I have a few questions about the importance and usage of accessory lifts?
For the most part, I have always just stuck to the big compound movements, and tried to balance push/pull type stuff. But now I am thinking there may be some advantages to doing some accessory stuff.
From my understanding, if a stabalization or antagonistic muscle is weak, then the max force of the agonist muscles will be decreased. The antagonist muscles fire prematurly to prevent the weight from ripping your tendons and ligaments.
(This may not be exactly correct, but I believe this is the gist of it. Correct me if I am wrong.)
So this concept leads to my first question.
1.) when training accessory lifts, should you stick with 80-90+ % or 1rm as well as some DE work. It seems that the goal is to let the nervous system know that the antagonist muscles are capable of decelerating the movement fast enough. Or is this wrong and you should do higher reps and lower weight?
So thats my first question, and my second question, is what accessory lifts I should include?
Heres the lifts that I generally focus on. I basically train for increased strength, and increased Density.
1-leg squat / stepup
DB Snatch
Floor press
DB Side Press (shoulder press)
Pullup / chinup
*Now i know it would be best to work on Barbell squats, and maybe some other exercises, but for various reasons I work out without a spotter, and these are the lifts I feel most comfortable with.
So this list would seem to be fairly balanced, and cover a lot of the different movement patterns, but there are a few I believe may need to be added.
Heres the ones I have come up with and the lift they are for, but please fill me in with anything I am missing.
- Pullup ----Reverse shrugs w/ bar above head
- Snatch / Deadlift ----Leg raises or v-situps /reverse shrugs w/ bar in regular shrug position / lying pulluovers?
- 1-leg squat ---- Leg raises / V-situps
- DB side press ---- hanging scapular depression
- Floor press ---- DB curls
- Rows ---- Serratus anterior pushups
***Thats what I came up with, I may have missed something, and maybe many of these are unecessary completely. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks guys.