Recently I had a guy in the gym telling me to not bring the bar to the chest because it could possibly damage the tendons in your chest in the long- term.
I’ve always touched the bar to my chest because I’ve got the flexibility to do so even though I’ve got freakishly long arms.
People say stupid stuff in the gym all the time. I have never heard of a single person damaging their tendons because they were bringing the bar to their chest.
Are you powerlifting or bodybuilding? Touching your chest is not bad, specially if your young. Once you get up to heavy weights frequently you may want to skip or day or two and do partial rom or do a cycle of partials. Other then that if you have the flexibility there’s no need to lose it. It would be much more damaging to him since he never does it, it’s likely he has tighter tendons?
[quote]MickyGee wrote:
…or just tell him that you plan to compete in Powerlifting and that touching your chest is required. You know - not be a dick about it.[/quote]
No screw that, don’t be afraid to be a dick about it. If someone is going around the gym spreading misinformation and promoting weakness, call that dumbass out on it.
[quote]MickyGee wrote:
…or just tell him that you plan to compete in Powerlifting and that touching your chest is required. You know - not be a dick about it.[/quote]
No screw that, don’t be afraid to be a dick about it. If someone is going around the gym spreading misinformation and promoting weakness, call that dumbass out on it.[/quote]
Please don’t go to any movie theaters in New jersey
[quote]Brett295 wrote:
For future reference most people in commercial gyms are morons. You should bench to your chest unless your doing board presses. [/quote]
I’m so hardcore i bench to my chest even while doing board presses.
I train sometimes at a YMCA now, which is a nice facility (they have 5 new power racks on order and are building a deadlift platform) but I swear nobody in that place ever benches or even incline benches to their chest, regardless of age or strength level. I haven’t asked anybody what the deal is, but it must be something that is going around. Seriously, like 4 or 5 board level with no boards.
[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
I train sometimes at a YMCA now, which is a nice facility (they have 5 new power racks on order and are building a deadlift platform) but I swear nobody in that place ever benches or even incline benches to their chest, regardless of age or strength level. I haven’t asked anybody what the deal is, but it must be something that is going around. Seriously, like 4 or 5 board level with no boards.[/quote]
Haha, YMCA go-er as well. When I go in the early morning, its usually a bunch of 60 to 70 year olds benching to virtual boards. I’m envious of that facility though. 5 power racks? hell yes.
Have you guys ever wondered how these half-ROM wonders actually decide when the rep is done? Like, what is their guide to let them know “hey, I guess its finally time to press this weight up now”
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
Have you guys ever wondered how these half-ROM wonders actually decide when the rep is done? Like, what is their guide to let them know “hey, I guess its finally time to press this weight up now”
I have always been curious.[/quote]
I have been wondering that also. If you go slightly further down is it 1.5 reps? And i use to go to a YMCA and 3 boards(virtual boards) were common.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
Have you guys ever wondered how these half-ROM wonders actually decide when the rep is done? Like, what is their guide to let them know “hey, I guess its finally time to press this weight up now”
[quote]Brett295 wrote:
For future reference most people in commercial gyms are morons. You should bench to your chest unless your doing board presses. [/quote]
I’m so hardcore i bench to my chest even while doing board presses.[/quote]