I know I saw you post an example of your daily diet (that was NOT part of the “What I am doing now” thread) before which included Anaconda outside of the regular training protocol.
I guess this would be better off in your amino pulsing section, but I was wondering what your take was on how to go about incorporating Anaconda and MAG-10 into my daily diet. Like I would basically use them as a substitute for whey protein. I saw that you did incorporate one scoop of Anaconda into your morning wake up amino pulse protocol before. I’m presuming the same can be done with MAG-10? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
BTW-which intensified liquid flavoring do you like best? I ordered 4 orange, 2 berry, and 2 grape. I also go with dark chocolate Finibars but have never tried the better than peanut butter before.
If you’re going to pulse, do it with MAG-10. Using Anaconda would not be anymore beneficial as far as I can tell. I could be wrong, but I believe CT was pulsing with Anaconda prior to MAG-10 being available to him. That, of course, will be something for him to verify.
Oh, and you’re missing out on the peanut butter FINiBARs in my opinion. I took Stu’s advice and smashed a Chocolate and Peanut Butter one together. Magic.
Mate, you probably know this but CT has written numerous times about how he incorporates MAG-10 and Anaconda. He’s said Anaconda is too expensive to pulse with so he uses the MAG-10. Off the top of my head he puts something like 100-120g of MAG-10 protein into a jug and then drinks it throughout the day.