I have started training for a bodybuilding competition in November. This is something I have always wanted to do since I saw my first show 3 years ago. Since then I have been training to get some more mass on this lanky frame. I started out weighing around 170lbs and since then I have made great progress. This past February I finally reached my goal of 225lbs. Once I reached I that weight I thought it would a good idea to start training for a competition sometime in 2008.
At the end of February I went on a no Milk or Bread diet. I lost 10 pounds almost immediately but my strength was still going up so I knew I was not losing much muscle. So now I am at 215lbs at the end of April with my first body fat testing at 9.4%. I was still making good progress with strength going and noticing more and more definition overall. It is the end of May now and I go in for my next testing.
The results were even better. I had lost a bit of weight. I was now 209lbs at 8.1% bf. (The pictures in my profile were taken immediately after this weigh-in and bf testing). Finally I just had my latest testing this past July 4th(which was yesterday if you are reading this today). I am now at 206lbs and 7.4% bf. (I will be posting my routines and diets for the remainder of the 18 weeks.)
*My goal is to come in around 195lbs for the competition.
I am starting to take creatine now. This first week will be the loading phase so it will be in my diet 4 times a day for 5 days. Then only twice a day thereafter.
*Also all the supplements I use are from Beverly International
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: Pre-Workout
mass maker 3 scoops
Meal 6: Post Workout
protein shake
Meal 7:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 8:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Workout 7/7/08
All my workouts have sixty seconds rest periods in between sets. First number is always the weight.
The way the workouts work are as follows:
Exercises that have 5 sets have reps of 10,8,8,8,8
Exercises that have 3 sets have reps of 20
In order to go up in weight I need to complete all the reps.
Weighted Pullups
15 x 10
15 x 8
15 x 8
15 x 7
15 x 6
Machine Flies
135 x 20
135 x 20
135 x 20
Hammer Strength Chest Support Rows
105 x 10
105 x 8
105 x 8
105 x 8
105 x 8
Close Grip Bench
125 x 20
125 x 16
125 x 11
DB Row
70 x 10 x 10
70 x 8 x 8
70 x 8 x 8
70 x 6 x 6
70 x 6 x 6
V-Bar Pushdown
70 x 20
70 x 20
70 x 20
DB Alternate Curls
35 x 10 x 10
35 x 8 x 8
35 x 8 x 8
35 x 8 x 8
35 x 8 x 8
Tuesday July 8
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: Pre-Workout
mass maker 3 scoops
Meal 6: Post Workout
protein shake
Meal 7:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 8:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Workout 7/8/08
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
120 x 10
120 x 8
120 x 8
120 x 8
120 x 8
Front Squats
135 x 20
135 x 17
135 x 11
DB Reverse Fly
35 x 10
35 x 8
35 x 8
35 x 6
35 x 5
Seated Calf Raise
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 10
DB Shoulder Press
80 x 10
80 x 8
80 x 8
80 x 6
80 x 4
Leg Press
370 x 20
370 x 20
370 x 20
Wednesday 7/9/08
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
green beans
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5:
protein shake
Meal 6:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 7:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Wednesday 7/9/08
My schedule is 2 days on 1 day off. Today is my off day.
Thursday 7/10/08
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: Pre-Workout
mass maker 3 scoops
Meal 6: Post Workout
protein shake
Meal 7:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 8:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Workout Thursday 7/10/08
DB Incline Bench
80 x 10
80 x 8
80 x 8
80 x 8
80 x 8
Lat Pull Down
120 x 20
120 x 20
120 x 14
DB Skull Crusher
25 x 10
25 x 8
25 x 8
25 x 7
25 x 6
DB Row
50 x 20
50 x 20
50 x 13
Tricep Rope Extension
100 x 10
100 x 8
100 x 8
100 x 8
100 x 8
EZ Bar Curl
30 x 20
30 x 20
30 x 20
Friday 7/11/08
Today is my final day of loading for creatine. After today I will only be using creatine twice a day, once before and after my workouts. On my off days I will only use it once.
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: Pre-Workout
mass maker 3 scoops
Meal 6: Post Workout
protein shake
Meal 7:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 8:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Workout Friday 7/11/08
Hack Squat
220 x 10
220 x 8
220 x 8
220 x 8
220 x 8
DB Shoulder Press
45 x 20
45 x 20
45 x 14
Leg Curl
160 x 10
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8
Standing Calf Raise
135 x 20
135 x 16
135 x 13
Leg Extension
160 x 10
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8
DB Front Raise
25 x 17
25 x 15
25 x 13
Saturday 7/12/08
No workout
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 6:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Sunday 7/13/08
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1/2 cup of oatmeal
4 oz of red meat
Meal 2:
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4: Pre-Workout
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: post workout
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 6:
cheat meal: subway chicken breast
Meal 7:
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Workout Sunday 7/13/08
Weighted Pullups
15 x 10
15 x 8
15 x 7
15 x 7
15 x 6
Machine Fly/Peck Deck
150 x 20
150 x 20
150 x 10
Hammer Strengh Chest Supported Row
110 x 10
110 x 8
110 x 8
110 x 7
110 x 6
Close Grip Bench
125 x 20
125 x 20
125 x 15
DB Row
70 x 10
70 x 8
70 x 8
70 x 8
70 x 8
VBar Tricep Extension
80 x 20
80 x 20
80 x 20
Alternate DB Curl
40 x 10
40 x 8
40 x 8
40 x 8
40 x 8
Monday 7/14/08
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1/2 cup of oatmeal
4 oz of red meat
Meal 2:
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4: Pre-Workout
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: post workout
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 6:
8 oz chicken breast
green beans
Meal 7:
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Workout Monday 7/14/08
Hammer Strengh Shoulder Press
130 x 10
130 x 8
130 x 8
130 x 8
130 x 5
Front Squat
135 x 20
135 x 20
135 x 16
DB Reverse Fly
35 x 10
35 x 8
35 x 8
35 x 8
35 x 8
Seated Calf Raise
190 x 10
190 x 10
190 x 10
DB Shoulder Press
80 x 10
80 x 8
80 x 8
80 x 6
80 x 6
Leg Press
390 x 20
390 x 20
390 x 20
Tuesday 7/15/08
No workout
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1/2 cup of oatmeal
4 oz of red meat
Meal 2:
2 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
2 TBS heavy cream
Meal 5:
8 oz chicken breast
green beans
Meal 6:
protein shake 50 grams
I stepped on the scale Monday morning and weighed in at 209lbs. That is up 3 lbs since July 4th. I have posted new pictures of myself comparing June 9th to July 14th.
I will be finishing my 6th week on my current routine at the end of the week on Saturday. My new routine will begin on Monday July 21st.
Wenesday 7/16/08
Meal 1:
eggs (3 whites, 2 whole)
1 cup of oatmeal
8 oz of red meat
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 2:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 Strawberries
Meal 3:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 4:
3 TBS heavy cream
4 strawberries
protein shake 50 grams
Meal 5: Pre-Workout
mass maker 3 scoops
Meal 6: Post Workout
protein shake
Meal 7:
8 oz chicken breast
sweet potato
Meal 8:
3 TBS heavy cream
protein shake 50 grams
Workout Wednesday 7/16/08
DB Incline Bench
85 x 10
85 x 8
85 x 8
85 x 8
85 x 6
Lat Pull Down
120 x 20
120 x 20
120 x 15
DB Skull Crusher
25 x 10
25 x 8
25 x 8
25 x 8
25 x 8
DB Row
50 x 20
50 x 20
50 x 17
Tricep Rope Extension
110 x 10
110 x 8
110 x 8
110 x 8
110 x 8
EZ Bar Curl
40 x 20
40 x 20
40 x 20