I thought you would be interested in that since you like history of training and stuff.I am writing a paper for college on that topic and what i am learning is awesome!!!Man,they knew stuff we know now and maybe even more!?I will try to explain some of their methods but i cant translate things perfectly so…Also i will talk only about the weight lifting-bodybuilding part because the sports part is a bit boring and difficult to understand.
The divided the daily workouts in 3 parts, warmup , main workout and cool down.I will explain only the main workout because warm up and cool down is almost what we do today except covering our bodies with olive oil lol…
The part of the main workout which had weights was called ‘‘Building’’.They trained almost the whole body every day but with emphasis on certain bodyparts that the athlete needed.they progressed by increasing the weight or the reps.Also they tried to increase the time of training they could handle.They said something like the more you train without exceeding the limits of your body ,the better you become.and you should always try to increase that limt.Thats almost what you say about work capacity!!!
Now for the exercises they used.I will use the terms of the exercises we use today for obvious reasons !!! They climbed ropes for their arms.Deadlift,power clean and press,prowler pull,prowler push,box jumps with weight,db bench presses.It is said also that they knew most of the dumbell exercises we know today!!!
Thats most of the stuff about the building part.it is important to note that their daily workout wouldnt end after that.Most of athletes would do something for their sport,runners would run,boxers would hit that bag or spar and the general population would do activities like swimming.
they ate a lot of meat ,especially steers, bulls, goats, deer, whole bran bread,vegetables and fruits( a lot of figs),honey and cheese,.They sleeped a lot,lied in the sun to make the skin look more healthy and avoided drinking too much wine.
Thats all i learned that i could translate till know…hope you find it interesting.
Isnt it amusing that the were great athletes and really big and symmetrical without all the supplements and science we have today???that goes also with old school bodybuilders.my grandpa was a bodybuilder in the 50’s( he says he was a weightlifter they didnt use the term bodybuilder so much back then)and he had a good physique with training routines and nutrition that most of us today would say wtf!!! (he also didnt go on stage because he says that he didnt like the idea of men in underwear posing in front of other men lol!!!Different era,different minds!Even today when my cousin wore an earing he almost had a heart attack and got really mad on him lol)
That all.I hope i hear your thoughts and everyones thoughts about all that…