Doing a 14-day Fat Fast starting tomorrow… I’ve never done it before, and would appreciate some help with the supplementation and training. Goal is, of course, to maintain (if not gain) as much strength as possible… I know the fat loss is well taken care of by the diet. I’m stocked up: MD6, T-2Pro, BCAA, Glutamine, AP & ZMA. My main question pertains to the BCAA’s and the Glutamine… I’m doing 5x5 for training, and I’d like to know what to take around these times. I’ve read through the recommendations of Kelly Baggett, Davies, and Poliquin and came up with this scheme…
In issue 209's Iron Dog, Davies recommends BCAA's before and after training (on a similar low carb diet), and Poliquin recommends taking BCAA's and Glutamine after training if skipping post-WO carbs. However, I'm not familiar with the use of either and would appreciate some critique, specifically with the amounts used. Cost efficiency isn't an issue, since I need to drop fat for a quickly approaching personal deadline. Thanks y'all...
If you are doing a fat fast I have two things you should also be taking, Methoxy-7 and a 4-AD product, because that will definetly help retain the LBM. Taking the recommended does of Methoxy and using Androsol got me shredded faster than anything has before, my only problem now is that I hate flax oil and can’t touch the stuff.
I’ve done FF a few times and I’ve found BCAA’s neccesary for the workouts because of decreased energy levels. (I’m still trying to figure out how Brock could of sustained his poundages with so much volume, as reported in his FF article.) I like Davies’ recommendation for BCAA usage. However, I’m usually more aggressive. I take 30 grams a 1/2 hour before and then 30 grams afterwards. I would experiment. As for your other supplements, just take MD-6. Save the T2pro for another day because it isn’t neccesary. Your nighttime stack is okay but also unneccesary. Either Androsol or 4-AD-EC will protect you pretty well. If your goal is to use 5x5 to maintain your previous lifts during your hypercaloric diets, then forget it. For T-Dawg or on Don’t Diet, it’d be great. But for Fat Fast, very difficult. I would instead use John Berardi’s training recommendations in part 2 of Winning Formula. It’s goes something like this: use the same weight (hypercaloric version), cut the reps in half and double the number of sets. I usually make sure I do 40 to 50 reps per muscle group. Stick to only core lifts: squats, deadlifts, etc. I’m on a different “crash” diet now (Eric Serrano’s ECD Diet) and this training method is working very well for me and keeping my post workout metabolism very high.