Just finished my first session with my 16kg kettlebell; using the Pavel Tsatsouline routine found on FieldMarshall’s site;
It was over quite faster than I had anticipated…This is how I followed the routine, think I may have read it wrong??
C & P (Clean & Press?) 5 right arm; 5 left arm; rest 10 right arm; 10 left arm
I followed this video on YouTube to see how to do it…Correct??
I followed this with 2 reps of 10 doing SN & FSQ (Full Squat?)
I followed this video on YouTube
…and that was it… Does that seem correct… don’t get me wrong I’m aching slightly know, esp the thighs but it seemed a bit correct and to be honest a lot harder work on my left arm than my right…Is there anything I should be doing diff or adding to my routine; looking to cut weight and tone as oppose to build more muscle, I’m sure there is an Spartan under here somewhere…
If anyone could help it would be great and maybe link me to video’s of the moves I should be doing; finding kettlebell routines was not as easy as I thought…