[quote]buildsomemuscle wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]buildsomemuscle wrote:
[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
[quote]ryanbCXG wrote:
So you aren’t really asking for opinions you just gonna do this? I am now not understanding the op[/quote]
Why even ask the validity of such an idea when you just get butthurt when people shut it down for its obvious flaws?[/quote] how the fuck am i butthurt? this is a discussion thread, i like this this idea because to me it makes a lot of sense. so i make this thread to listen to counter arguments and personal experiences. if someone says it sucks without giving a reason i am not going to listen to them, if someone says it sucks with a reason i am going to debate that reason to the best of my knowledge and if that person is right of course i am going to change my view what the fuck would be point of making this thread if i didn’t debate and of course didn’t change my view?? [/quote]
Well, your “new idea” has been done before. That is basically what that original “ABCDE” diet was where you “gain” for two weeks and then “cut” for two weeks.
That led to people running circles…not massive muscle gains and great fat loss.
Look, to make real progress, you choose a goal and go after it alone. You work on gaining muscle or losing fat…not both at the same time. Leave that to people who have been training long enough to know within very narrow perameters their usual caloric needs and training needs.
To gain real muscle you had better be down for this way longer than a couple of weeks at a time.[/quote]
hmm i will have to read up on this abcde diet to see how it differentiates from my idea. i agree that its wise to chase one goal at a time, but for me personally the long cutting phases really just make me spin my wheels. usually after 1-2 months i start stalling and quickly start losing strength after that. this results in me spinning my wheels, which is why i am looking for different alternatives.
i did notice during my last cut that within the first month and a half i could make progress and i put 5 kg on my bench max, while being in what i thought to be a 25% deficit( can never be 100% sure of course)
so my thougth process was that maybe i could make progress during these short cuts of 7 days as well? as long as i dont make them any longer than that and reduce volume during the period. have you ever tried it yourself?
i will ask around on other forums as well, and keeping looking for information on if this would work, if i decide to try it i will surely report back to this thread for people wondering about this as well. [/quote]
I hope not too many people are wondering about this.
Have great fun on your trek for reasons to do this.
You could be building some muscle in that time…but hey, you have goals.