20 Years Old Second Show

This is from my second show. My legs are very very smooth(I was frusterated about peaking early so ate after prejudging and had pizza before I went on at night) Regardless I know what needs to be fixed, but will take any feedback i can get

5’6 1/2
Around 178 in photo

Bigger version here:


Have a picture of your back?

Didnt work above, see if this works.

looking great with time on your side.

wow…ur an tad shorter than i am and you outweigh me by around 20 lbs in pretty lean condition. where the hell are you hiding it??

Hiding what? lol

[quote]Alex-P wrote:
Hiding what? lol[/quote]

20 lbs! well i can see you’re bigger boned than i am. you’re just a thick frame…thick ankles and wrists…somewhat wide hips and waist. ok that’s where it is. nevermind. looking good tho dude. keep up the good work.

The ankles might be sodium from the gatorade coupled with the pizza i had before I went on lol.

Waist was around 28-29 I believe. I don’t want it to ever be more than that. I figure I can hold another 30lbs in the right spots and keep my waist and look alot better.

This is the first “9” I’ve ever given here. Not that it means much though.

Looks great!

Thanks dude, I wouldnt give myself near that.

Granted, bodybuilders are there worst critics ever lol.

Wow, at 20?! damn impressive my friend. Yeah, the legs look a tad smooth for a contest, but the back detail is quite impressive.


Alex, whats your training and diet like?

For Pre-contest:

When I started the diet it was 6 meals a day. 3 Complex carb meals/10oz meat then 3 broccoli/10oz meat, 1 steak a day.
6weeks out 2carb/meat and 4 greens/meat - steak only on heavy days

Off season: Usuaally I eat whatever but this year im doing 9 meals a day starchy carbs/meat(mostly lean ground beef) I cheat about once a day if I feel like it

Training for the contest was: High rep/Heavy weight talking 22plates on leg press for 5sets at 20 reps a pop(<3 Trenbelone). Usually some drop sets/supersets to. I really just sorta vary my training on what I feel works the best.

Training off season: I am this year still staying high rep/heavy weight on legs because they need to become more developed/detailed. Everything else is heavy weight moderate reps(12range)

I never used high rep/heavy weight till this year and I freakin love it, you want to die when you’re working out. A leg day is like a night of heavy drinking you feel great while everything is flowing through you, then you puke and feel like shit the next day!

I really want to get in contact with Prisoner and talk to him about water/sodium manipulation sense that is where I know I went wrong this year, or anyone for that matter who is on the national/pro level.

[quote]Alex-P wrote:
For Pre-contest:

When I started the diet it was 6 meals a day. 3 Complex carb meals/10oz meat then 3 broccoli/10oz meat, 1 steak a day.
6weeks out 2carb/meat and 4 greens/meat - steak only on heavy days

Off season: Usuaally I eat whatever but this year im doing 9 meals a day starchy carbs/meat(mostly lean ground beef) I cheat about once a day if I feel like it

Training for the contest was: High rep/Heavy weight talking 22plates on leg press for 5sets at 20 reps a pop(<3 Trenbelone). Usually some drop sets/supersets to. I really just sorta vary my training on what I feel works the best.

Training off season: I am this year still staying high rep/heavy weight on legs because they need to become more developed/detailed. Everything else is heavy weight moderate reps(12range)

I never used high rep/heavy weight till this year and I freakin love it, you want to die when you’re working out. A leg day is like a night of heavy drinking you feel great while everything is flowing through you, then you puke and feel like shit the next day!

I really want to get in contact with Prisoner and talk to him about water/sodium manipulation sense that is where I know I went wrong this year, or anyone for that matter who is on the national/pro level. [/quote]

you spelled trenbolone wrong. how does one achieve “detail” in the legs?
and high rep/heavy weight (relatively speaking) is an oxymoron. if the weight was relatively heavy, then high reps wouldn’t be achievable.

I need to achieve more muscular maturity in my legs. More detail would come from things like hack squats and front squats ect. Last time I checked a fully loaded leg press is pretty freakin heavy, and 20 reps is alot of reps at that weight. I’m saying I’m not doing a measly 400lbs at 20 reps. I am going fairly heavy on the weight and busting out barely 20s.

my point is, the rep range your referring to means the weights aren’t heavy relative to your strength. if you can achieve a high number of reps, the weight aint heavy any more. heavy weight=lower reps. you may think the weight is heavy relative to what other people can lift,but not for yourself if you are achieving a high number of reps. strength is relative.

more developed muscles are not synonomous with detail. certain exercises do not create more “detail” or “shape”. doesn’t exist. you clearly have a more developed upper body than the lower half, especially the calves. you can fix this over time obviously.

personally, I think you just hold more fat in your legs, in comparison with your upper body, namely your shoulders, which are pretty dry and cut.
i wasn’t trying to be a dick, just wanted to clarify some facts.

O no dude, I took zero offense, I appreciate it more than anything. About my calves, that photo does not due them justice, I’m very bloated with sodium. I have smaller calves but very shaped.

Ya, my legs are thick and big but they are not seperated how i would like. They were seperated the night before when I peaked(wish i had pictures from that)

I think my legs will come into there own with more muscle maturity, would you tend to agree with that view point?

I believe things like smith machine squats with feet close together does create more shape in the form of a better sweep over time.

I will agree I hold more fat on my legs, now how i attack that without losing to much on my upper body i will have to figure out.

i think you’ll learn where you’re more muscular can also be where you hold more fat. for me, I have a bigger back, but I hold more fat there than my front torso,chest, and arms. read up on Poliquin’s biosignature as far as fat distribution and solving this issue.

as for your quads, I think program design plays into it greatly. prioritizing them by design (frequency) is huge. do a search for Ian King’s old leg program here, circa 2000 I believe.
best of luck

Good work, bro.

Looking good man. Inspiring to us all.