Hey all,
I dont post much here, only when i feel i genuinley know an answer to a q.
but now i need some advice. im not huge but ive got some meat on me (176lbs @ 5’9, 16% bf), but my lifts have incredibly low numbers. imk embarassed to say i push 70lb dbs for reps and can only perform about 5 clean deadlifts at 250lbs.
i am planning to put aside bbing training for a bit to increase my lifts and was curious if anyone had any suggestions of a program or method to use. and yes, i do do squats and drink milk.
Westside for Skinny Bastards 3. Go read it on elitefts.com or Joe DeFranco’s site.
[quote]glenmowen wrote:
Hey all,
I dont post much here, only when i feel i genuinley know an answer to a q.
but now i need some advice. im not huge but ive got some meat on me (176lbs @ 5’9, 16% bf), but my lifts have incredibly low numbers. imk embarassed to say i push 70lb dbs for reps and can only perform about 5 clean deadlifts at 250lbs.
i am planning to put aside bbing training for a bit to increase my lifts and was curious if anyone had any suggestions of a program or method to use. and yes, i do do squats and drink milk.
i have no magic solution here and you’ve prbably heard this 1000 times, but heavy weight low reps builds strength. if you want to get more avanced read some of louie simmons articles on westside-barbell.com. good luck