Rate a Teen? 15 Years Old

I am training for around 4 months.I am DEFINATLY not for this site.Yeah,sure i love training,i find some exercises (front squat) beautiful,i have decent strength for my age and training period,BUT i seriously think that i lack in size.

I am however going to post my best and hope for little aproval.Since i am just starting a training log,posting a “rate my physique” pictures is a good start.Please rate them awful for motivation. :smiley:

PS: Can i post more than one post so i can import more pictures?!
And sorry about my english by the way. :slight_smile:

And another one.The first is too…well,bad posing. :slight_smile:

Bench: 209 lbs.
Back Squat: 286 lbs.
Front Squat: 231 lbs.
Deadlift: 308 lbs.

I have more strength than size.

I agree with bmitch, but why are your lift numbers such precise numbers?

ahhh gotcha

whats your routine and diet like?

“whats your routine and diet like?”

I was on a basic 3 days a week body split.
Then i tried the “milk and squat” program.
From next Monday I am going to start the push/pull workout as explained in one of the T-Nation articles. :slight_smile:

Diet?Trying to get at least 2 grams of protein per 1 kg. :)I’m not restraining myself from anything i may want.Only,maybe if I try to reveal my abs a little more cutting off some carbs from the menu may be wise! :]

You have a great base for a 15 year old…

One question:

You look MUCH leaner in the first picture than you do in the 2nd, were these taken at different times?

Nice squat numbers. Plan on posting any pics of the wheels? You might want to include a shoe if you have one laying around.

Well yes.First picture - 72 kg ; Second one - 79 kg … lol

But my back always had a fatty look.It looks like my father’s…

Ok,i will take a photo of my legs today and upload it. :slight_smile:

Good job bro, looking really good for your age, especially those lift numbers. Don’t let the ratings discourage you, the systems’ not really weighted in accordance to how old you are.

Don’t forget, get strong before you get big, so keep up the good work.

I am happy to be proved wrong but I do not believe the two pictures are of the same person, sorry.

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
I am happy to be proved wrong but I do not believe the two pictures are f the same person, sorry.


No worries. :slight_smile: But,really there is no reason for me to lie when i ask for somebody else’s opinion.After all you don’t know me,i don’t know you and i want a second opinion about my body.

Exactly what makes you think that the person on the pictures is a different boy?Maybe it’s the lightning…

I’ll trow in another one.And later on i may really get my phone and take a shot of my legs…They are nothing special.

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
I am happy to be proved wrong but I do not believe the two pictures are of the same person, sorry.



I actually thought the same thing, hence my question about the top photo appearing much leaner.

Moreover, he admits to having legs that are “nothing special” with nice squat and deadlift numbers.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

[quote]blade92 wrote:
Electric_E wrote:

Exactly what makes you think that the person on the pictures is a different boy?Maybe it’s the lightning…


I don’t mind being controversial, I am not afraid of being proved wrong and made to look stupid, I reckon a few people may think the same thing but will not post it as they are scared to be proved wrong.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt but its does look a bit odd.

Also just to point out I am not getting at you, I think you have a great physique for 15 in both pics :slight_smile:

My legs.Yes,nothing special,but is my upper body otherwise?!
I really don’t need you to think that I am on these pictures.Just rate them,considering the age.I need your opinion not credit. :wink:

Hmm…on the picture my left leg look curved!? LOL i guess i just moved it…

[quote]blade92 wrote:
My legs.Yes,nothing special,but is my upper body otherwise?!
I really don’t need you to think that I am on these pictures.Just rate them,considering the age.I need your opinion not credit. :wink:

Hmm…on the picture my left leg look curved!? LOL i guess i just moved it…[/quote]

Your legs definitely have good size for 15, and they certainly match up with the photo of your back.

Judging from those 2 black and white pics, I find it hard to believe the guy in the 1st shot is you. The waistline on that photo just doesn’t add up with those legs.

Regardless, you’re moving in the right direction. You’ve got a solid foundation at a very young age.

Can you give us any insght into your training?

I see the problem.The first picture is just awful.It doesn’t show my physique,but a show off for some magazine. :smiley:
I am much leaner on the first photo AND i keep my abs contracted, while when i do a lat spread i don’t contract the abs.These two together maybe made the waist difference.

I found that strength comes natural for me.First time on the bench press - 70kg x 3 reps.

Monday - Chest and Triceps: (i push)
1.Incline dumbbell/barbell bench press - 3x8 (sometimes 4 sets)
2.Flat barbell bench press - 3x8 (again,sometimes 4)
3.Dips - 4x as much as i can :]

Tuesday - Back and Biceps: (i pull :D)
1.Pull-ups for 4 sets
2.Chin ups for 4 sets (sometimes i do less)
2.Deadlift- 3x8
3.One arm dumbbell rows OR bent-over rows (depends on my lower back :slight_smile: )
4.Cable rows - 3x8…oops i lied… 2x8/1x8… :slight_smile: usually when i dislike some exercise i don’t do it.

Wednesday - OFF

Thursday - Legs

1.Front squat - 3x8
2.Back squat - 3x8
3.Leg press till i reach 8 sets for legs. (2x8)
2.Back squat - 2x8
3.Leg press- 2x8
1.Back squat - 1x20 (HEAVY)
2.Front squat - 3x8

Friday - Shoulders

1.Shoulder presses with dumbbells/barbell - 4x8
2.I don’t know how to call this…Front arm raises - 3x8
3.Push ups till i die. :slight_smile:

My whole program vary regarding how i feel and how i eat each particular day.I enjoy training my legs the most.

You get those wee wee dribbles too huh?

Hm…stop looking at my penis if you please! LOL

Haha,yes i noticed it but who cares?Normal body function when you are born with a penis.God bless testosterone!!!

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
You get those wee wee dribbles too huh?


Freakin’ Hysterical!

I just pissed myself from laughing too hard.

You hiked up your underwear way too far.

Your musculature is really impressive for your age.

Your strength is pretty good for your age but not as much as your physique. Then again, most kids who are that strong at 15 are usually pretty fat.

You’re on a good path.