Am I Done Growing?

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question.

I am 19 years old and will be 20 next month. Im a mere 5’8" and really wish I was taller. I doubted my genetics as my dad was a bit taller then me, maybe 5’9" or 10" and my mother a 5’5". My oldest sister is maybe 5’7" and im praying that I havent stopped growing.

Obviously we cant always get what we want, so Im asking if theres anything I can do to boost me an inch or so,( I was thinking along the lines of HGH or something) or at least be hopeful?

I wouldnt be asking this question if it werent for my boss who said he was 5’7" when he graduated high school when he was 18 and two years later shot up 4 inches.

Has this or similar happened to anyone here? I’ll shut my trap from here out to avoid sounding more juvenile.

Any thoughts?

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question.

I am 19 years old and will be 20 next month. Im a mere 5’8" and really wish I was taller. I doubted my genetics as my dad was a bit taller then me, maybe 5’9" or 10" and my mother a 5’5". My oldest sister is maybe 5’7" and im praying that I havent stopped growing.

Obviously we cant always get what we want, so Im asking if theres anything I can do to boost me an inch or so,( I was thinking along the lines of HGH or something) or at least be hopeful?

I wouldnt be asking this question if it werent for my boss who said he was 5’7" when he graduated high school when he was 18 and two years later shot up 4 inches.

Has this or similar happened to anyone here? I’ll shut my trap from here out to avoid sounding more juvenile.

Any thoughts?[/quote]

It was found out at the end of World War II when many of the soldiers returned home that men grow until the age of about 21. There is another growth spurt after the age of 18. That doesn’t mean you will reach your “dream height”, however. Your best bet is to maintain a good diet and give your body everything it needs to grow.

You’re fully grown by 21. You have the chance of growing more since you’re 19, but more than likely, you are at your full height.

However, what’s the big deal with only being 5’8"? Seems like you’re focusing on something that you can’t really control nor should you really worry about.

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question.

I am 19 years old and will be 20 next month. Im a mere 5’8" and really wish I was taller. I doubted my genetics as my dad was a bit taller then me, maybe 5’9" or 10" and my mother a 5’5". My oldest sister is maybe 5’7" and im praying that I havent stopped growing.

Obviously we cant always get what we want, so Im asking if theres anything I can do to boost me an inch or so,( I was thinking along the lines of HGH or something) or at least be hopeful?

I wouldnt be asking this question if it werent for my boss who said he was 5’7" when he graduated high school when he was 18 and two years later shot up 4 inches.

Has this or similar happened to anyone here? I’ll shut my trap from here out to avoid sounding more juvenile.

Any thoughts?[/quote]

its possible you’ll grow more…but youve got nothing to complain about. ill be 23 in august and im 5’6". yeah, im stuck at 5’6". i look at it this way though, means it takes alot less work on my part to move weight through full ROM.

I dont know much about HGH, but i wouldnt do it if i were you. its prolly expensive (few thousand dollars, more if u get it illegaly). its very unlikely a doc will give you a scrip for it either. and im sure you’ve heard people mentione a “GH Gut” on the forums…

I’d offer the suggestion up that you stay away from booze if it’s really important to you.

I’ve been the same height as I am now since I was 14 (now I’m 22) I never got a growth spurt. I used to be one of the taller kids when I was little, now I’m just of average height, it sucks.

Anyways, my dad apparently had the same type of growth pattern when he was growing up, but after he hit 21, he said he’d grown another 3 inches.

well, I didn’t get that luxory, and I’m gonna blame it on booze. My father rarely drank when he was younger, I on the other hand drank a lot.

wether it had an effect on my height, who knows, but it’s a theory.

ps. I never did any other drugs, so that can be ruled out.

I’d say don’t hold your breath.

I’ve been the same height since about 10th grade and the same shoe size too. I’m 5’11" and my dad was 6’2", my grandfather was well over 6’2" and all of my uncles 6’4" or so. I don’t know what happened.

Or are you just worried about the length of your penis? Mine grew a good bit since I turned 18. I must have got the genetics for the package from my Dad’s side and the body height from my Mom’s side…who knows…I’m being serious too, just trying to help.

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question.

I am 19 years old and will be 20 next month. Im a mere 5’8" and really wish I was taller. I doubted my genetics as my dad was a bit taller then me, maybe 5’9" or 10" and my mother a 5’5". My oldest sister is maybe 5’7" and im praying that I havent stopped growing.

Obviously we cant always get what we want, so Im asking if theres anything I can do to boost me an inch or so,( I was thinking along the lines of HGH or something) or at least be hopeful?

I wouldnt be asking this question if it werent for my boss who said he was 5’7" when he graduated high school when he was 18 and two years later shot up 4 inches.

Has this or similar happened to anyone here? I’ll shut my trap from here out to avoid sounding more juvenile.

Any thoughts?[/quote]

Keep up the hope man, my brother was 6’ when he was 20 and now he is 22 and he is 6’3.

My advice to you thoug is eat a lot and sleep alot!

[quote]deapee wrote:

Or are you just worried about the length of your penis? Mine grew a good bit since I turned 18. [/quote]

… No, actually, im pretty good there.

About the whole HGH thing, I work at GNC and we sell something by MHP called Secretagouge that raises Test and all that. Some studies showed that men taking it for three months have grown taller, at least a few of them, by about a half to a whole inch or so. These are men in their 40’s that the product is designed for, so I think maybe since Im a lot younger if I take it it will effect my petuitary (spelling?) more directly giving me more of a window of opportunity to grow?

This is pure theroy and brain fart. No applied science or thinking went into this concept.

I think most would agree that GH “releasers”, along with the NO products, are little more than a novelty supp. Just the latest attempt by some companies to sex up a concept.

Besides, even if they were shown to be beneficial, which I doubt, I wouldn’t be messing with them at your age. The endocrine system is quite complicated, and I wouldn’t risk it for a vanity inch. :wink:

Just be patient and see what happens as you enter your early twenties.

Or you could get a hold of one of those medieval torture devices and try to stretch yourself. Who knows, you could give Shaq a run for his money.

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
About the whole HGH thing, I work at GNC and we sell something by MHP called Secretagouge that raises Test and all that. Some studies showed that men taking it for three months have grown taller, at least a few of them, by about a half to a whole inch or so. These are men in their 40’s that the product is designed for, so I think maybe since Im a lot younger if I take it it will effect my petuitary (spelling?) more directly giving me more of a window of opportunity to grow?

This is pure theroy and brain fart. No applied science or thinking went into this concept. [/quote]

If you want to feel taller… go buy a pair of boots with a bout a 1 and a half to 2 inch sole, lol. That’s just a joke, but it might help you if being able to look down on people is all you care about. I thought being taller than most other people would be awesome… I grew, i’m now 6’1" that’s tall for a 15 year old, but I realize now that I don’t like it. No matter how much weight I gain and how strong I am, I still look so skinny. So be happy… pack on as much muscle as you can. And if all else fails… do try the boot thing.

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
deapee wrote:

Or are you just worried about the length of your penis? Mine grew a good bit since I turned 18.

… No, actually, im pretty good there.[/quote]

Do you realize that the taller you get the smaller your penis will look? So be careful what you wish for.


Do you realize that the taller you get the smaller your penis will look? So be careful what you wish for.[/quote]

not if your proportional!

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
About the whole HGH thing, I work at GNC and we sell something by MHP called Secretagouge that raises Test and all that. Some studies showed that men taking it for three months have grown [/quote]

I tried that MHP stuff. I can’t say that it really does anything, but it tastes better than any other supplement I’ve ever tried - if that helps any.

The Vanity inch im seeking really isnt too much about bieng tall for shits and giggles. Its cause I practice MMA and I am itching to compete with the light heavyweights. Remember The Ultimate Fighter on spike? None of those guys were under 5’11" and as we remember our physics class, M x A = F. So, The taller I get, the more Mass I can physically attribute, hence the more power behind my attacks. Its also harder to beat up a Bigger guy then it is a smaller one.

Bieng taller has many more benefits then bieng shorter. Play better Basketball, Football players tend to be taller and bigger, and if you play alot of sports like me, Height has almost every advantage.

Could my drinking soft drinks and coffee, + all the caffene im taking contribute to my growth stunt?

Your growth stunt? You are only a couple of inches smaller than you’re dad. This is very common. Its not a stunt. You might grow another inch or so but I doubt many people grow more than this after about age 18.

I have been the same height since I was 15. 6ft. I have the same size feet too. No growth for 3 years, this is probably my max height. My dad and uncles are all over 6ft 2, my younger brother is 6ft 2 its just the way it goes.

Deal with it bro.

Stay in the lighter classes if not being tall enough will put you at a disadvantage in the other classes. Or, just be better than your opponent, regardless of height.

You may otr may not grow. I grew two more inches from 21-25. Been standing still now.

However no need dwelling on it Just eat good train hard and enjoy life. All else will follow suit.

Hope that somehow helps,

Im not sweating it. I got work to sweat about. I’ll keep hoping though.

Think you are stressin out on this one mate. I’m 5’9 and my taller buddies are very envious of my squatting and dedlift abilities :wink: Us shorter guys normally find those movements easier and we can pack on the meat more. As for your MMA stuff, we had the Cage Rage here in the UK recently and the most impressive fighters, in both skill and physique were the 5’6 - 5-10 guys, they were animals and certainly could “pack a punch” !! (The light heavyweights @83.99 TO 93.07 KG)