[quote]Blackaggar wrote:
[quote]gregron wrote:
[quote]TheTexican wrote:
[quote]al1492 wrote:
[quote]gregron wrote:
[quote]al1492 wrote:
I would just do the minimum reps for the main lifts. [/quote]
^^this would kind of defeat the whole purpose of the doing 531 IMO[/quote]
I see where you’re coming from but I was basing this advice on Jim’s ebook 5/3/1 for Powerlifting where he has a “mass template” (someone mentioned above actually) in which he advises to just hit the minimum reps so you have more energy left to push the assistance work for more weight/volume.
I think he had some other article where he said if your main goal was increasing muscle mass just hit the minimum # of reps each week. Might be mistaken though (has happened before)[/quote]
This is right. I do the same when I’m focusing more on my conditioning. Nothing wrong with it and you won’t necessarily get stronger but that’s not the goal.[/quote]
why would you be doing 531 (a STRENGTH GAINING program) when your goal is not to get stronger? What?
Im on the same page on you on this but unfortunately no matter what anyones goal is on this site, 5/3/1 is always recomended lol
just do 5/3/1
have you tried 5/3/1?
oh you want to get bigger arms? well you can do 5/3/1
just do 5/3/1 then eat a lot and come back in 6 months
im soo tired about hearing about this f`kn program lol
/rant over
No one prescribed 531 for the OP. He asked a question about it. As far as doing the program with a goal other than getting stronger. Wendler has said many times your specific goal may change from time to time and it is ok to just go into more of a strength maintanence period if you actually want to get leaner or into better condition, it is actually recommended to not constantly push your third sets all the time.
This concept does require a bit of critical thinking and the ability to understand the effect of different training modalities on your total ability to recover and progress.
To answer specific questions, I focus on my conditioning more than increasing my total strength from time to time for my job, and 531 is a great way to keep my strength levels up while I’m focusing on another area of overall physical improvement. With that said, if OP wants to, for the most part hit just prescribed reps, do some compound assistance, then some direct armwork (as would be my recommendation), he could maintain his base of strength and try to get some HUUUUGE GUNZ in the process and have more energy to reach his goal rather than use it all trying to get new rep PR’s every week.