A New Animal: JDM135 for 1-2-3-4 plates

Yes we do, get stronger or die.
Like this shirt i saw online today:


If it doesn’t even out, hit me up and we may be able to strategize a bit to help improve your recovery. If there’s a way to hack this, we’ll find it!


And my OCD would make me run another 0.9 to get to an even 2, because even numbers. lol


Much appreciated!

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Yesterday was 1/15/23. I got the 1.1 mile run, a 1 mile family walk, a 1.1 mile walk carrying the 25lb baby, a few 100lb sandbag tosses too.
However my lower back still is tweaked. This hasn’t happened in years. Hopefully it doesn’t affect Wednesday’s session. And if i cant do BB rows today i can just do an alternative.


Bench 5/3/1 c?w2
5x135, 5x155, 3x175, ?x195. 3 or 4 reps on that top set. Not strong and nowhere near my best. But the focus was elsewhere.
Bench 3x8x135 super fast.

All the above 7 sets superset with chest-supported rows, sets of 10 at various weights.

The lower back is broken glass, decided not to load it with barbell rows.

Biceps, triceps, 3 sets superset.

Sled push: 3 laps, with 3 pushups at each turning point for 6 rounds of pushups total.

Gotta figure out this lower back thing. Doing some bar hangs in my office today, see if that helps. I could try foam rolling it tonight. May need to take it easy on loading for the whole week… will update.


I’m a big fan of “rollovers into v sits” as described in the agile 8. I find that rolling a bit and using some bodyweight to help stretch the lower back really gets me feeling loose


1.1 mile loop in 9:33.

And 1 mile carrying baby.


Got the 1.1 mile run in early this morning. Back still EFFED. Spent a couple minutes pre-dawn foam rolling, and finally took ibuprofen.
Looking like a very light squat day tomorrow if this doesn’t snap back. Wish I knew what is really going on down there.


1/17 continued: not-quite 1 mile walk with family (baby was too angry so we turned back early). Then a more-than-1.1 mile loaded carry trying to get him to sleep in the evening.

1/18/2023: Squat Deload day
Haven’t deloaded squats in a while, needed to anyway but now with the lower back, it’s more forced. So I did 135lbs for 6 sets of 8, short rests, and you know what? I feel stimulated. Back felt fine (no belt of course), but I was moving fast and not resting much and it was good.

Then, 95lb front squats, 8 rounds going every 30 seconds, 4-6 reps per round. I won’t call it “Tabata” front squats today because I didn’t redline it the whole way like Tabata would imply, but the structure was the same.

6x10 BPAs using various angles and grips, between the squats.

3x8 BSS just bodyweight.

One circuit through the leg machines - leg extension, leg curl, back extension, “hip extension”. 20+ each.

3 rounds sled push.

I feel like I worked hard enough, my back didn’t complain until after the shower at the end, and I’m less concerned about the back now - thinking it’s a muscle not a disc, so should be no big deal.

Taking a break from heavy squatting was a big win for me mentally. It’s table pushaways, not squats, that will get me to my current goal.

Edit: in the evening, 1.1 mile run pushing stroller.


1.1 mile run pushing stroller.


Press 5x95, 3x115, 0x135 wtf? I can always get 135!
Push press 3x135 to mitigate the shame.

SS with chinups (underhand close grip) 3x8.

Then, BTN press all sets from floor superset with BTN pullups:
8 press, 3 pull
7 press, 4 pull

3 press, 8 pull.

Everything after that isn’t worth logging. A decent sled push, bi tri and delt isolation stuff…

The big takeaway is that im weakened from the deficit, i guess?


It’s possible for sure. Or, simply weighing less is giving you less weight to throw around. OR you have less glycogen and can’t tap into it for training. So many factors.

This is one of the reasons I change my training around when calories are low: I don’t want to watch myself get weaker, so I’ll either pick new movements I can get better at OR a completely new protocol.

But, aside from that, an approach would be to be strategic with carb timing and have it before training to ride out the energy wave.


Its part of why i put in BTN press and BTN pullups, but i thought id still have the strict press for a single…
Maybe some toast with breakfast would do it…

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1/20 evening: 1.1 mile run pushing stroller.
1/21 morning: nice little sandbag session.
100lbs bag, 10 rounds EMOM, 5 throws over shoulder.
Back felt good, think I’m normal again.

Edit to add: in the evening, slow 1.1 mile run. Didn’t want to go, its been a full day, but damnit it takes 10 minutes and this is 21 consecutive days.


1/22 got the 1.1 mile run
1/23 Monday, bench and row day.
Rows: 10x135, 3x10x155.
superset with
Bench: 5x135, 5x155, 5x175, 7x195. Much better than last week - had a spotter, and was generally feeling better. My lower back not holding me back.

DB row: 3x8x90 left and right, superset with
Bench, closer grip: 3x8x135. All this with very little rest.

Ab rollouts, from knees, 3x10
superset with
Dips, 3x10 bodyweight

Then a solid session of pecs, biceps, triceps, in a circuit-ish fashion.

Felt good.

Edit to add: got the 1.1 mile run after dark last night.


Wednesday 1/25
5x135, 225, 245, 265.
3x8x135 fast and deep, felt good.

BPAs in between there.

RDL 2x10x225

Leg ext and curl

4 rounds sled push. Wiped out.
Weight loss is showing up. Belt and knee sleeves are loose.

Didn’t get a run yesterday. Family, work, and school came first. Did get a 1 mile walk with family though.
Will run today.


Per earlier posts, I thought of your log while watching this video. I’m going to try these cues during my next deadlift workout.

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Got the 1.1 mile run after dark 1/25. Weight is 186, and tagged 183 a time or two (assume was dehydrated on those occasions).
Looking forward to ending the runs and replacing with something more fun.


1/27 Friday, vertical press and pull day. Everything was basically supersetted.
Press: 5x95, 5x105, 5x115, 3+2pushpress x 125
BTN press 3x8x85
Overhead squats, 3x5 working up to 105lb - a new stimulus, I want to make it a staple
Weighted pullups, 3x5, 1x8, all with 45lb
Underhand grip chinups, unweighted, 3x5
Overhead press machine, 2 or 3 sets
Vertical pulldown machine, 2 or 3 sets
One set each of biceps and triceps
2 laps of sled push - the turf was occupied by a bunch of ladies using the turf for their mats so I quit when it became obvious that I was an inconvenience.

Felt just fine doing all this. Of course my overhead strength is WAY down but that’s to be expected.
The weight loss has stopped the past couple days. I think I know why - when I saw it dropping so quickly I thought it’d be OK to have an extra snack or two… each day… and that adds up FAST. So I’m back on strictness unless family situation over-rules that, and even if it does I’ll still behave.

Weight loss goal for February is to drop to 182-184lbs. It isn’t february yet so will refine that later.
I do want to keep up the notion of the daily mile run, but instead of running do 10 minutes of an EMOM or similar weighted conditioning.

Edit to add that i got the 1.1 mile run, pushing the stroller.