What’s everybody think about applying CW’s “Twice-a-day” training to ABBH? I have access to a small gym at my workplace where I could crank out the twice-a-day program immediately after work while doing ABBH as my primary morning workout. Off days would still be completely off as outlined in ABBH. Has anyone tried this or something to its effect?
Don’t add extra work to the ABBH. Instead, split the original parameters in half and perform each half 6-10 hours apart. Be sure to include proper post-workout nutrition with each workout and you’ll be packing on some serious muscle.
You mean split the number of sets in half?? like instead of 10 sets, do only 5 sets for each exercise?
[quote]Kyubert wrote:
You mean split the number of sets in half?? like instead of 10 sets, do only 5 sets for each exercise?[/quote]
That or, using Day 1 as an example, perform horizontal chest in am and horizontal back in pm, 10 sets of 3 reps?