I joined my first professional gym this week. Old School Iron. Maybe it was being surrounded by people equally minded, maybe the atmosphere of the gym gave me confidence, but I made some kickass PRs this week:
415lb Trap Bar Deadlift - Have not done any deadlifts since Christmas (but have box squatted weekly)! My old max was in the low 300’s maybe even 295.
340lb (170 each hand) Farmers Walk for ~100 feet (down and back 1 gym lap with one quick drop)
185lb barbell row using the thick bar (note I did the farmers walks after doing the rows, which was probably a bad idea)
For the first time in my life I picked up an atlas stone. It was only 100lbs, but surprisingly I could hold it over 1 shoulder and walk upright.
One hand overhead press of 75lbs, again with the thick bar. The bar is 7ft long like any other Olympic bar.
This has motivated me. For the first time since college I feel like I am surrounded by people who are equally as motivated and passionate about something. Working in good company definitely makes a difference.
I have decided to set some goals for myself this Christmas:
500lb trap bar deadlift
200lb each hand farmers walk for 100 feet
405lb box squat (tried to get my squat max today but the TBDLs beat me up good)
175lb atlas stone carry
110lb 1 arm OH Press for reps using the thick bar.
Maybe I have graduated from being a beginner???