A Furey-ous Workout

Any one here heard of Matt Furey and Combat Conditioning??? Ive been reading great reviews for a bit but would like to hear any feedback from people here at T-Nation. I realize it may be seem a bit sacraligious to some of the iron heads, hell it did to me at first, that’s because It’s based upon body weight exercises, like Hindu squats and pushups, no wieghts! Ooops, did I say that outloud?.

Im not really looking to get any larger, but increse Power and Strength Edurance, and lean out a bit more. Combat Conditioning claims to do just that. Anybody heard of or tried Id love to hear from before I purchase. Thanks~

Wrong place, go to the Crossfit website.

Mike Mahler tried it and reviewed it.


Well, it can provide good GPP, but that’s about it. You won’t get any stronger, and you won’t get any knowledge you can’t have here anyway, so why not save the 30-some bucks? Do a search on GPP, Waterbury had a good article on it. And I think it was Mike Mahler who ran an article with the very same pics you posted and the workout you seem interested in. The title was ‘Combat conditionning’, if my memory serves right.

Thanks, Ill check out the suggestions~ So any of you try the exercises. The Handstand pushups in particular rock~

It’s more like a Furey-ous ripoff.

You can get the information off any decent website. The exercises are good, but they’ve all been written about before, and by people with a little more integrity than Furey.

Save your money.

I think this workout will give you lots of stamina and increased flexibility but will do precious little for power production.

Furey built a muscular physique using barbells…then he invented an anti-free weight propaganda.

Ive read that several of the photos he uses in his ads are from the time in his life when he was using free weights.

Before he started dry humping his floor.

Please don’t give Furey any money. The guy is a sleazy snake oil salesman, a real king of hype and exageration and false claims. If you need some proof of what he’s all about, go to his website and check out some of his products. First, note the outrageous prices of most of them. Then, notice that one of the courses he sells is called “sexual kung-fu” or something like that.

That said, I personally am a huge fan of bodyweight exercise. You can go very far in terms of strength, speed, explosiveness and yes, even muscle mass using nothing but your own bodyweight (think gymnasts). If you want a quality bodyweight exercise book for about thirty bucks, check out Ross Enamait. He’s down to earth, cordial and a heck of a nice guy. If you have questions, he’ll answer them usually in the same day. He has a bunch of video clips of himself in action on his site (including the newest one which was from an experimental mass gaining program he went on while still trying to retain his performance levels), it’s impressive. He’s a former boxer and now trains other boxers, so everything he does has that as a background, but everything he puts out seems to be open enough for all walks of life.

Definitely check out Ross over Furey. Ross’ book (he has a few, but the bodyweight one) is called Never Gymless.

Take it easy,

This is from Wikipedia:

"Personal example
Critics often note that, for a self-proclaimed fitness guru, Furey himself has a rather poor physique, with high levels of body fat and little visible muscle. His physique itself belies his claims of the importance of calisthenic exercise, power breathing, and good diet as a means of lowering fat while increasing muscle mass.

He does not compete in any competitive athletic endeavours in which he might display athletic prowess, nor does he provide any evidence of the efficacy of his methods.

In marketing his program, Furey heavily advertises a picture of himself in peak physical condition, standing before a waterfall in China. The picture itself, however, is over ten years old, and is no longer representative of his current physical condition. This photograph was taken at a time when Furey was still training with freeweights, making them attributable to his physique. This is similar to the deception practised by Charles Atlas.

[quote]tobywan wrote:
If you want a quality bodyweight exercise book for about thirty bucks, check out Ross Enamait. He’s down to earth, cordial and a heck of a nice guy. If you have questions, he’ll answer them usually in the same day. He has a bunch of video clips of himself in action on his site (including the newest one which was from an experimental mass gaining program he went on while still trying to retain his performance levels), it’s impressive. He’s a former boxer and now trains other boxers, so everything he does has that as a background, but everything he puts out seems to be open enough for all walks of life.

Definitely check out Ross over Furey. Ross’ book (he has a few, but the bodyweight one) is called Never Gymless.

Take it easy,

Yes. I have NG and the UnderGround Guide to Warrior Fitness. Both top notch bodyweight books. Don’t waste your money on Furey.

[quote]uberswank wrote:
If you want a quality bodyweight exercise book for about thirty bucks, check out Ross Enamait. He’s down to earth, cordial and a heck of a nice guy. [/quote]

I couldn’t agree more. Ross is an incredible guy with a wealth of knowledge. All of his manuals are excellent.

If you really want Furey’s book, get it off a p2p program. It’s not worth the money he wants for it. The exercises are fine for a warmup or for pre-breakfast cardio, but not much more.

You need to learn how to a) do a search and b) use spellcheck

And don’t waste your money on Furey. I did. As someone noted, all of his material is easily found on limewire.

[quote]zenmunkey wrote:
Any one here heard of Matt Furey and Combat Conditioning??? Ive been reading great reviews for a bit but would like to hear any feedback from people here at T-Nation. I realize it may be seem a bit sacraligious to some of the iron heads, hell it did to me at first, that’s because It’s based upon body weight exercises, like Hindu squats and pushups, no wieghts! Ooops, did I say that outloud?.

Im not really looking to get any larger, but increse Power and Strength Edurance, and lean out a bit more. Combat Conditioning claims to do just that. Anybody heard of or tried Id love to hear from before I purchase. Thanks~[/quote]

Since you are so obsessed with male physiques Dirty Tiger, try Play Girl Magazine. You’d obviously like it a lot.

Furey’s training is not for you. It’s for men.