ankle tear

Alright. I know this kid who tore a ligament in both ankles that involves lateral motion and was told that it would never heal properly. He’s twenty and I guess he tore it around 3 to 4 years ago. He doesn’t know which ligament it is exactly, but wants to get it fixed. I told him to seek out the university trainer and start strectchin and do some ankle rotations. I know this is really poor information but if anyone knows anything that would help I would really appreciate it (ie similar experiences or suggestions on what he should do)

get him to use a nikken ankle wrap - the magnets and the infra red fibres will speed up healing and reduce the pain.

I went through something very similar two and a half months ago- I tore 50% of the ligaments in my right ankle. I did stretching and strenghtening exercises every day since then, and by now I feel no pain when I run or jump. However, my ankle is still relatively weak, so when I play basketball or some other contact sport, I wear ankle braces to ensure that my braces don’t roll. I was also told that it would never heal 100%, (this is because ligaments don’t regro, but they are connected by scar tissue. As you can imagine, the scar tissue isn’t nearly as flexible or strong as a ligament, and that’s why it’s VERY important to work on stretching and strenghtening the ankle right after the injury. If that isn’t done, the scar tissue will stay unflexible and tight, therefore leading to many more injuries.) But I am determined to work on bringing my ankle up to par for at least the next year, and who knows, maybe it will even be stronger than before. It’s a tough injury, but treated correctly, I believe it can go back to almost being normal.


I have an additional question relating to ankle injuries in case anyone out there knows. In high school I played sports year round and sprained/turned/rolled both ankles more than anyone I have ever heard of. I played and praticed through the injuries, wrapped my ankles before every pratice/game and put each foot in a bucket of ice water more than I can remember for 2 years. Anyway, as a result I have what almost looks like a second ankle (slightly below my ankle) on each foot,only about half the size and maybe not quite as hard. I was just wondering if anyone knew what it is. I’m guessing a large buildup of scar tissue? Just curious really as it isn’t painful or bothersome, just wondering what it is as it has been there ever since high school and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere.

It depends. He may have to go under the knife to fix it. Otherwise strengthen the surrounding muscles to ad stability. surgery is probably way too drastic as he may not even “need” the ligament.

to KC
It is probably a bursa problem. If youve ever seen old quarterbacks, elway etc, it looks like they have 2 elbows. You could probably have it drained but the problem is usually persistent although it shouldn’t swell up quite as bad as it is now. There is a risk of calcium deposits (blood leaking into the joint capsule stimulates this) which leads to arthritic joints. Draining it should lessen the chances of this

Prolotherapy can regrow ligaments. I’ve had it done on my torn shoulder ligaments, and it cured me. This is the only way that I know to regrow ligaments. Look up prolotherapy on a search engine, there is a ton of info out there. Good luck