Cycle Recommendation

Hey guys. I’m getting ready to start my next cycle in a few weeks. I’m 35; 6’1 and 204lbs as of now. Last cycle I did was test e 400 and Tren e 300 w s ol for the last 6 weeks. Im looking to pick up as much muscle mass as possible and also simultaneously cut and burn as much fat as I possibly can to show more muscle definition especially in my ab region. I stay active in the gym at least 5-6x a week religiously. What cycle do you guys recommend me?? I was thinking of Test E 250 Tren A 10 and Deca 100mg maybe 2x a week or TEST PROP 100 MASTERON PROP 100mg TREN A 100 2x week… I love the way Tren works for me and plus it makes me feel damn good on top of everything. I’ve never tried Winstrol before so I’m kind of in the dark when it comes to it but a friend told me it’s what I’m looking for.
Thanks for any and all help fellas.

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You should really pick one or the other. Recomp is not easy. It took me a few tries to get it right. Usually turns into a bulk. These drugs are not miracle workers. You will need to be very diligent with your diet.

Not sure what your doing here? For your first option you chose 2 long ester compounds and then a short ester. The test E and Deca you can pin twice per week but the Tren A needs to be pinned ED or EOD. For the second option, the test prop/mast prop/tren A need to be pinned either ED or EOD.
I really don’t like either of these cycles. You may want to do a little more reading before you do anything.


With this kind of statement, you not only need to read/research A WHOLE LOT more but you more than likely shouldn’t even be taking any kind of AAS. If all of us on here had a nickel for every time someone said this conflicting statement…As @s.gentz said, you do not seem to really have a solid grasp of what each specific compound, and its corresponding ester, have been created for. You don’t seem to grasp cycle lengths, what logical ratios of androgenic or anabolic drugs to administer or even how often to administer. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason for even choosing the drugs you mention?

To put on a lot more mass/muscle, you must be in a calorie surplus diet for a decent amount of time[several months] and to reduce bodyfat so that you can then better see muscularity the inverse needs to occur; where you are in a caloric deficit. For the last time, you cannot do both at the same time with any reasonable amount of success. It’d be a dream if all of us could only just put on lean body mass with no bodyfat to accompany it, but you have to pick one or the other.

One of my continued favorite parts of posts such as these is: the OP NEVER seems to care to discuss their dietary intake of calories/fats/carbs/proteins, or what type of training split they are going to be running. All the emphasis is solely on “the miracle AAS”. When in fact, as any knowledgeable and experienced lifter will tell you, AT LEAST 80% of the success within all your endeavors are rooted in your DIET, then the rest is split amongst your training and intake of AAS. So many come on here complaining that their “latest cycle of gear didn’t really seem to work or result in slabs of muscle mass added” and then later on when pressed, we get a rundown of the horrendous diet. With MOST, we can immediately read their diet and see where the train immediately derailed but then there are the others who try and claim a “bodybuilding diet” which seems to have been strangely copied out of a copy of Muscular Development magazine or some other mag, but then we can immediately call BS on that poster not actually consuming their supposed “6-8 meals a day, lean buffalo, sweet potatoes, chicken breasts, dozens and dozens of egg whites, tuna, rice, etc”.
Had they actually “lifted like a man possessed” and eaten the diet they espoused, they wouldn’t have come back complaining of only maybe gaining like 20lbs[of water], which after coming off only left a net gain of really 8lbs[usually of fat, a tiny amount maybe of muscle].

Point being…do more research man. Take a step back and reread your original post OP and ask yourself questions such as “if I am indeed just looking to get bigger, why the fuck am I even considering adding Tren into the mix? What is the intended benefit of running a drug like Trenbolone in the first place? Is it wise to even consider taking TWO drugs which negatively affect progesterone and estrogen? DOES THIS ALL MAKE SENSE and DO I HAVE A DAY BY DAY, WEEK BY WEEK PLAN?”


Totally agree. Physiques are built in the kitchen and hard work in the gym. AAS is just another tool to help us get the icing on the cake.
So many(especially younger) people think they just blast a bunch of gear and they magically get huge. Then they do 5 cycles and wonder what went wrong and want to take more gear…

Mine too. But why does this matter if they gonna run a gram of test and tren???
They will get huge!!! :laughing:

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Okay guys I appreciate the replies. As sure said knowledge is power and to be aware is to be alive. I should’ve mentioned my complete plan so you guys can have a more solid foundation to reply to me. Well my diet plan is pretty simple as I do prepare my meals per week. I know about eating in a caloric deficit or caloric surplus and so on. I do eat a pretty good amount of protein and correct calories daily. I may eat anywhere from 3000 to 3500 cal per day which I do try to make it as clean as possible. Where as I do work 6-8 hrs a day usually ends in the late evening. I do get up at 7 am Monday through Saturday and I usually will work on my body for around two hours . While bulking I use usually stick with the Arnold regiment the blueprint for mass routine. Hitting each muscle group twice a week. which is Mondays and Thursdays I do chest and back Tuesdays and Fridays, arms and shoulders, Wednesdays and Saturdays. I stick with the legs and abs. Sundays I’m off. I like to switch at the 5th week of training for another 4 weeks. I go to Mon- Heavy Chest and back TUES- Heavy arms with shoulders WEDNESDAY/ light chest w/ heavy legs THURS-Heavy arms and shoulders FRIDAY-chest back SAT- Heavy legs w light arms just to change things up a little for myself. And hit the chest and arms 3x week and legs back shoulders twice a week. My food intake I believe is pretty solid basically consists of chicken, steak, fish, eggs, potatoes, rice, vegetables, fruit, etc… I also have the way protein powder, plenty of supplements as I do like the ANIMAL brand, they’re stacks I tend to stick with the omega stack, Animal Pak Multi. I really do like their brand a lot.
I do understand it’s hard to shred and put on huge amounts of muscle mass at the same time. I know these AAS aren’t miracle drugs as I do intend to put in the hard work needed to produce the results I want. When I say bulk I speak in “lean bulk” . I am in no way a scientific genius but I do know what my goals are and some of the basics with these PEDs. I’m coming to you guys for help and to gain knowledge as we all can learn from each others experiences here. Thanks for any and all help guys.

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For your goal, I’d suggest getting leaner than you want to be while natural (or on TRT / cruise or whatever you do). The leanness you get to should be dictated by how lean you want to be after your AAS assisted bulk. If you want to be 12% after that, get to 8-10% depending on how clean you believe your bulk will be.

You will most likely lose muscle size and strength during this period, but as soon as you flip the switch and eat in a surplus and are using gear, that lost size will come back quick (likely in the first 6 weeks or so). Then with the remainder of the bulk / cycle build new size and strength. You will end muscular and lean.

I believe that approach can help you achieve your goals, and you will use less gear to do so (although it might take a bit longer). A cycle to get a good recomp effect will likely require both stricter adherence to an awesome diet and more total drugs since the your body is trying to do two things at once that are in conflict with each other (build new desirable tissue, while eliminating undesirable tissue). By breaking it up into two phases, you can then remove undesirable tissue when your body wants to (deficit) and without gear, and then add desirable tissue when your body is in a favorable position to do so (surplus) with less gear.


Excellent paragraph breaks. Kudos on the nicely arranged paragraphs.


I was in the special class for English haha. Not kidding. I think it was mostly just laziness at the time. Driven partly from me seeing a lack of benefit to some of the activities we did (ex. diagramming sentences).

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Do heavy legs mean you left it all at the squat rack or leg press? If so, IMO, twice a week is too much stimulation to recover from adequately for optimal muscle gain.

Usually with everybody part going heavy; I will do 5 to 6 exercises, and that includes 4 to 6 sets. When I go light it’s usually 2-3 exercises and 2-3 sets each body part.

That doesn’t answer my question, but it sounds more like you’re just training legs. I am okay with that. I trained legs and abs, waddled out of the gym, and took the next day off.