Advice on New Workout Plan. Stats Included

First post here on T-Nation. Sorry for the long post. Really want to get some advice though. I’ve been around here and there for a while. Its been a good six month since I’ve finally been consistent and my gains have been decent, I think. I’ve been doing a slightly modified version of the 3x5 Starting Strength program.

I basically just added some end work for my workouts i.e. pushups, pullups, abs, stretching. I want to up my training a bit on Monday and start working out 4 days a week with a mandatory activity on Wednesday. Sat/Sun would be optional and would depend on the week. Let me know what you guys think of this for the next 3-6 months and if there is anything that I left out.

I still want to focus on strength but add a bit of bodybuilding and dynamic work as well since I love my hobbies and they are all active. I usually workout in the morning before work around 7am. So I got about 1.5h for my workout max before I have to get to work around 9:30am.

My Stats
~25% bf (I have a gut/muffin top, tiny bit of boobies and fatty thighs. Don’t mind them right now. Diet will come when I care for it, which I don’t at the moment)
Bench - 195
Squat - 275 (Just hit this the other day and felt great. My first PR marker)
Sumo Deadlift - 305 (My legs are long. Hard to do regular deadlifts properly. I was doing 315 easy before I switched to Sumo. Still progressing pretty fast with it.)
Overhead Press - 120
BO Rows - 165

I eat about 130-150g of protein a day.

(I do warmup 3-4 sets before all big lifts. 5reps,3,2, and sometimes 1)
Squat 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Sumo Deadlift 1x5
Pullups 3xF
Prone Bridge 3xF
Full Body Stretch ~15mins

Flat Bench 3x5
DB Flys 3x10
Bent-Over Rows 3x5
Standing Calve Raises 3x10
Sitting Calve Raises 3x10
Pushups 3xF
Reverse Straight Leg Crunch 3x12
Full Body Stretch ~15mins

Activity day
Mountain Biking
Quick Stretch ~5mins

Sumo Deadlift 2x8
Lateral Raises 3x10
Lying Rear Dealt Raises 3x10
Hyperextensions 3x10
Medicine Ball Slams 3x10
Chinups 3xF
Prone Bridge 3xF
Full Body Stretch ~15mins

Front Squats 3x8
Lunges 3x10
Standing Calve Raises 3x10
Sitting Calve Raises 3x10
DB Incline Press 3x10
Pushups 3xF
Reverse Straight Leg Crunch 3x12
Full Body Stretch ~15mins

Sat/Sun Optional
Mountain Biking


just so we are on the same page. That is not SS. That’s is you doing what you want based on SS. Ill be honest though, I don’t see a “thought” put behind what you are doing.

if you want to keep with Rip’s program, just switch to Texas method and add some “fluff”. What that means is you do the actual program, as written (until you get why he does what he does), THEN add some complementary 3x8 or 3x10 exercise.

Or use another program. 5/3/1 for athletes comes to mind or even WS4SB style programs.

You need to figure out what works for you, not what you can modify when you don’t have a basic. Lots of programs out there that will do what you want.

Lastly, why 3-6 months? This is a lifelong endeavour.

[quote]ShammiHundal wrote:
I’ve been doing a slightly modified version of the 3x5 Starting Strength program.[/quote]
And I’ve been driving a slightly modified version of an '82 Corvette. It’s a Jeep Wrangler, but it’s still basically the same thing, amiright?

Man, there are basically zero similarities to Starting Strength in your program.

It’s not that you left anything out, it’s that, like JFG said, there’s no real rhyme or reason the each session. If anything, there’s too much in.

Make your goals specific. You want to accomplish exactly what in the next 6 months? 50 pounds on your squat? Drop 3 inches on your waist? Weigh 210?

Again, like JFG mentioned, you have remember lifting and training is a long-term sport/activity/whatever. It’s something you’ll be doing for the next few decades. Last week, I just set goals for where I want to be two years from now and six years from now, and damn straight keeping them in mind is going to help influence what I do from now until then.

~25% bf (I have a gut/muffin top, tiny bit of boobies and fatty thighs. Don’t mind them right now. Diet will come when I care for it, which I don’t at the moment)[/quote]
You just described yourself as having tiny boobies. And you don’t mind them. And you’re on a website called Testosterone Nation.

Dude, everyone’s goals are their own thing, and sure, not every guy has to be cover model-ripped, but come the fuck on. You can’t be serious.

Fix this. Even if your main focus right now isn’t to build muscle, a moderate to higher protein intake will improve recovery and strength. 1 gram per pound of bodyweight is a rule of thumb, so let’s call it an even 200 to shoot for.

[quote]JFG wrote:
…just switch to Texas method and add some “fluff”. What that means is you do the actual program, as written (until you get why he does what he does), THEN add some complementary 3x8 or 3x10 exercise.

Or use another program. 5/3/1 for athletes comes to mind or even WS4SB style programs.[/quote]
Yep. There are dozens and dozens of programs that would fit the bill, and any one of them would be a big improvement.

Thanks for the advice guys. Reading over my comment again and it does sound a little stupid. I am doing SS right now though. Workout A - Squat, Bench, BO Row, Pushups, abs. Workout B - Squat, Overhead Press, Sumo Deadlift, Pull/Chinup, abs. Ive been doing that for the last 2 years off and on but mainly the last 6 months consistently. Ive gained quite a bit since then. Used to be 175 with about 20-25% bf at 6’2". Saying that I have man tits was a bit much. Im really athletic and I don’t have a bad body (bad joke I guess). I just know that I have a long way to go before Im at the point that I want to be and im definitely not even close to satisfied with the way I am right now.

I do plan on continuing with my consistency and not just for another 6 months. I guess I got a bit excited when I started looking into what I wanted to transition into because I hit my PR, which im realizing dont mean much other than giving me a bit more motivation. Didn’t really put any real research into it. Just started putting things together for no reason. What you guys wrote really has helped already. Im trying to do too much when I havent done much to begin with and not really thinking about it.

With all that said, Im starting to wonder if sticking to what I am doing right now is the best thing for the time being. I really haven’t gone through the deloading phases much. I think I was just excited that I hit my PR marker that I wanted to switch things up. I actually enjoy doing SS so I wondering if I should just continue it for a while longer until I really my progress has truly stalled. What do you guys think.

I took alot of time in the last few days looking into all the programs that JFG mentioned and some more that I found and I really like the Texas Method. I love SS and have wanted to add cleans into the mix. Looking into TM is what made me think that I should continue SS for a bit longer. I feel like I have been recovering decently between workouts and weeks.

I will up my protein to 200. That is going to start on Monday. I need to stop questioning this and just do it and see how it helps. Right now I get 25g from egg whites and 25g from a scoop of protein. Would it be ok to get an extra 25 from another shake or should I be focusing on real meals. My daily routine is pretty hectic and just wanted to see what you guys think. I know that solid food is always the best but would another 25g of protein from a shake be that worse than solids since the majority will be from solids? My solids consist of steak 1-2/week, fish 1/week and mainly chicken for the rest

I liked what Chris stated about making real short, medium and long term goals.

My main goals are to get to in the next 6 months
Squat - 315
Bench - 225
Sumo Deadlift - 365
Overhead press - 155
BO Rows - 195

My medium/2-3 year goal is to become 200lb with around 10-15% bf. Havent had enough time to think further than that yet, but i will continue thinking about it and what I see myself doing.

[quote]ShammiHundal wrote:
I am doing SS right now though. Workout A - Squat, Bench, BO Row, Pushups, abs. Workout B - Squat, Overhead Press, Sumo Deadlift, Pull/Chinup, abs.

Saying that I have man tits was a bit much. Im really athletic and I don’t have a bad body (bad joke I guess).[/quote]
Okay, so, the way you said you were training isn’t how you’re training and the way you said you look isn’t how you look. Cool beans. I’m super confused, but anyway…

What do you mean “hit your PR marker”? A PR is great, but at the beginner stage you should be breaking PRs on pretty much a weekly basis. Don’t feel like you have to deload at a certain point, especially if you are still seeing consistent progress. And actually, even if progress is slowing down, the “need” for a deload really depends on who you ask.

Do it, ASAP. Power cleans are way overcomplicated by people. They’re not that much more difficult to learn than a proper deadlift or squat.

Shakes are a perfect way to supplement your daily protein intake. It’s, like, kinda exactly what they’re designed for.

  1. Eat real food
  2. Use shakes when you need to get a bump of protein
  3. ???
  4. Profit

[quote]My main goals are to get to in the next 6 months
Squat - 315
Bench - 225
Sumo Deadlift - 365
Overhead press - 155
BO Rows - 195

My medium/2-3 year goal is to become 200lb with around 10-15% bf.[/quote]
These all totally sound doable, so there are really no excuses. If anything, both timeframes might be generous for some of those numbers, but definitely go for it.

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
Shakes are a perfect way to supplement your daily protein intake. It’s, like, kinda exactly what they’re designed for.

I don’t know how you manage to stay sane AND funny throughout all these threads.

[quote]Claudan wrote:

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
Shakes are a perfect way to supplement your daily protein intake. It’s, like, kinda exactly what they’re designed for.[/quote]
I don’t know how you manage to stay sane AND funny throughout all these threads. [/quote]

(I’m joking.)

(Sort of.)

Thank you again Chris. Ive continued with SS and have been gaining still, which is great. Protein is up to 175-200 a day. Going to be adding power cleans next week. Going to alternate Deads and Cleans on workout B days to start off and keep the rest the same for now. Just got to stop having ADHD and stick to the program until I truly have stalled.

Wanted to thank you guys again. Ive been really looking into programming and figuring out my body. Found out that I have a good amount of anterior pelvic tilt due to doing squats and lower back workouts all the time. My hamstrings/glutes and abs are pretty weak and my hip are pretty closed off because of it.

Ive been putting in more ab work (bracing type, not so much flexion types which I already do) and some hamstring/glute work to strengthen those areas and have been backing off the squats and lower back work. I need to relearn squatting after looking into my from. Im not really sitting back with my hip. Im rather bending my knees to go down. So Im wall squatting whenever I can to get the movement down and then box squatting at the gym while also using a low bar technique (My lower back doesn’t feel as stressed anymore). After I feel comfortable with box squatting Im going to move to fronts squats and then back to regular back squats. By that time I hope that my form will be better so that I wont be putting so much strain on my knees and lower back and hopefully will translate to heavier weights.

Im doing a lot more foam rolling and stretching work to loosen and open my quads and other parts up. Also started working on hip mobility since im as stiff as a tree at times. So basically PSOAS/Iliac stretches with 25lb plate 3x week, Limber 11 (I Love This) every morning when I wake up before my workout or activities, and a lot of static stretching after my workout. All of this takes time but I think its all been worth it. I feel a lot more limberrrrrrr o_O?..I know…I make bad jokes…

Its pretty amazing how complicated the mid section of our bodies is. However, I starting to learn how small changes can make very dramatic effect as long as you actually know what you are doing. After all of this starts to get better Im going to move on to focus on the upper body.

Defranco’s Limber 11

Upgrade from his Agile 8.

You will squat in no time.