[quote]TylerPK4L wrote:
Mod Brian wrote:
TylerPK4L wrote:
Not even remotely thinking about buying it. Who has the cash for this type of stuff? I guess it’s just the “muscle monsters” or the people that care about training, everyone else just doesn’t care about it and isn’t devoted enough. lol
Everyone claims to care about training, but few are committed enough to actually walk the walk. The proof is in their results. The really impressive physiques on this site weren’t build by caring, they were made by doing what’s necessary day in, day out.
It’s for these people, and those striving to reach this level, that the ANACONDA Protocol will be most effective.
This is why Tim and Christian have stated that the protocol is overkill for others. It is obviously very expensive and we don’t want anyone who won’t benefit from it to feel like they didn’t get their money’s worth.
Some people just don’t have the money for something like this protocol though. You can’t say they aren’t serious about their training just because they can’t afford to put that in their budget along with food, clothing, housing, etc. I’m in college. I don’t have money. But training is one of the most important things in my life.
Maybe some day I’ll be able to pay over $300/month for Gila Monster Protocol or whatever is next. [/quote]
This is getting retarded. NO where was it written that people who can’t afford it aren’t serious…so what the fuck are you arguing about?
If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. What is with the drama queen effect?