I recently went to the docstor for some blood work after having a chest infection and he said my creatinine levels were sky high for someone of my age (25). He said that this in normally indicative of kidney function and specifically dehydration. I told him I drink between 8-12 pints of water daily and don’t have any kidney pain or pain urinating and he was completely foxed. I also haven’t taken creatine for 1 year now. I thought that maybe a high protein diet (about 1.5g/pound) since I was about 15 may have a bearing on kidney function, but all the studies I’ve read on the net have found no correlation between high protein intake and kidney malfunction.

Also, to complicate matters I’ve just finished my second cycle. My first was 4 weeks of Primo/Androsol and my last one was 8 weeks of 500mg Sus and 25mg dbol (4 weeks only for the dbol). I didn’t notice any real bad sides and my kidneys have never hurt. I thought that maybe the dbol might have affected my kidneys? But then again I really didn’t think dbol at that dosage for 4 weeks was really that toxic.

I’d be grateful if anyone could shed any light on any of this, no matter how dim. Cheers. AnimalHungry.

If you eat a lot of protein, do a lot of weight training or take creatine you can have abnormal creatinine levels. I had a blood test a couple of months ago that came back with elevated urea nitrogen and creatinine. I couldn’t get a clear answer from anyone so I did some checking around on my own. When we weight train we break down protein so this can elevate it somewhat. I don’t know how high your levels are though but if it really serious your doc should be scheduling further tests

I had a physical a year ago that showed a slightly elevated creatinine level. I was using creatine on and off at the time so my doc said I should just quit the supplements - yeah right doc ;-p If i remember correctly he said that injuries can also elevate the creatinine level.

I’m probably waayyyy of base here but, and someone please correct me if I’m wrong, could the steroids not have affected your creatinine levels? I know that they help you store more creatine then normal. So possibly this could also raise the waste ie: creatinine?

A Creatinine test is a pretty common screening exam. Everything you mentioned, plus numerous other things, can have an impact on the creatinine levels in your body. Keep in mind that it is a preliminary screening test. If you are honest with your physician about your activities, he should be able to determine whether your results will require further investigation. If you are not, you may lead him on a wild goose chase. If you feel you cannot be honest with your physician, I suggest you find one with whom you can be.

Cheers bros!!! It’s reassuring to hear from other guys who have had high creatinine levels and are healthy. I’m going to the nephrologist on Tues and I’ll post my results when I get them back. I’ve done more reading about this and come to the conclusion that years of training and high protein consumption may put the kidneys under greater stress than they would be otherwise, however the test ranges that doctors use aren’t based on athletes, so may not necessariy be indicative of kidney malfunction - merely kidneys having to work a bit harder than the average joe’s kidneys. Am I making any sense? Anyway, thanks again for your help, I’m a hell of a lot calmer about all this now!!! AnimalHungry.