Greetings Coach Thibaudeau! Over the years I’ve enjoyed many of your articles and YouTube podcasts. I’ve reaped good gains and a more enjoyable style of training. I identify with the EHG sub-type since I feel I fit the description for the most part, minus the Olympic Athlete part. I also don’t have a crazy shoulder to hip ratio like some guys I’ve known, yet could out perform several of my more muscular counterparts.
Your articles that I refer to most are 2004’s Easy-Hardgainers 1 and 2 articles. I discovered them a few years ago and use the templates. I haven’t really used the rep schemes because they seemed complicated and I was the type to just want to go into the gym and pump out reps. This was likely a mistake.
Now I would like to actually utilize the set/rep parameters in the article. Specifically the “wave loading” for the Full Body workouts #1 and #2. I understand cluster sets and I was able to find info in another of your articles about the 5/4/3 wave, but I’m stumped when it comes to the 5/2 “short wave” and cannot find anything on google that explains it. The closest match I found is the Contrast sets, but I don’t think it’s the same. Can you give us a rundown on the optimal way to use the 5/2 wave? Also, would it be good to mix and match the various set/rep protocols say the next time I start an intensification phase, so each lift receives different stimulation over time?
Thank you for your time!