I made decent gains on the deca cycle. 18lbs over 12 weeks. Diet wasn’t too clean though. There was no mental sides, bit of acne and water retention though… and of course nice strength gains
If someone wanted to assess their tolerance to 19nor compounds what would be the best way to do that? NPP maybe? Whats a good low dose to start with? I’m interested but not in any kind of rush.
Pinning low dose short esters every three days just seems like a recipe for quasi shutdown/hormone rollercoaster ride from hell.
If you want your two bottles of each to last 8 weeks then you need to figure out how to pin whatever dose it averages to at least EOD. Like with the test prop I assume it’s 100mgs per ml so to make it last four weeks per bottle that means 250mgs per week which means 250/3.5 = roughly 70mgs EOD. Unless you are trying to make one bottle last 8 weeks and if you are you should in no way be using AAS. Literally you would be using just enough to shutdown and have no appreciable gain over natural production which means no reason to do it. I know we say this stuff is powerful but making a short ester bottle last 8 weeks is about 15mgs a day which after adjusting for ester weight is nothing that will do much of anything for a guy. It is literally female dosage level.