Pork rinds
Cottage cheese curd w/ onions, tomatoes, cucumber, and EVOO (I premake a tub of it each week)
Bacon (I cook two packs each week and just leave it in the freezer cooks, just heat and eat)
Low carb protein shake w/ A spoon of Udo’s DHA blend
handful of walnuts or pumpkin seeds
Some others I can’t put my finger on right now
Thats true. I make sure I only eat about a half cup of my cottage cheese concoction at a time (1g carb from the cottage, about ~2 from the veggies in it), and a handful of walnuts when I eat them (~2g carb). I try to stay away from other types of nuts as I have noticed they have higher amounts of carbohydrates and decreasing amounts of fiber.