I put the anabolic and androgenic scores of many popular steroids into a spreadsheet. Anavar has the highest ratio by far. Other than being expensive, why isn’t it used a lot more by males?
Anavar was designed to be used by either sex.
A female could use Anavar while minimizing androgen side effects.
Anavar is very weak compared to pretty much all other drugs except for how it messes up you bloodwork.
Plenty of guys use it. Not sure where you heard they didn’t.
What are you looking for goal wise? For men, I’d always prefer Tbol >Var
Right. And I guess I wonder why it isn’t even more popular with men than it is if the anabolic/androgenic ratio is maximal. There’s apparently more to the equation than I’m considering.
I know men use it. I know it’s most popular with women for lack of androgenic effects. What surprised me was that it’s anabolic to androgenic ratio was so high. It’s anablolic score, by istelf, was higher than all I looked at except tren (although there’s a range for anavar and it varies quite a bit). So why is it considered weak? I assume I’m missing something about how we judge the potency of a steroid.
The ratio has nothing to do with it’s strength. Only how it interfaces with our bodies.
The strength is derived by it’s chemical structure, and it’s effect on/in the body.
Not really sure what you are trying to find here?
You could take enough anavar to be as “strong” as tren but at what cost to your lipids and the rest of your body? It will also not act the same as it’s chemical structure is not the similar.
I guess I need to look up how the anablolic scores are derived. I notice test cyp was 100 so that looks to be the baseline. But yeah, you might be getting at the answer I was looking for. The practical does of Anavar might make it less anabolic than something with a lower anabolic score that has a higher standard/practical dose.
From my perceptions of what each AAS accomplished, I used different ones at different times of my cycle. In almost all of my cycles that I did there was a bodybuilding contest at the end of the cycle. I entered about three contests per year for three decades, so I had plenty of opportunities to determine which AAS I liked best and when during my contest prep journey each contest. I am not saying I made the best choices, just that my choices were made based on what I believed would yield the best outcome.
Five weeks out from a contest I would switch to a “dry” oral AAS. The ones that I could get were Anavar and Winstrol. If I had access to both, I would choose Winstrol, because I felt that it allowed my muscles to have a fuller look than Anavar. Of course, if I couldn’t get Winstrol I used Anavar. I used 20mg/day on whichever one I chose. (I never had the opportunity to try Maxibolin.)
The “anabolic score” has nothing to do with strength of the drug.
Interesting. Yeah, since I don’t plan to get on stage, I don’t really care about dry vs wet. But if I did, I would wonder why I wouldn’t just stay dry since Winstrol and Anavar have higher anabolic scores than Deca, dbol and other wetter compounds. I assume there is a reason. I just don’t know it yet. It gets tricky too. If I ask people if they got stronger on say Deca than Anavar, they will say yes, but most are bulking on Deca and cutting on Anavar so the calorie surplus vs defecit messes that up.
If you have a chance to explain that, that’s the piece I’m missing.
I think your getting hung up on the “score” thing. “score” and strength are not the same.
Drugs work in multiple pathways and they were chemically engineered to perform a certain way in the body to achieve a certain effect.
I am 100% hung up on it, ha ha. I want to understand how to compare them. I totally beleive you that there’s more to it than their scores and the ratio. But I want to understand those factors. Is it that my body can take advantage of more of one compound than another? I’m googling too. I just haven’t found what I’m looking for yet.
For whatever reason, the nastier the AAS (typically “wet”) the greater the strength response. (Strength was my primary metric as to whether I was responding well to my efforts.) The “wet” AAS I kept in control with restricting sodium intake. I could compete taking “wet” drugs, but I could not get as sharp on stage. I would likely place lower. And definitely not do at all well nationally.
Google the drugs and see what they were made to do. They are all anabolic/androgenic steroids but they were engineered to do different things from nitrogen retention to protien synthesis to nutrient regulation and/or a combination of them all.
They are also different as to how they are metabolized within the body and eliminated.
After reading the research the only thing you can then do is come up with anecdotal evidence by finding drugs that compliment your goals and then using other drugs with them that compliment as well.
End of the day you need to take them to find out what works best for you and your goals. My experience on deca could be 100% different than yours but you won’t know until you know.
it’s probably the most used oral today, given the access via TRT clinics handing it out like candy. it doesn’t have a reputation for being a “neuro-driver” type of oral like Anadrol or Tbol tho. The results are more subtle IME. maybe that’s why some guys still avoid it? IDK
In the US? If so, I need to find a new TRT clinic.