20 Years Old Please Comment!

[quote]Avocado wrote:
. I going seppuku and strangling him with my intestines.


Quote of the year, I wish we had signatures on this forum cuz it would definitely be in mine.

Dude, your physique is great. Don’t let these jealous nay-sayers get you down. Review the comments from the CONSTRUCTIVE critcisms from people who seem to know what they are talking about, and ignore the rest!

[quote]ulmerrj wrote:
Dude, your physique is great. Don’t let these jealous nay-sayers get you don’t. Review the comments from the CONSTRUCTIVE critcisms from people who seem to know what they are talking about, and ignore the rest![/quote]

what a way to start your career here on T-Nation…and its your…second day? joined today? shit…

[quote]ulmerrj wrote:
Dude, your physique is great. Don’t let these jealous nay-sayers get you don’t. Review the comments from the CONSTRUCTIVE critcisms from people who seem to know what they are talking about, and ignore the rest![/quote]

So THIS is your first post?

What a waste!

You could have said something funny, interesting or even thought provoking.

But no. You chose the retarded option.

Please explain; how the heck is that a Great physique? Sure, it isn’t bad. There’s room for improvement but great?

What is your criteria? What are your reference points?

Is it great because you’re comparing it to crap one?

Tell me more. I need to know what on earth is going through your head.

[quote]Brisks wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
Brisks wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
You win, congratulations.

Why are you always such as asshole? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than waddle around the internet trying to be funny all day? You dont even have a paticularly good physique yet I always see you trying to be the funny wise guy on all these picture threads, are you trying to compensate for something in real life?

Why am I an asshole? Cuz its fun and the pictures I come across just keep getting funnier.

My physique? I agree I don’t have a particularly good one yet, but I am one of a constantly diminishing number of people on this site who make transformations and/or make constant progress without begging everyone to lick their nuts every step of the way.

I don’t honestly know why you care. I’m sorry that you envy this guys physique I really am, it doesn’t change that these pictures are douchbaggery.

I bet you’ll never find a negative post by me towards someone who has actually achieved something or doesn’t set them selves up for flaming by posting pictures looking into the light like Jesus himself is descending from heaven.

And yes, I’m compensating for having a super small penis.

I just dont understand why you seem to spend the majority of your time going around and commenting on these pictures, if they’re so shit why even waste your time on them? The only thing I can think of is that you have nothing better to do with your time and don’t have much of a life outside of trying to be a wise guy on the internet.

wait a minute. BRISKS?

You’re the same guy who was flaming larryjr for getting gastric bypass right? Yeah you’re a total asshole. You have no right to speak.

Nice pick-up GL.

I didn’t realize that was him, no wonder he personally attacked me.

Its because he’s achieved nothing and has a shit physique and gets pissed when people who HAVE achieve something, and dont ask to have there cocks stroked, shit on the “underdeveloped” begging to be considered HAWT.

[quote]GetSwole wrote:
I still have a small schlong.[/quote]

You too??!?
Fuck! It’s a T-Nation epidemic!! Is there no cure?? SAVE US ALL!

Worst photos. get some new ones up that aren’t on a 35degree angle with no shadowing to make it look like you are more toned. Then you’ll get criticism, some positive.

Oh my god, Swiss Rugby and Pipes06, are we in 8th grade or something? Do I have to be a member of this esteemed site for a certain time before I comment? I guess it’s just like saying Obama should have been a member of the Senate for more than 1 term before he ran for President.

You should know that I have been a PURCHASER of products from this site for over a year and have read some of the pathetic rants like yours and it was with GREAT hesitation that I even commented and its comments like yours that make me wonder if I should have even bothered. I think the steriods have eaten your brain, just like they shrunk your balls.

[quote]ulmerrj wrote:
I think the steriods have eaten your brain, just like they shrunk your balls.[/quote]

At least now we know you have no credibility and have no reason to listen to you. Anybody can spend money, doesn’t mean they no shit about training, nutrition, or building a solid physique.

[quote]ulmerrj wrote:
Oh my god, Swiss Rugby and Pipes06, are we in 8th grade or something? Do I have to be a member of this esteemed site for a certain time before I comment? I guess it’s just like saying Obama should have been a member of the Senate for more than 1 term before he ran for President. You should know that I have been a PURCHASER of products from this site for over a year and have read some of the pathetic rants like yours and it was with GREAT hesitation that I even commented and its comments like yours that make me wonder if I should have even bothered. I think the steriods have eaten your brain, just like they shrunk your balls.[/quote]

I don’t care what you bought, how long you’ve been training or even what your opinion of me is.

I asked you a question, please explain to me how you can think that this physique is GREAT? It’s because of people like YOU that the world is totally disillusioned.

“Morbidly fat is alright!” “Anorexic men are hot!”

The OP’s physique is much better than average yes but the posing is not necessary as it diminishes the overall view of his physique. How are WE supposed to rate it if half of it is shadowed out?

So. Either respond to my question or stop posting, keep buying your products and quit being a waste of everyones time.

Just in case you forgot what the question was:


P.S. Your reference to Obama’s political backround is irrelevant. The following would make more sense in this situation:

It doesn’t matter how long Obama was a member of a senate, if he said something retarded it’s still RETARDED.

Oh good grief, GetSwole, this coming from a coward who doesn’t have any pictures him or herself, has set his profile to private, and has “internet courage”. We really are in the school house playground. One point I want to encourage: if you don’t know spelling and grammar, please don’t comment. Swole, don’t you mean “know shit”?

I, along with the original poster, do have a brain, and with that comes the ability to learn pretty quickly. Training and nutrition are not rocket science. Plus, I have been going to a personal trainer three times a week for almost a year now. He has set up a diet AND training regimen that has provided great progress so far. Not that I have to prove any credibility I may have to you, but just showing you that you shouldn’t run your mouth when you don’t know the full story.

GetSwole, it’s obvious you are insecure about yourself and that you come here in order to cut other people down to make yourself feel better. I hope it works for you. Meanwhile, People like the original poster and I continue to improve our lives through diet and exercise, regardless of your cowardly internet trolling.

[quote]GetSwole wrote:
ulmerrj wrote:

At least now we know you have no credibility and have no reason to listen to you. Anybody can spend money, doesn’t mean they no shit about training, nutrition, or building a solid physique.

Or maybe you could look at my entire thread with pictures and updates the entire step of the way. I’ll be happy to link you too it.

“Chub to stud” plan in the physique and performance photos sections.

Feel free to put that foot back in your mouth dumbshit.

Oh and make sure you read through the whole thread so you realize that making continual progress is certaintly not something I have trouble with.

If I was you I’d insult people less and get to know some of the members before you make decisions.

Oh jesus I misspelled a word so I have no credibility or intelligence.

And what was that you said about not running your mouth without knowing the full story.

You just made yourself look like such an ass with that attack on me its incredible.

oh and I see you’ve trained a total of 8 months and have no pictures. Congradufuckinglations.

You really are hilarious, you may have made a bigger fool out of yourself than anyone I’ve seen on this site. Serves you right for talking to soon.

[quote]GetSwole wrote:
If I was you I’d insult people less and get to know some of the members before you make decisions.[/quote]

I think he should just leave.

I really can’t believe how much he shit on himself.

Forum, it appears that Mr. Intelligence and Mrs. Maturity have abandonned SwissRugby and Getswole. I feel like I’m arguing with a 6 year old! GetSwole, I CAN attack you for attacking others on this site where your childish comments are public and I can read how immature they are.

Anyway, Swiss, Monopoly has a much better physique than you, if you care to know. In fact, Tommy, the OP has a more desireable look and physique than you. I don’t care if you can squat 1,000 lbs. It won’t make you pretty!

BTW crew, I figured out what’s wrong with at least Swiss – gravity is pulling him sideways. Go to his profile and check out his sideways video where he lifts those empty plastic weights!

I’ll bet my life the majority of this forum would pick me and swiss as fellow members over you any day of the week.

You can attack me, but everything you attacked me for was completely voided because you contradicted your own preaching. You shit on yourself and now you are trying to pass it off quietly. Come on put your foot in your mouth. You made yourself out to be the biggest ass on this forum. And you dare insult someone elses intelligence.

I’m really awaiting your defense of how much you contradicted yourself and how utterly stupid you made yourself look by your post about me.

Please, since you speaking to the entire forum, establish your credibility now. With each post you have made you have just convinced me further of my original statement about your lack of credibility.

You are a miserable miserable failure. Good luck with your trainer.