51 Year Old, Comments?

Just putting myself out there for comments. 51you, natural, got serious to compete at age 47. Recreational lifter until then…

hey you’re in better condition then most of the young’uns posting on here. nice work! how about some more poses and stats?

Don’t kill me. I don’t know who rated you a 5!

I agree with 1morerep, and he is older than most of the posters here himself. Looking good. How do you place in your competitions?

Nice work. For 51, that is impressive.

Very Impressive. Would love to hear more about your competitions and stats.


Not bad at all for over 50… lets hear about the competitions…

[quote]KnowstheSky wrote:
Just putting myself out there for comments. 51you, natural, got serious to compete at age 47. Recreational lifter until then…[/quote]

Dude 9.5… I can’t believe it’s 6.5. AWESOME, INSPIRING. You are among less than 1% of top physiques at your age…bottom line.

There’s something odd with your picture, looking younger AND older than 51 in the same time, really weird…

Great job on the leanness though!

And what’s up with the sword?

…that’s a unique way of attacking soap scum in the shower…

Don’t Samurai sword me bro! Looking good for fifty one my man.


Excellent work!

Keep up the solid effort. You’re swoller than Brady Quinn is. Scooby do work!


Sick physique man. At 51 you look better than many teens on this site!

I noticed the same thing with old navy and you. At an older age, does the pec shape usually change?

Looking great!

I don’t mean to offend anyone, but 7.3 seems rediculously high to me, for this pic. JMHO

I’m 53 so I know how much work you’ve been doing. Very lean and defined, with impressive abs. Your shoulders could use some work, although it might be the photo. Great job!
Check out my photos here under “52 year old rate my physique”

Come on buddy, don’t post a pic and not talk to us again!! :wink:

I’m also curious to know what your backgroud is. Former athlete? Retired militar? Just a beginner? etc…


Maybe he can’t post again because he is so old that he doesn’t know what internet forums are for?

[quote]BF Bullpup wrote:
Maybe he can’t post again because he is so old that he doesn’t know what internet forums are for?[/quote]