1/9/22 Monday
Bench 5/3/1 c?W1: TM=215lb
5x155, 5x160, 10 or 11 x 185. No spotter. Fell short of the 12x190 last cycle but not bothered by that, it wasn’t the point.
Superset with BB rows, 3x10x175 *That’s a 20lb jump from previous weeks. Used more body english I’m sure. *
Bench 3x8x135
superset with
DB rows, 120lb 5, 8, 8. (Grip sucked, found a strap after the first set. Should have used much lighter weight, the goal was fast and light and no rest and I beefed it! Ha. Must have been thinking of my BB row weight.)
Dips 3x10 BW
SS with
Ab rollouts from feet, with knees at the end of the range: 3x4.
No rest on that SS.
Pec flyes and lying-down skull crushers,superset, 3 sets, no rest. Light weight.
DB curls, one long set with 40s.
Conditioning time! 5 minutes of Burpee Chins because @T3hPwnisher . These suck but seem like they work. Completed 25 reps and was disappointed in myself.
Performed my daily 1.1 mile run in the gym on the treadmill. Used decent incline and got it done in about 10:30 but who’s timing.
Knocked it out now in case I can’t get 10:30 of free time later today.
@SvenG thanks for your comments on fat loss stimulus. I’m not going to leave my regular programming behind at the moment, but I appreciate what you said and will incorporate it at some point in this T-ransformation. For now, adding small “new stimuli” around the edges may do the trick.
5’s pro w1 again (last week it felt crushing, glad I didn’t proceed to w2 percentages. This was heavy enough, I felt weak in the knees on the top set.)
5x135, 185, 215, 245
If you’d told me to do 3 more sets of 5 at 245 within 10 minutes I’d have laughed and said it was impossible. But I did 15 more reps in 10 minutes as an EMOM:
245lbs, EMOM, alternating between singles and doubles.
So glad I did.
I’m thinking it’s the carb reduction (not elimination) that’s leaving me with this feeling. Hopefully I even out in a week or so and get back on track, but right now progression is not the goal, fat loss is, so I’ll take it as it comes.
BPAs in between the squats.
3x8 BSS, BW only. Very short rests, like 30 seconds?
Tabata Front Squats: 85lbs.
Reps went something like this: 9, 8, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6 or something like that. It’s a brutal thing to do but I plan to do it a lot more! As my work capacity grows I should be able to get more out of this.
Sled push, 3 rounds.
So yeah, big focus on conditioning but still hitting the basic strength work and the appropriate muscles… I think I can turn this into a decent program with a little more experimentation.
Well it’s just my neighborhood, if I want to run a loop instead of there-and-back it’s 1.1 miles. There’s another loop of 2.1 miles!
My whole family takes a 1.0 mile walk nearly every day and sometimes twice, but it’s there-and-back to avoid the higher-traffic road.
1/13/23 Press and Pullups day
Had a good session in the garage today.
Press: Plan was to re-run last weeks 531w3 and beat the top set, which was a poor 5x120. However I misloaded 115 instead, so the 7 reps are nothing to celebrate. But I did the work so whatever.
Press 5x95, 3x105, 7x115 which was hard enough!
Superset with unweighted pullups, 3x5.
BTN press 75lbs, beat last week’s numbers: 20, 15, 18! This is really money. It hurts like hell and the hurt stays with you for a while. I’ll go heavier next time, shoot for the 12 rep range.
Superset those with Weighted Pullups.
3x35; 2x70, and the second one was questionable; attempted 1x90, and failed it. BUT I got it on video, and the effort is there and it looks kinda funny, I’ll upload later if I can.
Delts are wiped from BTN but:
2x12x20lbs lateral raises.
Tabata cuban press! (Horrible nightmarish thing to do. Don’t do it. I just used the bar. I think it’s called a Cuban press, you bring it from BTN to the corresponding position in front of you, without ever locking out overhead. You try to go just barely above head height. Back and forth. It’s constant tension on the shoulders and hurts like hell.
Took a minute to be able to move my shoulders again, then:
5 minutes, max clean and press, 95lbs. Ended up going E30SOTS with 3 or 4 each time, guessing 34 total reps. Room to improve for sure but my shoulders were wiped anyway.
Saturday 1/14
Copying @simo74 as best i can,
200lb bag, 10 rounds, E2MOM
Pick up and carry about 60 feet.
The 3rd and 4th picks i did sideways. In the 4th i tweaked my lumbar area and its still pretty uncomfortable. Finished out using the straight-on pick method.
Next time go 1:40 rounds.
The carry is the hard part. So hard to breathe. And thats where my back bothered me after the tweak. Simo over there doing twice as far with a turn!
Edit to add. Got the 1.1 mile but my lower back continues to hurt. I didn’t use the belt earlier, maybe thats a sign i should buy a soft belt for times like this.
Sounds like a good session albeit with a little back tweak. The sandbag is a funny thing because your speed and ability to carry reduced really quickly as the weight goes up. 80 I am fairly quick and it looks easy ish, 100 it is slow as and every step is a struggle. Guess we both just have to get stronger.