[quote]1 Man Island wrote:
[quote]Chizeled wrote:
Yea I wasn’t too sure about 20K either but its still seemed like over 10K which is still a massive amount even for a guy of his size.
Also I’m interested to hear that you mentioned skip loading. I could’ve sworn I read that this practice was only used around contest preps. This guy mentions he’s in the off season and tones it down during prep. Just wanted to know if you skipload during your off season as well and what benefits do you see during this protocol. Thanks for the input honestly!
I don’t compete, but I began skiploading during a 50 lb cut, w/ 45g C on workout days and 30 on off days, so pretty low carb (though, not keto). One of the main reasons it’s used around contests is because it provides predictability on how you handle carbs, water retention, etc. to optimize blowing your muscles up w/out looking soft.
I’ve gone into more detail elsewhere on here, but here’s the quick pros/cons:
-It’s awesome to eat a bunch of junk food, esp. when you have a sweet tooth
-Knowledge of how you handle carbs
-The bloat is gone in 2-4 days and it revs the metabolism
-Adjustable (frequency and duration)
-Good way to start an eat more/exercise more cycle
-Can be addictive (I’d be thinking about it days in advance)
-Easy to overdo, you only have a limited amount of time to get in the goods
-After the first hour, you don’t really want any more sweets
-You sweat a lot, metabolism is raised, so body temp increases + south florida + summer + no AC = sweat
-I often needed to sleep for a couple hours after
-Cramps from high carbs w/ no water (you can pack in A LOT more w/ out drinking)
-Limitations: no water, dairy, HFCS, and low fat leaves you a lot less options than you think
I’m also not sure if similar results would come from a clean carb loading day.
I’m currently trying to balance it with reverse dieting by loading and increasing my daily calories once I come back down from the load, but I’m finding it increasingly difficult (thus, probably unnecessary). I did a 6 hour load about a week ago and still haven’t come down. I was planning on loading until I avged 100g C/day, but I might have to cut it out sooner… though, I’m going to try just shortening the duration.[/quote]
Can you post/pm link with the more detailed version? Really interested and want to save you the questions man. Appreciate it.