Started with a sandbag EMOM, 10 minutes.
Odd rounds, 4 throws over shoulder with 100lb bag.
Even rounds, 1 throw over shoulder with 200lb bag.
Great little session. Getting better with the 200 all the time.
Then deadlifts, worked up and did 3x3x315.
They were too hard, i haven’t deadlifted in a few weeks.
Your weight loss is inspiring! On the deadlifting front, there’s one cue I’m trying to figure out how to explain. Not only did it transform my deadlifting but, when I explained it to two different guys in the gym, one set a PR, and the other a rep PR.
Thursday night, I used a cue from the video above and hit a lifetime PR of 420 on the trap bar deadlift. When beginning each set, I pushed against the floor while shifting my weight back onto my heels. The hamstring activation was fantastic, and everything felt right.
ETA - an attempted explanation of the two game-changing cues for me. I get myself set, then I intentionally lean back, shifting my weight onto my heels. If I were to let go, I might fall backwards. That came from a Dave Tate video, and it changed my form for the better. The second cue is a long the same lines, and it’s from a Dan John article. I’ll look around for it; it’s about proper hip hinging form with a simple method to ingrain the mechanics. In combo with Tate’s cue, I engage my glutes and hams more and lower back less.
A little observation. On non-gym mornings for the last 20 months, i have more often than not been on baby duty.
There was a point there when i could get some training in those times, and just keep an eye on him. Now im not allowed to even leave his side for a second- even to pee or refill coffee - or he loses it.
I enjoy the loving bond but i do wish, if im gonna be up this early doing basically nothing, that i could get a little training in.
Sunday 1/29, got the 1.1 mile run again.
Monday 1/30:
Bench 5x 135, 155, 175, 195. (No spotter so wasn’t going to push it)
Bench 3x8x135
Superset with: Barbell rows 135x10, 3x155x10;
and Power Cleans 3x135, 3x155, 3x175 Haven’t done these in a while, bringing them back.
Dips, 4x12 BW
SS with: hanging knee raises, 4x12
Chest with cables. Bis and tris with a cable, then with EZ bar.
Bunch of glute/ham raises.
All the above was done with very very little rest, felt great. Nice to focus on something other than weight on the bar, as I’ve said many times this month.
Missed the 1.1 mile run monday; nonstop obligations.
Got it today.
Thats 29 x 1.1 mile runs in January! Im satisfied with that. I now plan to keep the habit but substitute metcons for running in February.
2/1/23 Wednesday. Squat day.
Superset BPAs during the first several sets of squats.
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x245. That felt really heavy so rather than try 5x265, I did:
5x2x265, going E2MOM.
Then, front squats, 3x5x135.
Then, kinda-snatch each set into overhead squat, 3x5x65.
Horrible calf raises, 2 sets
BSS, 3x8. First set BW, second set smith machine bar, 3rd set added 50lbs to that bar.
Sled push, 3 laps without rest.
Happy with the level of effort and performance today. Haven’t checked weight in a couple days but the goal for Feb should be to hit 182.
Hope to do 10 minutes of something tonight. EMOM 25 swings for 250 total would probably fit the bill perfectly.
2/3/23: Great session of overhead press and pullups.
Highlight of the day is I finally got a pullup with +90lbs. Wasn’t even hard haha. Lifetime PR i think!
(Note: “Snatch” here refers to me attempting to execute a snatch. I’m not claiming that what I’m doing is really a snatch, power snatch, squat snatch, or anything. They are all from the floor and end overhead with a wide grip.)
Started with: Overhead carry, 90lbs (stacked two plates and carried overhead for a dangerously long time)
Overhead squats, “snatching” every set: 5x65, 5x85, 5x105, couldn’t do 125. Snatched it and may have done one rep, think I bailed at the bottom of the first actually. That’s OK, I’m learning.
BTN press, snatching every set. 3x8, 65, 85, 105.
Between these is when I worked my way in single weighted pullups - 25, 45, 70, 90.
Push press, 3x3x135.
BTN pullups, 3x8 superset with those.
Push jerk, 3x1x155.
Underhand pullups, 3x3 or so, superset with those.
About out of time today, just did one long set of skull crushers for fun. More assistance would have been nice, had the energy but not the time.
Bottom line: This felt really good, though it was a total departure from my normal Friday. Glad I did it this way. Been reading a lot of Dan John lately, thus the snatch attempts.
Diet discipline and weight loss continues.
10 minutes of 25 swings, EMOM
(A great workout, you should try it)
Deadlift singles up to 370 (all i have), two singles at that weight
10 sandbag floor-to-overhead, going once every 30 seconds, with the 100lb bag.
Experimented with different methods of this.
Felt fine, can lift more, but i think my back takes over. @TriednTrue i tried leaning back, per our conversation last week. Looks like i was off to a good start but that broke down pretty early on.
Open to feedback or cues from anyone who wants to. @simo74 are you still around?
If you slow that video down and look at the point you start the pull your shoulders are way behind the bar. As soon as you pull your body comes forward and resets to over the bar. Not sure how to fix that other than more rep work in the 70-80% range. @wiseman83 and ideas
Lol yeah that was on purpose @simo74 , id been out over the bar too far previously, so i tried the cue of sitting back at the start!
Back too far haha!
Definitely a little heavy. I dislike the way your back position changed mid pull. Could be a bracing issue, IE brace harder and hold it harder.
I think your hips probably end up starting too high also, I see you’re trying to work on that with the sit back. I’d definitely get back to work on that 70-80% range as Simo suggested. I feel like your last aren’t being engaged enough also. See that rounded shoulder look as you initiate that pull? Getting your upper back tighter and or stronger will assist here greatly. Chin/pull-ups, lots of bent over rowing. Etc.
What’s a rep look like at 250lbs? 300? 330?
Be a good idea to find out where it all goes bad, then drop a little.below that and hammer away at improving the lifts at those numbers. Essentially earning the weight increases along the way.
With your height and size, 400-450lbs deadlifts are not far away with some technical enhancement.
I did pull 405 in December, it was a major PR but also the ugliest deadlift rep you ever saw.
Didn’t film but i felt like my spine folded in half, and straightened it out through pure strength of will!
I do tons of pullups and rows and will continue doing so, but of course ill try to work on those other cues as well.
Oh and 450 not far away eh? I’d love to prove you right
6’0 and 185lb currently btw, but you probably knew that.