Anaconda's Out!

[quote]TylerPK4L wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
TylerPK4L wrote:
Not even remotely thinking about buying it. Who has the cash for this type of stuff? I guess it’s just the “muscle monsters” or the people that care about training, everyone else just doesn’t care about it and isn’t devoted enough. lol

Everyone claims to care about training, but few are committed enough to actually walk the walk. The proof is in their results. The really impressive physiques on this site weren’t build by caring, they were made by doing what’s necessary day in, day out.

It’s for these people, and those striving to reach this level, that the ANACONDA Protocol will be most effective.

This is why Tim and Christian have stated that the protocol is overkill for others. It is obviously very expensive and we don’t want anyone who won’t benefit from it to feel like they didn’t get their money’s worth.

Some people just don’t have the money for something like this protocol though. You can’t say they aren’t serious about their training just because they can’t afford to put that in their budget along with food, clothing, housing, etc. I’m in college. I don’t have money. But training is one of the most important things in my life.

Maybe some day I’ll be able to pay over $300/month for Gila Monster Protocol or whatever is next. [/quote]

This is getting retarded. NO where was it written that people who can’t afford it aren’t serious…so what the fuck are you arguing about?

If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. What is with the drama queen effect?

[quote]tolismann wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
Everyone claims to care about training, but few are committed enough to actually walk the walk. The proof is in their results. The really impressive physiques on this site weren’t build by caring, they were made by doing what’s necessary day in, day out.

It’s for these people, and those striving to reach this level, that the ANACONDA Protocol will be most effective.

This is why Tim and Christian have stated that the protocol is overkill for others. It is obviously very expensive and we don’t want anyone who won’t benefit from it to feel like they didn’t get their money’s worth.

I lift hard, I eat well, but I have no supps/powders/protocols before training.
Just a cup of instant coffee (…the cheapest one there is…)

…Guess I’m not a serious BBer…

Oh well, I’d better start knitting then…


Another one?

What separates serious from non-serious in most gyms is and always has been RESULTS MADE. Yes, it is tragic that Joe over there has been training his little heart out for 8 years and has gained NOTHING…because he doesn’t eat enough or is afraid he may lose an ab but lets forget that and just blame it on genetics…but that doesn’t mean his lack of results should be overlooked.

Unless someone has the weakest genetics around (which means they should find a new hobby), if someone is truly eating to gain and lifting hard 4-6 days a week, they are going to look WAY different 5 years later than they do right now.

However, that isn’t what we see on the board in many cases. Some of these people don’t even look like they lift despite claiming to have been training for over a DECADE. If you want to believe they are all training as hard as someone who has gained 80+lbs in that same time frame, that is your business…but it sure as hell doesn’t make sense.

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
What exactly qualifies one to be super serious about lifting? Not trying to be smart here.

Someone that doesn’t miss workouts, makes lifting and eating a high priority in their life. Who reads various topics and puts to use what they’ve learned in a thought out manner.

Believe it or not, I think there are a lot more serious lifters on this site than some think.[/quote]

I think it’s one of those things that if you have to ask, your probably not.

I don’t doubt that there are many very serious trainees here. There are also many who are not.

[quote]ALKoHoLiK wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
It doesn’t make sense to use such an extreme supplement protocol if you’re not super serious about training and already doing everything else correctly.

Tho I enjoy the Biotest supplements, I find this statement a little fucked up.

So since I haven’t or plan not to use this stack, I’m not nor was I ever “Super Serious” about training? This kinda reminds me of “If you’re not for the War in Iraq, then you aren’t a Patriot” whole ordeal.

This is a serious question and not trying to bust you on it, so I’ll go ahead and not expect this to hit the forums, and just Prt+Scr and whine about this later



You’ve twisted my statement to mean something that’s not written.

[quote]Mod Brian wrote:
phatkins187 wrote:
I think the packaging/marketing/hype has been superb. I will not be purchasing these products because of the price. I can’t justify spending 60 bucks on 300 grams of protein (bottle of MAG-10).

It’ll be interesting observing others results, but I prefer chewing my daily allotment of calories and protein.

You’ve completely missed the point if you think that the ANACONDA Protocol is just about protein. There’s much more to it.

Nonetheless, as discussed in the article, it’s not for everyone. It doesn’t make sense to use such an extreme supplement protocol if you’re not super serious about training and already doing everything else correctly.


that is a bullshit statement. there are alot of us on here that take our training seriously. its a slap in the face to all the people that hang out here to be told you are fake and not legit in what they claim.

[quote]ebomb5522 wrote:
I think that what he meant by “if you’re not super serious about training and doing everything else right,” was that it wouldn’t be worth your time to drop a lot of cash on supplements for training if you weren’t already doing everything else right.

He is just reiterating the statement that supplements are “supplements,” and should not be used as a crutch, but rather as something to boost already stellar training and meal plans. [/quote]

I’m glad someone understands.

I was beginning to think everyone went crazy for the holiday.

[quote]Mod Brian wrote:
jehovasfitness wrote:
What exactly qualifies one to be super serious about lifting? Not trying to be smart here.

Someone that doesn’t miss workouts, makes lifting and eating a high priority in their life. Who reads various topics and puts to use what they’ve learned in a thought out manner.

Believe it or not, I think there are a lot more serious lifters on this site than some think.

I think it’s one of those things that if you have to ask, your probably not.

I don’t doubt that there are many very serious trainees here. There are also many who are not. [/quote]

not only are there a lot of lifters here who aint serious, there are a lot of lifters who are very serious and still shuoldnt be takin Anaconda. I enjoy liftin and im startin to like eatin a lot too, but im a few lbs short of 170.

I am not an advanced lifter yet, im a serious lifter who is learning a ton every day (about a lot of shit). moral, you can be serious and not need nor use ANACONDA

im really excited to see the results though. i hope people stick to this plan (middle aged men with income)(this isnt a chauvinist statement ladies, in case anyone is ruffled). I hope this becomes all it is hyped to be. and i hope people

POST PICS GODDAMNIT cause if this thing is the shit, and theres photo proof, Biotest will probably have a lot of lifters buyin Biotest stuff for life

[quote]ALKoHoLiK wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
It doesn’t make sense to use such an extreme supplement protocol if you’re not super serious about training and already doing everything else correctly.

Tho I enjoy the Biotest supplements, I find this statement a little fucked up.

So since I haven’t or plan not to use this stack, I’m not nor was I ever “Super Serious” about training? This kinda reminds me of “If you’re not for the War in Iraq, then you aren’t a Patriot” whole ordeal.


the statement is not fucked up. they aren’t saying if you don’t use it you’re not a billy badass. it’s if you aren’t serious about your training, you don’t need to use the product.

the line of thinking only flows one way brah

Looks interesting.

I hope some of the advanced lifters give it a shot and provide some feedback.

[quote]Mod Brian wrote:

I was beginning to think everyone went crazy for the holiday.[/quote]

yeah. crazy for yoooooooouuuuuu

If you don’t feel like reading this whole post, there is a two point summary at the bottom, but if you’re interested in why I feel that way, the read on.

It seems to me like people are interpreting things differently than they’re meant, so I’ll offer my interpretation of what’s been said or meant by the “super serious” statements. Obviously I have no specific insight into the actual meaning behind it, so this is just my interpretation and I understand that that may not hold much weight, but I’ll offer it anyways.

First off, I don’t think that they can give a specific “definition” of what super serious means. This will vary from person to person and the only one that can tell you whether or not you’re “super serious” is yourself. Someone will inevitably take offense to any definition that’s provided because it may not fit with their personal definition.

Most importantly, I don’t believe that they’re saying you’re not super serious if you can’t afford this package. Nowhere have I see this stated except in people’s interpretations. You may very well be “super serious” and this protocol is in fact designed for you, but you just may not be able to afford it. Let’s be serious, the protocol is expensive, I don’t think anyone is going to deny that (Mod Brian even openly states that it’s very expensive). But just because you can’t afford something doesn’t exclude you from being a serious lifter.

From my understanding, this protocol is designed for serious lifters, period. It has not been said that you’re only a serious lifter if you’re willing to spend the money on this package. The physique goals, work ethic, and attitudes, etc may very well fit with their intended target market, but you’re excluded due to personal economic conditions. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you aren’t a serious lifter, but they’re not saying that. I realize that I’m repeating certain things, but I feel as though they need emphasis.

Again, the “super serious” pretty much has to be a personal definition, but it’s also stated in order to keep the average trainee out of the equation. When was the last time you’ve ever seen a company (let alone a supplement company) actively tell potential users that they do not need and should not purchase a product.

Bottom Line

  1. Protocol designed for serious lifters and only serious lifters need apply
  2. Just because you either can’t afford or can’t justify the price, this doesn’t NOT mean you’re NOT a serious lifter and this has NOT been stated by any employee of T-Nation or Biotest (to the best of my knowledge), statements have only been interpreted as saying that

Eeek I though the drama of high school was over. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Done deal.

It doesn’t mean you’re not a serious lifter just because you’d rather save money for your life than to spend it on your supplements. But it DOES mean you’re not serious enough if you don’t spend the time to have everything else in line.

[quote]seth.ewan wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
phatkins187 wrote:
I think the packaging/marketing/hype has been superb. I will not be purchasing these products because of the price. I can’t justify spending 60 bucks on 300 grams of protein (bottle of MAG-10).

It’ll be interesting observing others results, but I prefer chewing my daily allotment of calories and protein.

You’ve completely missed the point if you think that the ANACONDA Protocol is just about protein. There’s much more to it.

Nonetheless, as discussed in the article, it’s not for everyone. It doesn’t make sense to use such an extreme supplement protocol if you’re not super serious about training and already doing everything else correctly.

that is a bullshit statement. there are alot of us on here that take our training seriously. its a slap in the face to all the people that hang out here to be told you are fake and not legit in what they claim. [/quote]

I suggest that you learn to read…

As for the product, unfortunately I live in Finland, so it would be awfully expensive. + I’m nowhere near the level that I’d need anything but protein powder, fish oil, D-vitamin and creatine. Maybe in another 3 years, when i might actually have a stable income and real results to show. Though I’m sure Biotest has something even more powerful then…

Whether serious or not, if you can afford it or not, continue what you’re doing. If you’re still getting results from your OWN protocol, then good, don’t change it. For me I would like to give this protocol a shot but yes its hell a lot of money.

Gotta chime in.

I disagree with the philosophy that these new products are for the “elite” trainer only. Maybe that is true if you want to use the protocol as outlined by Biotest…but as with everything, one can scale it down to what one can actually afford to do (monetary AND timewise).

I keep using the steroid analogy, but that is because I think it is the best analogy. With steroids, the “elite” trainers will make more gains from using it because of their own genetics AND their higher level of training.

However, steroids will still help the normal hard trainer. Those who say otherwise have never used and simply don’t have any say in this department.

Likewise with a muscle building tool like Anaconda or Mag-10P.

To make the absolute maximal and best gains possible, the evidence points towards the need to train 3 or 4 times a day and be extremely regimented in your lifestyle where is is geared specifically for muscle and strength gaining. To make those training sessions as productive as they can be and to allow for continuance of such a training strategy (with or without steroids), the Biotest protocol outlined recently is what one probably HAS to do.

If you can’t train that often, but can still train hard once a day for maybe 3 or 4 times a week, then I think one has a choice of either doing the protocol as outlined (i.e. 3 scoups Anaconda + 2 scoups Mag-10P but this would be ONLY on workout days) OR if one cannot afford this, I think even possibly a SINGLE scoup of Anaconda pre or during the workout will benefit ANY trainer.

No, I haven’t tried this yet…because I don’t have the product yet. I am basing these thoughts on the mechanisms of insulin management before/during/after training that is the backbone of the entire Anaconda protocol.

But until you try something like what I wrote above, how do you know if this is better/worse/the same as what you have been doing already? How can one truly say that their present intake of a simple whey + carbs before training (this is an example) is just as good as say a single scoup of Anaconda?

You can’t. Until you try.

The bottom line (finally…I know I’m just way too wordy…sorry): Elite trainer; serious training; advanced lifter; beginner; intermediate; casual; fitness or whatever the hell training you think you do, I think a product and protocol like this could potentially benefit everyone. It’s a simple matter of scale. How one scales is will be based on their financial status,time availability, and lifestyle choices. None of these are better than or higher than each other.

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
ALKoHoLiK wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
It doesn’t make sense to use such an extreme supplement protocol if you’re not super serious about training and already doing everything else correctly.

Tho I enjoy the Biotest supplements, I find this statement a little fucked up.

So since I haven’t or plan not to use this stack, I’m not nor was I ever “Super Serious” about training? This kinda reminds me of “If you’re not for the War in Iraq, then you aren’t a Patriot” whole ordeal.

the statement is not fucked up. they aren’t saying if you don’t use it you’re not a billy badass. it’s if you aren’t serious about your training, you don’t need to use the product.

the line of thinking only flows one way brah[/quote]

I’d have to agree, HM… i dont understand the warped logic here.
all dolphins are mammals, but not all mammals are dolphins.
You should be super serious to use Anaconda. Not using Anaconda doesnt make you not serious…nor was it implied by anyone that this was the case.

EDIT: this posted twice for some reason.

am gonna invest in it, not til after Christmas though.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
TylerPK4L wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
TylerPK4L wrote:
Not even remotely thinking about buying it. Who has the cash for this type of stuff? I guess it’s just the “muscle monsters” or the people that care about training, everyone else just doesn’t care about it and isn’t devoted enough. lol

Everyone claims to care about training, but few are committed enough to actually walk the walk. The proof is in their results. The really impressive physiques on this site weren’t build by caring, they were made by doing what’s necessary day in, day out.

It’s for these people, and those striving to reach this level, that the ANACONDA Protocol will be most effective.

This is why Tim and Christian have stated that the protocol is overkill for others. It is obviously very expensive and we don’t want anyone who won’t benefit from it to feel like they didn’t get their money’s worth.

Some people just don’t have the money for something like this protocol though. You can’t say they aren’t serious about their training just because they can’t afford to put that in their budget along with food, clothing, housing, etc. I’m in college. I don’t have money. But training is one of the most important things in my life.

Maybe some day I’ll be able to pay over $300/month for Gila Monster Protocol or whatever is next.

This is getting retarded. NO where was it written that people who can’t afford it aren’t serious…so what the fuck are you arguing about?

If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. What is with the drama queen effect?

LOL. Thank you PX. As I was reading some ppl post I was really… confused.

I think some ppl are just pissed that they cant afford it and see every comment as an insult to their lifting seriousness…

[quote]Mindfreak17 wrote:

Bottom Line

  1. Protocol designed for serious lifters and only serious lifters need apply
  2. Just because you either can’t afford or can’t justify the price, this doesn’t NOT mean you’re NOT a serious lifter and this has NOT been stated by any employee of T-Nation or Biotest (to the best of my knowledge), statements have only been interpreted as saying that[/quote]

Someone sticky that so all the ppl with reading comprehension problems stop posting stupid statements/rants/whatever you call it

There’s a lot of frustration going on here… for no reason

Yall bitch sooooooo fucking much.