no way I’m going to compete so I shouldn’t be doing that. He told me he didn’t lift heavy and kept insisting that I lift light and do lots of repetitions.
When i get really pissed off I’m one of those persons that stays quiet and doesn’t say anything. But man, I really felt like punching him in the face. I didn’t even try arguing with him, because he was one of those old fools that thinks he’s always right.
So my questions is: how do you get rid of these kind of annoying people (forever)?
Do like Longshanks in Braveheart. Ask “Who is this person that speaks as though I needed his advice?” and then throw him out a window. Or just the first part. Up to you.
I was in a similar situation a couple months ago when a guy came over and decided that I was simply lifting too much weight for a girl my size, and that my form was wrong (apparently I was lunging too low - can’t have any of that happening, now can we?)
I basically thanked him for the advice and continued my workout. I ended up crying because of it, it was just one of those rough days.
Not sure how to get rid of it, although having an iPod or some other headphone requiring device seems to be a good deterrent.
[quote]jjblaze wrote:
Do like Longshanks in Braveheart. Ask “Who is this person that speaks as though I needed his advice?” and then throw him out a window. Or just the first part. Up to you.[/quote]
I actually laughed out loud at this one, best response this thread could ever get.
I do have an ipod :(, this man is so annoying he taps me on the shoulder when I try ignoring him and when I try telling him I know what I’m doing he gives me a speech. I guess I’ll try ignoring him as much as I can before I have to really burst on him.
[quote]Avoids Roids wrote:
And I thought I was being helpful! <sniff, sniff>[/quote]
Haha, that was good. Just let a nose burner fly and after he quits belching and retching tell him “gramps, enter my space again and I will be forced to let another protein and broccoli missile fly,”. Unless he’s a glutton for punishment that should do the trick.
You could address the gym staff and let them know he’s bothering you. Tell them you pay good money to work out and be left alone with your own goals, and that you intend on taking your business elsewhere if the problem persists. Better yet you can tell them you feel a bit threatened by this overbearing motherfucker and I promise they’ll have a talk with him.
You’re a woman, it’s ok to use that to your advantage in this kind of situation.
He touches you? That’s unacceptable! Next time he taps you on the shoulder, say: “If you touch me again, pervert, I will call the police.” Look him in the eye: Give him the 3 second pause. Let what you said to him drop like a pin on the floor.
He will never bother you again.
[quote]pipis wrote:
I do have an ipod :(, this man is so annoying he taps me on the shoulder when I try ignoring him and when I try telling him I know what I’m doing he gives me a speech. I guess I’ll try ignoring him as much as I can before I have to really burst on him.[/quote]
[quote]BradTGIF wrote:
You could address the gym staff and let them know he’s bothering you. Tell them you pay good money to work out and be left alone with your own goals, and that you intend on taking your business elsewhere if the problem persists. Better yet you can tell them you feel a bit threatened by this overbearing motherfucker and I promise they’ll have a talk with him.
You’re a woman, it’s ok to use that to your advantage in this kind of situation.
Then catch him in the parking lot and beat the hell out of him before he can go get a male escort.
[quote]BradTGIF wrote:
You could address the gym staff and let them know he’s bothering you. Tell them you pay good money to work out and be left alone with your own goals, and that you intend on taking your business elsewhere if the problem persists. Better yet you can tell them you feel a bit threatened by this overbearing motherfucker and I promise they’ll have a talk with him.
You’re a woman, it’s ok to use that to your advantage in this kind of situation.
Assert yourself. As was mentioned above, we guys have trouble with hints.
Next time he walks over to give you advice, turn around just before he has a chance to say a word and preempt him with an icy “Fuck off, old man.” Then turn before he can respond and resume your workout. He’ll mutter and swear but that will be the end of it.
[quote]BradTGIF wrote:
You could address the gym staff and let them know he’s bothering you. Tell them you pay good money to work out and be left alone with your own goals, and that you intend on taking your business elsewhere if the problem persists. Better yet you can tell them you feel a bit threatened by this overbearing motherfucker and I promise they’ll have a talk with him.
You’re a woman, it’s ok to use that to your advantage in this kind of situation.
Brad is right because he is using his supposed “manhood” to his advantage by thinking he can teach the “girl” some lessons. Too bad this guy obviously from his size and his mentality doesn’t even know what he is talking about and most importantly can’t practice what he preaches in his physique.
No real “T-Man” would ever go up to a girl in the gym doing squats and tell her she shouldn’t lift heavy weights and walk her to the 2.5lbs dumbbells. Firstly any T-Man would have nothing but lust and appreciation for a woman who is into hypertrophy and strength training.
I think guys overstep their boundary in a lame attempt to hit on women by getting in the way of their training and trying to present themselves as a guru. That is extremely annoying and I feel for you in that regard. This is why many people are taking the route of training at home or women are preferring same-sex gyms (the girls serious about training).
Remember you carry more power than him, if you want you can inflict heavy damage on his already fledginling ego.
Do you want to be friends with him? Probably no right?
Do you find him attractive/want to mate with him? Probably no.
Then you have no reason to ever hear his voice, lol.
PS It would be good if there were more knowledgible people in the gym who could spot these assholes.
[quote]etaco wrote:
Assert yourself. As was mentioned above, we guys have trouble with hints.
Next time he walks over to give you advice, turn around just before he has a chance to say a word and preempt him with an icy “Fuck off, old man.” Then turn before he can respond and resume your workout. He’ll mutter and swear but that will be the end of it.[/quote]
I think her for sake on second thought telling the gym owners or telling him to fuck off out of no where may just cause her un-needed stress and it may not look too good, I think if she is just straight to the point with him, and tells him straight forwrad that she doesn’t want any more tips and he is ruining her workouts et cetera.
I haven’t really had the opportunity to tell someone like that off in a long time. Since he’s an old guy, I would probably let it go unless he’s a complete jerk.
If you’re dealing with said jerk, my suggestion is to act like you’re really paying rapt attention to them, then say, “Thanks alot, I’ll write that down so I don’t end up looking like you do”
[quote]pipis wrote:
Today he came over and started talking to me just before I was going to begin a set (first strike, I hate talking when I’m exercising, aside from keeping me from doing what I’m suppose to, I lose concentration)[/quote]
i think you should be honest and tell him what you told us: you’re there to exercise not talk and wanna be left alone, if he doesn’t get it…than i would take it to management…
…at our gym there is this girl that was beign followed around by some weird guy too, wouldn’t live her alone…so she told the staff and now he isn’t allowed to be like 30 feet from her or something…might work…