Anavar and Winstrol

So, I have obtained high amounts of Anavar and Winstrol, and I want to run an all oral cycle. I have done injecs before, but this time I want to make solid, hard gains. I am not, however, looking to gain 20-30 pounds- I just want solid gains, and ones that I can relatively keep.

Anyways, I originally read in another thread that Bill Roberts claimed that it would be relatively safe to run a 50mg Win/60mg Var ED, for 6 weeks on, 4 off, 6 on. Anyways, after talking to a few individuals, I have found out that may not be necessarily a good idea.

So I have a few options. To begin with, I have enough Win and Var to take 100mg ED for 12 weeks. I understand, however, that Winstrol in doses exceeding 50mg ED can lead to quite a bit of joint pain, among other things. So, as I do want to run an all oral cycle, I didn’t know what split I should run. I was thinking either 4 on, 4 off, 4 on, but I do not know for how long. I’m looking for some good advice. I also wouldn’t mind upping the var dose, up to 80-100mg ED. Thanks guys!

PS: I also have a PCT planned out for 4 weeks after my last day, consisting of Nolvadex. Thanks again.

ok, to clear things up, and to voice my opinion, not a flaming btw.

Running a cycle without a test base for an inexpericed user (i dont know your experience - please post your stats too)
usually does not yield the most keepable of gains.
I personally have summised, that without a longer ester to the cycle base, i struggle to retain the gains made afterwards.

But, i understand you wanting to run an oral cycle for whatever reason, i have done it too, and am currently considering another but with different goals to yours.

It would be worth you looking into the 2-3 week studys lead by bushy, and also tonebones recent thread on his drol/winstrol combi and his dbol/var combi, the principles being shorter yet more frequent on/off periods using drugs which will work well synergistically together.

I do not see winstrol/anavar being a good combination personally.

As reguards your comments reguarding joint pain with winstrol, this can be an issue, but varys from person to person, also take into account age, existing or previous joint issues and also your diet.

Also, running the dose up to 80-100mg of var + 50mg winstrol, please bear in mind that your liver is gonna hate you for this. I dont think a dose this high is neccasary could potentially be very harmful.

As with all cycles involving 17aa steroids, have your blood work done, before, during and soon as pct has finished. May be an idea to pre load with milk thistle, liv 52 and hawthorn berry extract, before cycle and continue throughout to ensure better survival of your liver and blood pressure,

hope this helps


I’ve ran a cycle of Test e/Deca for 10 weeks about a year ago. As for you thinking the combination is not good, would you advise to just run one by itself, at a higher dose?

Actually, here is the article I was referencing. Bill Roberts wrote about how length is the key factor in determining liver damage,saying 300mg of Anadrol is safe if in moderate length(i.e. 6 weeks), while 5g for much longer would cause damage. Contrl said it wouldn’t hurt to run both, sine both have mild effects on the liver.

Anyways, just thought I’d show you some references.

Edit: Here’s another thread, where Scwharz talks about running 2on, 2 off, for 16 weeks, which would put ‘on’ at 8 weeks total. This is a viable solution, but dosage still remains to be seen.

[quote]tico1028 wrote:
Actually, here is the article I was referencing. Bill Roberts wrote about how length is the key factor in determining liver damage,saying 300mg of Anadrol is safe if in moderate length(i.e. 6 weeks), while 5g for much longer would cause damage. Contrl said it wouldn’t hurt to run both, sine both have mild effects on the liver.

Anyways, just thought I’d show you some references. [/quote]

          Yeah, they both are pretty mild on the liver, especially the var, again the lipid values will take a fair beating too esp from the winstrol. I would agree with testanabol's advice to run more shorter shortys back to back, but as we all know I love the two weekers. The main thing is we really don't know how your body would handle it until you just do it. Of course there is concern any time we run an oral for more than 4 weeks, depending on dose etc. And as we know test is the best base, but that doesn't mean you have to have it. 

I like the synergy from the aforementioned combos I have done. I myself have never had a problem with winstrol and joint pain. Even running it w/out a “wet” partner,ie:drol/dbol. I don’t know how it will pan out for you. The combo you are thinking of is certainly going to be “dryer” and produce leaner gains. Just with only the one cycle under your belt, 6 weeks is a questionable length of time for the ol liver… It’s been done plenty of times though truth be told.

I would say get your liver supps in order, like Himalaya’s “Liv52”, or similar, and do it if you want. Var can be run pretty high, I would go with 80-100 mg/day too. The winstrol I wouldn’t go over 50mg/day. Just keep an eye out for joint pain. With the added strength and drying out potential, you could get in some trouble with possible injury or whatnot. It IS a classI/II combo, so at least it’s got that going for it. Just kick back and let’s see what the other guys have to say. Might be a tad slow since it’s the weekend, but we should get some more posts here for you.

          Either way, it's going to be productive I'm sure. You know my favorite is drol/win, but to each his own.

                 later Tico,


Thanks for the input Tone. My main point for this is that I’m really interested in using Var. That being said, if some thing it would be better, I could run 2on-2off for 8 weeks of just 100mg of Var ED, and save the Winstrol for a later cycle, combined with other things like drol or a test. I’ll be waiting for the pros to write though.

Any other input?