1RM Chins & Dips

Hey, guys,

Many have mentioned things like a 2x bodyweight deadlift and a bodyweight bench as being minimum standards to be considered strong (relative to the general population, not competitive lifters). Yeah I know, most of you are probably a lot stronger than that…some of us aren’t quite there yet.

What about chins and dips? What is a respectable proportion of bodyweight to have added to these exercises.

Just for the record, I am currently at 20kg on chins for a 2RM, at a bodweight of 80kg. Haven’t done dips in a while, so I’m not sure what I can do here, but it is probably slightly higher.


[quote]scrooge wrote:
Hey guys,

Many have mentioned things like a 2x bodyweight deadlift and a bodyweight bench as being minimum standards to be considered strong (relative to the general population, not competitive lifters). Yeah I know, most of you are probably a lot stronger than that…some of us aren’t quite there yet.

What about chins and dips? What is a respectable proportion of bodyweight to have added to these exercises.

Just for the record, I am currently at 20kg on chins for a 2RM, at a bodweight of 80kg. Haven’t done dips in a while, so I’m not sure what I can do here, but it is probably slightly higher.


I’m not that strong, but I have a 1RM pull-up for 245lbs, that’s weight included of course. I’m not sure about my Dips, but I always use higher weight for dips than I do for pull-ups, so I’m sure it’s up around 250-260.

I dont think your average gym guy can deadlift 2x his bodyweight, tho the benching mark makes sense. Hell my numbers are low, just keep gunning it.
Best of luck :slight_smile:

if by the time you reach a 2xbw deadlift you’re satisfied, you’re in the wrong game.

I weigh about 180 lbs and the most weight i’ve ever used on dips is 90 lbs for 3 reps. On pull-ups I can do 45 lbs for 3 reps. Guessing my 1RM, I’d say…

Dips - 280 lbs.
Pull-ups - 240 lbs.

Maybe my pull-up numbers are a little low?

im shooting for double bodyweight bench press, and triple bodyweight squat and DL. All raw, all at 200 lbs bodyweight

I’m 215lbs and I can add on 135lbs for 1 dip. For pulls/chins I can add on about 90lbs for 1 rep.

[quote]wufwugy wrote:
if by the time you reach a 2xbw deadlift you’re satisfied, you’re in the wrong game.[/quote]

I don’t think being satisfied was what he was talking about. That is just a benchmark. I’m not familiar with that one, but I have seen the numbers on bench press. From statistics I’ve seen in several different sources, being able to bench your body weight puts you in the strongest 25% of the population. Obviously there are people that can bench way more than that, but it is just a mark that a lot of people strive for. That doesn’t mean you have to stop there. I remember the first time I did a 3x10 bench routine with 135. That was something of a milestone for me, but I certainly didn’t say “I think I’ll stop adding weight now.”

[quote]scrooge wrote:
What about chins and dips? What is a respectable proportion of bodyweight to have added to these exercises.

I don’t know about dips, but there are a great many people that can’t do a single pullup. I’m talking about the pronated, or overhand grip. I’ve always heard that overhand is a pullup and underhand (palms facing you) is a chinup. Don’t know if those are the technical terms or not :slight_smile:

I guess my point is, if you can do a 10 rep set of body weight pullups, you are probably a good deal stronger than the vast majority of the general population.

[quote]Tizzah wrote:
wufwugy wrote:
if by the time you reach a 2xbw deadlift you’re satisfied, you’re in the wrong game.

I don’t think being satisfied was what he was talking about. That is just a benchmark. [/quote]

Yep, I am talking about benchmarks, stepping stones along the way, not levels to stop at.

I can do a dozen or so bodyweight pullups, but I do not consider myself strong by any means, Squat is 105kg (230lb), Deadlift is 120kg (264lb) and bench is a miserable 75kg (165lb).

Thanks for the replies thus far.

with over 2x bodyweight deadlift and over 1x bodyweight bench, I am one of the weakest guys at my Univ gym.

I guess I should be happy but I cant say I like looking like a puss everytime I go lift.

At 160 I can dip 7 reps with 90lb om me and do 5 chin-ups with a 45-plate.

I don’t think it really do 1RM on dips - the first one is always half-assed and the n I can go really low.

Benching 150% of might weight is a close goal. Squating and DL are really bad here as I just started perfroming them.

Not everyone wants to deadlift a bus :slight_smile:

[quote]scrooge wrote:
I can do a dozen or so bodyweight pullups, but I do not consider myself strong by any means, Squat is 105kg (230lb), Deadlift is 120kg (264lb) and bench is a miserable 75kg (165lb).

That is pretty respectable all-around. You may not consider yourself strong compared to other people you see in the gym, but realize that most of them are stronger than the norm. Like I said, I believe that over half of the general population can’t do a single body-weight pullup (I’m talking good form, here). When I joined the Army, we had to do 13 pushups just to get in. You would be amazed at the number of guys who could not do that (and you would be astounded at the number of females that could not do their required 1 pushup to get in). Y

ou mention that you consider a 2x bodyweight dead to be ?strong? relative to the general population. You currently lift 120kg relative to an 80kg bodyweight - so you are a little off still, but I challenge you to go out on the street and find 10 people that could immediately pick up 120kg off the floor without getting a hernia.

[quote]Rookie21 wrote:
Not everyone wants to deadlift a bus :)[/quote]

Actually, yes they do.

I do, but I know many people who are happy with their 5’11 135lb physiques lol

[quote]Rookie21 wrote:
Not everyone wants to deadlift a bus :)[/quote]

Your right …an aircraft carrier is what I am going for. :slight_smile:


Dont know about dips but 1RM chin,
45kg (100 pounds???) at 100kg bodywieght.

Bench only 145KG.


As far as milestones go I believe that its something around 1.25xBW for chins and dips. SO if you tie 1/4 of your BW around you and can do a couple of reps your doing good (that top 25% thing).

As far as strong goes, well depends who you are and your goals, etc. Theres alot around about 1.5 bench, 2.0 squat, 2.5 deadlift, and I think its a 1.5 dip/chin. so for and 80kg guy you would want to bench 120kg, squat 160kg, deadlift 200kg, and dip and chin with 40kg tied to you.

Some people would never get these sorts of figures, others would breeze past them. Goals do tend to become stepping stones.

Until I can do a 2x bw bench, 3x bw squat, 3.5x bw dead at a bodyweight of 200lb, I will not consider myself “strong”. That was my long-term goal when I first started going to a gym and it still is now.