After Fat Fast

I am finishing up with Fat Fast on Friday and would like some input on how to adjust my diet and training to minimize fat gain. I ALREADY read JMB’s article on coming off CKD but he was answering a guy who had been on it for two years! So any advice? Mr. Chris Shug, sir?

What type of training were you doing on the Fat Fast? I ask because my first instinct is to tell you to do Meltdown Training. I don’t think anyone could get fat too quickly on that bitch of a program. (And I mean that in a good way.)

As for adding back in carbs, I suggest using only pre- and post-workout carbs for a few weeks. See how that goes. Then add in some other meals with protein and complex carbs, one meal at a time. Take it slow in other words. No free meals. No carbs off the “naughty” list in the “Food That Make You Look Good Nekid” article. Not many off the “okay” list. Fish oils, ALA and things like that may help too if you’re not already using them. Slowly transition into the “Don’t Diet” plan. Then get on the Growth Surge Project when you’re ready to add some size.

Actually, I have been doing Meltdown. I started it a week before FF so I guess I can go on another week after I am done with FF. How does German Body Comp sound?

GBC is fine, very similair to Meltdown. Honestly, just about any training program should be fine, although you may want to add in traditional cardio if not doing Meltdown or GBC, say, 20 minutes after each workout.