The issues related to consumption of alcohol have been pretty well laid out in previous issues. However, I would guess that a lot of us still drink at least socially. I go through periods “with” (social drinking only) and “without.” Since we’ve polled about cars and jobs, it would be interesting to know the drinking practices of others and any thoughts on the topic, how it affects training, timing, etc.
I don’t know why but I generally lift better after a long night of drinking, it may have to do with extra calories, i don’t really know, but I just calipered 5% bodyfat and I’m probabally going ta 3.5% before I stop cutting and I still party occasionally, it may only be 2 or 3 nights a month and yeah it screws up my diet for the day, but overall it doesn’t really effect my physique cause my diet is perfect 95% of the time, so the 5% of time I choose to live and enjoy a large pizza, or some JD or both, it’s not gonna hurt me, because I’m to dam good to often.
I dont drink. Never have. My training is too important to me, all my friends do but I stay clean.
Drink life to the lees!-tennyson I believe
Don’t drink, aside from the VERY occasional glass of wine with a nice dinner. Never have. I just don’t see the point.
In college training was secondary, I drank all the time. Now that I’m out and have “responsibilities” I drink maybe one night a week. Either Friday or Saturday. I’m sure that it affects my training by messing with the chemistry in my body but as far as not training due to a hangover, I work through those just fine.
I try and stay away from alcohol but one thing that I notice is that when I do drink I am significantly more sore from lifting than if I don’t drink. Any ideas?
I allow a single shot of Vodka once or twice a week, and drink water the rest of the evening.
I have an odd practice. I have NO desire to drink all year round except for a two week window at the very beginning of every summer, in which I’ll have two or three beers/mike’s ect. a week. Then I get bored of the whole thing and vow never to drink again…until next year. My issues rock.
"MB Eric: His issues rock, since 1768."
I rarely drink. I don’t like the taste, don’t care to waste my money, don’t want it to affect my testosterone levels or training, and don’t need it to have fun. In fact, my recent drinking history includes the following. August 2000: Went out to eat and had a mixed drink. I was buzzed. February 2001: I had four mixed drinks on my bday, all bought by friends who kept encouraging me to have one! I was drunk but not sick. June 2001: I had three Mike’s Hard Lemonades while in Portland with friends. I was very drunk and couldn’t stop laughing at my other friend who got sick while drinking rum and coke at the pool. So that’s it for me. I might have a few drinks each year, otherwise, I’m usually the only one who is sober among my friends.
Back in the earlier days of college I did way more than my fair share of drinking, but as I’ve grown up I’ve come to realize what a ridiculous habit getting plowed every weekend is. Now I average at the very most one beer a month. I’m also to a point where I don’t need booze to have a good time. Another reason I choose not to drink is that I prefer to always be in control of myself, If I’m wasted who knows what I could do, or what someone else could do to me because of lack of control. It’s too easy to end up in a difficult situation. However, I still enjoy the taste of an ice-cold beer, it’s just I won’t get drunk off it. I think it’s been well over a year, maybe two, since I’ve been drunk. I’ve known way too many people whose lives have been drastically altered because of booze. I’d just rather do something else. That’s my two cents.
Light Weight!
Never went through any heavy drinking times, even in college. Went through a time when I had a couple wine coolers a week, but now I don’t think I’ve even had a glass of wine in the last 2 years. Don’t like the taste of most alcohols. Reminds me of my older sister’s hairspray (she used A LOT).
Got it all out of my system during college and haven’t had a drink since.
Being 17, I get invitations to drink quite often. I can actually handle a good amount of liquor. Thing is, I really don’t drink a ton. I inherited a high tolerance for alcohol from my dad (who hardly ever drinks). But my drink of choice is Everclear with Diet (Ruby Red Squirt) Soda. Goes down okay, half-decent taste, never puked, lots of alcohol, low carb and a good bang for the buck.
Ahh…beer. Without it, things just don’t seem to go as well.
When I am on my diet and workout hard no drinky. When I am slacking and back sliding I am kikkin it with the booze hounds and smoking like a chimmny. (cigars mostly). I have to get more consistant though cause it causes my weight to fluctuate way too much. ie 188-230 bf of 18-8% that is way to much of a fluctuation. I am trying to be more consistant this year as a result I have kept the drinking to a min ie 1-2 a week.
I’ll have maybe 2 beers a week, max, with the exception of the 1 time a month I get totally shit-faced. I just make sure to do a little extra cardio that week and to be extra careful with my diet.
I love to drink! Fortunately for me I drink good shit, so it’s much more enjoyable to have one or two every once in a while and maybe catch a buzz, or maybe not. I’m a single malt scotch, cognac fan so one or two really does the trick. I also love great beer, Duvel being my favorite, but at 12 bucks for four 11.5 oz beers I usually only have them around X-mas.
Drinks rather infrequently, and usually vodka…with one exception. The day I compete in my Martial Arts…afterwords, I always hit a bar near home…usually TGI Fridays for 4 or 5 Long Island Ice teas. The dehydration from the days fighting, combined with the adreniline rush still going gives me a buzz I just cannot explain…but it is awesome!! Probably one of the unhealthiest things I could do right after a competition…but I just love the feeling. Other than that…I do not drink very often…cookouts and stuff would be the only exception to this.