[quote]tommy5144 wrote:
Well i mean its not my strong point no need to be an asshole[/quote]
I suppose it isn’t no.
But what can I say, it’s a tough world out there.
[quote]tommy5144 wrote:
Well i mean its not my strong point no need to be an asshole[/quote]
I suppose it isn’t no.
But what can I say, it’s a tough world out there.
Kinda looks like you gotta go pee in that first pic, and like you’re praying you can hold it long enough to finish the shoot.
Eat and lift + stupid cat pictures = Teh Ultimatz Sexinezz
i dont understand whats going on with this forum anymore, the flaming gets worse, but for some reason so do the pictures.
[quote]Brisks wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
You win, congratulations.
Why are you always such as asshole? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than waddle around the internet trying to be funny all day? You dont even have a paticularly good physique yet I always see you trying to be the funny wise guy on all these picture threads, are you trying to compensate for something in real life?[/quote]
Why am I an asshole? Cuz its fun and the pictures I come across just keep getting funnier.
My physique? I agree I don’t have a particularly good one yet, but I am one of a constantly diminishing number of people on this site who make transformations and/or make constant progress without begging everyone to lick their nuts every step of the way.
I don’t honestly know why you care. I’m sorry that you envy this guys physique I really am, it doesn’t change that these pictures are douchbaggery.
I bet you’ll never find a negative post by me towards someone who has actually achieved something or doesn’t set them selves up for flaming by posting pictures looking into the light like Jesus himself is descending from heaven.
And yes, I’m compensating for having a super small penis.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
And yes, I’m compensating for having a super small penis. [/quote]
Sweet! I’m not the only one! Can we start a thread?
On a serious note, I agree with what you said.
To echo GetSwole:
If someone is honestly trying and looking for actual advice and critique, be they 320lbs of man-lard(been there) or 110lbs of nothing, then post your honest photos and honesty is what you’ll get in return. Sure a few barbs here and there, but overall good, solid advice that can be found here in the forums and on this site in general.
If, however, you post a photo(s) that begs for a well-oiled assault by the Backstreet Boys and my incredibly soft-handed priest at the same time, then stupid cat pictures and small penis references start flying.
And for the 50th time, pull your farking pants up.
Ditto on the small penis thread.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
Brisks wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
You win, congratulations.
Why are you always such as asshole? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than waddle around the internet trying to be funny all day? You dont even have a paticularly good physique yet I always see you trying to be the funny wise guy on all these picture threads, are you trying to compensate for something in real life?
Why am I an asshole? Cuz its fun and the pictures I come across just keep getting funnier.
My physique? I agree I don’t have a particularly good one yet, but I am one of a constantly diminishing number of people on this site who make transformations and/or make constant progress without begging everyone to lick their nuts every step of the way.
I don’t honestly know why you care. I’m sorry that you envy this guys physique I really am, it doesn’t change that these pictures are douchbaggery.
I bet you’ll never find a negative post by me towards someone who has actually achieved something or doesn’t set them selves up for flaming by posting pictures looking into the light like Jesus himself is descending from heaven.
And yes, I’m compensating for having a super small penis. [/quote]
I just dont understand why you seem to spend the majority of your time going around and commenting on these pictures, if they’re so shit why even waste your time on them? The only thing I can think of is that you have nothing better to do with your time and don’t have much of a life outside of trying to be a wise guy on the internet.
Small penis thread is currently in all it’s glory in the Sex and the Male Animal section…
The first picture couldve been cool if your physique didnt suck.
You plain old looklike shit with all the others.
I still have a small schlong.
I HATE THIS… im going to make a rant that you need moderator approval to start a thread in this forum topic AND have to be a member for at least one year. this is total bullshit.
[quote]swissrugby67 wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
And yes, I’m compensating for having a super small penis.
Sweet! I’m not the only one! Can we start a thread?
On a serious note, I agree with what you said.
It could be it’s own forum, we could call it “rate my slong” then everybody could take ghey artsy photos of there slong and ask for constructive criticism on the length and girth.
[quote]Brisks wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
Brisks wrote:
GetSwole wrote:
You win, congratulations.
Why are you always such as asshole? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than waddle around the internet trying to be funny all day? You dont even have a paticularly good physique yet I always see you trying to be the funny wise guy on all these picture threads, are you trying to compensate for something in real life?
Why am I an asshole? Cuz its fun and the pictures I come across just keep getting funnier.
My physique? I agree I don’t have a particularly good one yet, but I am one of a constantly diminishing number of people on this site who make transformations and/or make constant progress without begging everyone to lick their nuts every step of the way.
I don’t honestly know why you care. I’m sorry that you envy this guys physique I really am, it doesn’t change that these pictures are douchbaggery.
I bet you’ll never find a negative post by me towards someone who has actually achieved something or doesn’t set them selves up for flaming by posting pictures looking into the light like Jesus himself is descending from heaven.
And yes, I’m compensating for having a super small penis.
I just dont understand why you seem to spend the majority of your time going around and commenting on these pictures, if they’re so shit why even waste your time on them? The only thing I can think of is that you have nothing better to do with your time and don’t have much of a life outside of trying to be a wise guy on the internet.
Same reason(s) you call him out on it:
time on your hands
maybe you work in an office and so does he
you are basically the same as he is for commenting on his assholery.
Besides when some foreskin puts himself up to be judged then so he shall be. I mean look at the pictures. they are ridiculous and obviously not that serious about getting a legit reply because there is little to reply about. We can see his chest, arms and abs, or about 25% of him. If you only finish 25% of a test your maximum marks would likely only be 25%. You would also likely get a few remarks from your prof. So all in all I’d say things are going just as would be expected.
The OP is being retarded and so everyone is responding in kind. Anyone who is giving him legit answers are the ones wasting their time. If this guy doesn’t have the scrote to go about taking legit pics then i doubt he will put into practice any real advice.
[quote]Avocado wrote:
Same reason(s) you call him out on it:
time on your hands
maybe you work in an office and so does he
you are basically the same as he is for commenting on his assholery.
I was hoping no one else had yet pointed out the irony so that I could get some sort of confidence booster before I left work. Damn you.
hey get swole, take it easy on him with the douchebag poster lol…here, this is straight off a facebook of a kid at my college…
[quote]Pipes06 wrote:
hey get swole, take it easy on him with the douchebag poster lol…here, this is straight off a facebook of a kid at my college…[/quote]
They need more beer bottles on that shelf. Not all the womanly flavoured spirits
geez, they look like the cool kids at my college too.
[quote]Pipes06 wrote:
remember…BEER COULD MAKE THEM FAT…[/quote]
It would also flesh out their labias a bit more as well. Plus beer just doesn’t match with their purses I bet.
Aside: If I see another D-bag with an affliction shirt that hinks he’s tough… I going seppuku and strangling him with my intestines.