2 Inch Bench Press?

there is a self proclaimed expert at my gym. That likes to do 2 inch bench presses while wearing a bench shirt, everytime he benches. He says hes not working on lock out strength but the the Shirt takes care of the bottom half so all he needs to do is the top half.

He has a buddy hold a big block of wood so he only has to go down 2 maybe three inches. Hes loading up over 500 lbs but I doubt he could get a clean 400 without a shirt and block. just wondering what you guys think of this method?

Sounds like he’s doing 5-board presses. It’s a good exercise for people who lift in double-ply gear and need to build enormous lockout strength. This is very common among people who train with conjugate periodization. Although it is puzzling that he said he’s not working on lockout.

Seems like that could have been me.

Seems like you need to do some reading.

He is a Power Lifter.

[quote]Poopsie wrote:
Seems like that could have been me.

or me

I was doing 4board presses yesterday…

This may seem wierd for those who think full ROM is the best way to train, but this kind of training has its applications, especially in powerlifting.

It’s called a “board press”, and he’s called a “powerlifter”.

Ha ha, his name is misconception and his first post is… well, a misconception. funny shit

Welcome to the wacky world of shirted benching! It’s hard to say what your comrade’s raw, full-range bench is. Personally, I’ve taken 555 for 3 off of three-boards and done a full-range shirted 518.

Yet, I have no clue what I can bench raw and I probably never will. I always put on a shirt after 315. After three plates is where the tweaks and tears start for me. That said, I enjoy low-weight raw rep work- 225 for 20; 315 for 8 (10- ah, someday). I doubt it does shit for me- but it’s fun.

I do believe there is a time for everything , and anything can be done for periods of time. But I have to say that partial range , shirted presses will set you up for injury.

He is a powerlifter , but my deadlift is stronger than his! ha

Misconcpetion? well lets say im tired of being on the unable to post club. put the pieces together.

I mostly do these to train for the one inch punch.

I’ve been wondering why you never see full rom bench presses in periodization based programs, it’s because of the shirt? what if you don’t train with a shirt, or plan to compete in one? are board presses worthless?

I’ve been wondering why you never see full rom bench presses in periodization based programs, it’s because of the shirt? what if you don’t train with a shirt, or plan to compete in one? are board presses worthless?

forgive my ignorance, but i’ve just gotten into this type of training.

I don’t compete in a shirt but I still use board presses. I do them for 2 reasons:

  1. to work the sticking points
  2. to feel the heavier weights in my hands. For me lifting is a mental game more than anything. If I pick up a weight and think “damn this feels heavy” that rep isn’t happening. However, after doing some 4board presses with a lot more weight than I could do with full ROM a new max feels light.

[quote]MISCONCEPTION wrote:
He is a powerlifter , but my deadlift is stronger than his! ha

WOW then you are totally t3h awsummmest!!!11!!oneoneELEVENTYHUNDRED

[quote]MISCONCEPTION wrote:
I do believe there is a time for everything , and anything can be done for periods of time. But I have to say that partial range , shirted presses will set you up for injury.


Sooooooo, you asked a question on here because you had no clue what he was doing, but now, suddenly, you’re an expert on what he was doing and you present us with your highly educated risk assesment?

[quote]MISCONCEPTION wrote:

He is a powerlifter , but my deadlift is stronger than his! ha


how do you know how much he deadlifts? can you say with certanty that you are in the gym every single time that he is in the gym? And that last time you saw him deadlift, he worked all the way up?

can we keep the idiots out of the strength sports forum please?

[quote]robo1 wrote:
can we keep the idiots out of the strength sports forum please?[/quote]

I’d much rather they came in and asked questions in a respectful fashion so we could edu-mac-8 their dumb asses.

To the orignal poster, there’s a lot of shit powerlifters that’s weird as hell, but a lot of it works and works well. So don’t go presuming you know.

You know what they say about assumptions.