5/3/1 Book Coming Soon

According to Wendler’s training log the 5/3/1 book should be coming soon. The book was sent to the editor Tuesday February 10.


Excellent! Looking forward to it. Still monstrously sore from Tuesday’s squat session.

Phil are you going to be getting this? I have the three days a week ebook, and I just dont really understand why he is coming out with a second book… I have found everything I need in the book I have.

[quote]MikeyKBiatch wrote:
Phil are you going to be getting this? I have the three days a week ebook, and I just dont really understand why he is coming out with a second book… I have found everything I need in the book I have.[/quote]


I am not sure yet whether I am going to get it. I have talked to Wendler a few times and the main he was writing a book solely on the 5/3/1 program is to provide more detail for the people that don’t get it. At one point he had several hundred questions in queue to answer. He wants to make it easier to understand so it will cut down on questions on the program.

[quote]Phillip Wylie wrote:


I am not sure yet whether I am going to get it. I have talked to Wendler a few times and the main he was writing a book solely on the 5/3/1 program is to provide more detail for the people that don’t get it. At one point he had several hundred questions in queue to answer. He wants to make it easier to understand so it will cut down on questions on the program.

Ah yes, I guess I could see a need for “those people” lol. BTW Phillip what meet are you doing next?

[quote]MikeyKBiatch wrote:
Ah yes, I guess I could see a need for “those people” lol. BTW Phillip what meet are you doing next? [/quote]

I will be competing at the NASA Power Sports Nationals on March 28. I originally wasn’t going to compete until the USAPL Texas Championships in May, but one of my training partners is going to compete at the NASA meet and I decided to compete too.

[quote]Phillip Wylie wrote:
MikeyKBiatch wrote:
Ah yes, I guess I could see a need for “those people” lol. BTW Phillip what meet are you doing next?

I will be competing at the NASA Power Sports Nationals on March 28. I originally wasn’t going to compete until the USAPL Texas Championships in May, but one of my training partners is going to compete at the NASA meet and I decided to compete too.


Awesome good luck. Where is it gonna be? Maybe ill come down and check it out.

[quote]MikeyKBiatch wrote:
Awesome good luck. Where is it gonna be? Maybe ill come down and check it out.[/quote]

Thanks, the NASA meet is in OKC and the USAPL meet is in Killeen, TX.


[quote]crankMAN wrote:

lol I was just going to post this… sounds pretty good, I think i may pick it up even tho i understand the 5/3/1 jim’s stuff is always well done and I know i will pick up some more tips.

[quote]MikeyKBiatch wrote:
crankMAN wrote:

lol I was just going to post this… sounds pretty good, I think i may pick it up even tho i understand the 5/3/1 jim’s stuff is always well done and I know i will pick up some more tips.[/quote]

I think I have a decent grasp on the program as well, but I will still probably buy the new book. Who knows what question I may have down the road that the book will answer.

Angry Coach review:

That sounds great. I’ll probably pick that up too since I’m just starting my 2nd cycle through.

i bought the 3 days a week book, i understand (and love) the 5/3/1, but i still plan on buying the 5/3/1 manual. and jim already said somewhere that its going to be cheaper than the 3 days book, which was like $30, so i just figured itll be cheap enough, might as well grab it.

never tried and don’t even know what the program is about but i’ve heard a lot of good things from it so I will probably give it a try down the road a few months after the book is out.
Is it more directed to strength and size?
Good for intermediates to use?

[quote]rasturai wrote:
never tried and don’t even know what the program is about but i’ve heard a lot of good things from it so I will probably give it a try down the road a few months after the book is out.
Is it more directed to strength and size?
Good for intermediates to use?[/quote]

The program is good for both size and strength. I put on muscle and wasn’t trying. I was following the Westside program for five years before I switched. I have been training off and on for over 27 years, so it’s a little more difficult for me to gain muscle.

The program is good for all levels. My two training partners are intermediate level lifters and they are doing great on 5/3/1.

Yeah I love the program, I have been putting on size and strength. I really don’t think there is a better program out there for raw lifting.