Are there any alternatives I can do for :-
BB Lunges - I cant keep my balance lunging forward
Glute Ham Raises, Seated Cable Rows & Step ups - I dont have the equipment
Pull Ups & Chin ups - I cant lift my own body weight more than 3-4 sets
BB Lunges - I cant keep my balance lunging forward > Learning to keep your balance is part of the fun. Try split squats. It might be earier with dumbbells.
Glute Ham Raises> Lie down on your fron, Have someone hold your feet or hook them under somthing. Curl your body up. use your hands for assistance.
Seated Cable Rows> Bent over rows
Step ups > use stairs or a box
Pull Ups & Chin ups > There are lots of programs explaining this. Use some form of assistance, bands, partner assist, gravitron, jumping pullups, etc.
Thanks for the reply
i will give them a try
[quote]ectomorph68 wrote:
Pull Ups & Chin ups - I cant lift my own body weight more than 3-4 sets
3-4 sets of how many reps. I think you meant reps, because if you can do 3+ sets of pullups you’re doing well.
if it is 3 reps then do 3 reps, then 3 more etc - e.g. 3,3,2,2,1 with modest rest between sets until you’re out of energy then try better next time.
[quote]gswork wrote:
ectomorph68 wrote:
Pull Ups & Chin ups - I cant lift my own body weight more than 3-4 sets
3-4 sets of how many reps. I think you meant reps, because if you can do 3+ sets of pullups you’re doing well.
if it is 3 reps then do 3 reps, then 3 more etc - e.g. 3,3,2,2,1 with modest rest between sets until you’re out of energy then try better next time.[/quote]
Yes i did mean 3-4 sets but do you not have to stick to the exact exercise in week 5 you have to do
Pull Ups (pronated) 2 x 12 90 sec.
and week 7
Chins 3 x 12 90 sec.