Hey everyone. I am new to the forum and was looking for some criticism on my body. Preferably constructive. I am 20 years old, been training for about 2 and a half years. Never had a personal trainer, just been doing it on my own. Let me know what you think thank you!
Legs? Back?
Your an angel.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
Your a tool.[/quote]
You could probably clean up your diet to get leaner. The biggest difference will come if you start eating protein more frequently throughout the day. Eat 5 or 6 times a day. If you always have amino acids available in your blood, your body won’t need to take them from your muscles when it needs amino acids for hair, liver, or fuel. You’ll stay catabolic. Take in as many carbs as you feel your level of activity for the day demands. Fats will come from the meat, eggs, and dairy you will be eating in order to get protein.
Since you have no shots of your legs or back, I’m gonna assume they haven’t gotten much attention in your training. Leg Presses and Lat Pulldowns will not cut it. You look like you’ve benched and done dips before.
If you’re not doing some variation of…
Overhead Presses
then you’re missing out. You don’t need to do those exact moves. You could do front squats, Rack Deadlifts (Partial Deadlift usually from below knee) Arnold Presses, Dumbbell Rows, and Neutral Grip Chins.
You win, congratulations.
But a coat and more lights.
Edit: and pull up your god damn pants. Fuck.
[quote]tommy5144 wrote:
Preferably constructive.[/quote]
Bwahahahahah…I love life.
yeah i just posted readily available pictures i dont have any of legs and back. I can tell you my legs suck though.
[quote]tommy5144 wrote:
yeah i just posted readily available pictures i dont have any of legs and back. I can tell you my legs suck though.[/quote]
in that case. YOU suck!
[quote]swissrugby67 wrote:
tommy5144 wrote:
yeah i just posted readily available pictures i dont have any of legs and back. I can tell you my legs suck though.
in that case. YOU suck![/quote]
Well i mean its not my strong point no need to be an asshole
Here we go again…
You’re small but you look like you bench. Not a bad physique but the first photograph was useless. Work on your legs and back if theyre lagging. Not sure what else to say, other than it musetve been freezing standing shirtless in the second pic.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
You win, congratulations.
Why are you always such as asshole? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than waddle around the internet trying to be funny all day? You dont even have a paticulally good physique yet I always see you trying to be the funny wise guy on all these picture threads, are you trying to compensate for something in real life?
Aren’t you really cold in that second picture?
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
I dont see it there, to his credit.
EDIT: Umm, actually cant tell at those 45 angles.
oh man this is funny
but in all seriousness
your body looks good, but in no way shape or form could it be called, musculair,
so iv made a program for you
day 1; Eat And Lift
day 2; Eat And Lift
day 3; Eat And Lift
day 4; Eat And Lift
day 5; Eat And Lift
do this over and over again, and in 3 months come back and post some pictures,
preferably, ones that arnt fit for the next fcuk spread
[quote]marathe wrote:
But a coat and more lights.
Edit: and pull up your god damn pants. Fuck.[/quote]
Yup, pull your fucking jeans up.