EDIT: Got the message loud and clear already. Thanks guys.
Hi guys. I’m new to T-Nation. I’m 22, 5’ 10", 141 lbs, and been working out in the gym only 2 months. I came across this article by Christian Thibaudeau: ‘Training for Easy Hard Gainers’, http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=498093 . It’s an old one from 2004.
I think I might fit the description of an Easy Hard Gainer and I’m doing things that Mr. Thibaudeau says an easy hard gainer must absolutely avoid. I have muscle tone that impresses some people at the gym when they hear that I’ve had it from before joining the gym.
But I had been doing some exercises even before starting gymming so I was wondering if the vets here could help me answer my question…am I an Easy Hard Gainer or have I just achieved some gains from following an ineffectual routine long enough?
“Easy-hard gainers share characteristics of both groups. They’re extremely fast-twitch dominant and have a very active metabolism (most are hyperthyroid). Externally these people are very lean; even when they don’t have much muscle mass you can clearly see muscle definition (even striations).”
Even though I have little muscle mass I can see striations on my shoulders when…erm…posing. I have always been skinny despite consuming junk food as much as I want. However as a child I wasn’t athletic or good at sports.
“These guys are also hyperactive and very energetic, even nervous or hyper-reactive sometimes (because of their hyperthyroidism). Normally they’re ecto-mesomorphs: they have a high shoulder/waist ratio, long arms and long legs. Even while thin, you can see muscles (contrary to the pure ectomorph). Their nervous systems are incredibly efficient as well (they’re basically wired for power and speed).”
I don’t think I’m hyperactive. But I am energetic.
I had a kind of a routine before I got intelligent and joined the gym:
Day 1, Chest and Abs: 3-5 sets pushups (to near failure), crunches, leg raises
Day 2, Arms: Dumbell curls, Hammer Curls/Concentration curls, Triceps extension, Kickbacks, Wrist curls, Reverse Wrist Curls (3 sets each, shamefully large amount of reps…20 or greater)
Day 3, Shoulders and Abs: Shoulder Press, Lateral Raise, Front Raise, Crunches, Leg Raises (3 sets each, Too many reps)
Did it 6 days a week for about an year (with increases in reps). Before that I had been doing pushups regularly for about 4 months and had gotten some shoulder, pectoral and tricep development from that.
So considering my weight and physique (pics attached) and past routine am I an Easy Hard Gainer or just a high metabolism guy with a wee bit of tone from following an inefficient routine for a long enough time?
I could just try the things Mr. Thibaudeau suggests for Easy Hard Gainers and see how things go but I don’t really have a reference point to compare my gains to. And I’m addicted to the gym so I want a good reason if I have to cut down to just a 45 min workout.
The pics (been working out for about 2 months but with only minor external changes in physique):