7/5/3 Wave Weights Used

Hi Coach,
Just a quick question regarding what percentages of our 1rm you reccomend for the 7\5\3 wave you have reccomended as a good way to increase size? Also should the second wave be heavier than the first or the same? Thanks

Well the limitation of % based training is that depending on your experience level, muscle fiber makeup and normal training, what you can do with each percentages. For example “normally” you will hit around 7 reps with 80% of your maximum but some people can get 9-12 (some even more) while others will get 4-6.

It also depends on how and when the 1RM was established. When using percent-based training, the 1RM on which the percentages are based should be technically solid. If you cheat the weight up a bit or have to compensate, the percentages will be erroneous (too heavy). Or if you go with your a PR that you hit on a magical day when everything clicked but that you were never able to duplicate the weights will also be too heavy.

That having been said, a good place to start with a 7/5/3 wave is 78% / 83% / 88%.

With low reps waves, like 3/2/1 or even 5/3/1 the second wave should be heavier (third wave too if you use 3 waves). And with a higher rep wave like 8/6/4 the second wave will be the same weight (maybe even a tad lighter) because you accumulate more fatigue. A 7/5/3 wave could go either way. I personally can go heavier on the second wave but that’s because I have a very high work capacity with medium and low reps due. Some people (Type 1A and 1B for example) will often have a drop in performance after 3-4 work sets and they wont be able to add weight on that second wave. It will come to experimentation.

Hi, hope no one minds me jumping in with a question, but I’m also interested in utilizing the 7/5/3 wave for my big lifts of the day. Great results so far with sumo deadlift and this technique.

Can this be used with a landmine squat? Or can it not be properly loaded with a heavy enough weight? Considering it’s hard to hoist bigger weight up to chest level…I’m currently training at home with no squat rack.

You kind of answered your own question there. If you can find a way to load it heavy enough to apply to a 7/5/3 wave then go for it. If it’s too light to achieve the desired training effect then you’ll have to find another exercise or do more reps.

If I understand correctly, you have a bar but no rack. Rear foot elevated split squats (RFESS) aka Bulgarian split squats could be an option for you. This would be limited by your ability to get the bar onto your back though.

If you have access to some lumber then you could build some boxes and create your own squat stands. I see Olympic lifters using stacked boxes instead of racks all the time.

Here’s one.

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Thank you for the advice! I already do the REFSS which work well. I don’t have much room to store or build something to elevate the bar unfortunately. My boyfriend said no to this being a permanent fixture in our already small apartment lol. Waiting to get a rack when we move in about a year.

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My setup is in the basement and I can’t do any standing overhead work. I share your frustration from time to time.

Creativity is key in a home gym.

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