1 Year Post Physique Clinic

So searching through the T-Nation posts and such made me wonder where my fellow physique clinic participants are now, one year after our journey ended.

Clearly Bartl and gustavopacho became the poster boys for it, but do they post anymore? I also wonder about their progress. Hopefully they are doing well and I am sure Barl is enjoying his new career.

I see novagreg still logs in but hasn’t posted in a while. Can’t say I blame the guy and I credit him just for staying around!

Doesn’t look like any of the FA ladies post or even log in anymore.

Clearly I’m still around and posting. Made some good progress in the past year and I have another powerlifting meet coming up on Saturday. I’m hoping to set a new PR in my raw deadlift which would be anything over 500lbs. I nailed a 500lb deadlift 2 weeks ago.

Anyway, just wondering where people are now.


I’m curious about this as well. I would hope that the people who were picked would feel some sort’ve obligation to stick around after the free training and supplements. But with some people you never know.

Good luck on your meet Crew.

[quote]dre wrote:
I’m curious about this as well. I would hope that the people who were picked would feel some sort’ve obligation to stick around after the free training and supplements. But with some people you never know.

Good luck on your meet Crew.[/quote]

It would certainly seem so but I can’t remember hearing from anyone except Crewpierce in a while.

Not that everyone can afford to troll internet all day…

Very much interested in this as well,

Gus was really the only one of those two i felt made amazing gains (relative to the thousands of $$ in private training and sups they were granted)

I saw Bartl had a log at one point but i haven’t seen anything from gus since the day it ended.

I really just want to here from Novagreg. I was actually on his side when all of the flaming started… but he declared some pretty drastic goals, talkin’ bout how he was gonna show everyone. I want to see him show everyone, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t.

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
dre wrote:
I’m curious about this as well. I would hope that the people who were picked would feel some sort’ve obligation to stick around after the free training and supplements. But with some people you never know.

Good luck on your meet Crew.

It would certainly seem so but I can’t remember hearing from anyone except Crewpierce in a while.

Not that everyone can afford to troll internet all day… [/quote]

Right, but you would think someone could find say, 10 minutes a week to make a post or two.

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
Not that everyone can afford to troll internet all day… [/quote]

All of us found time when we were getting a shit load of free supplements…


what progress have you made size/ weight wise since the PC?

Not an interrogation or anything and i know that’s not necessarily your main goal but just out of general interest

[quote]stevo_ wrote:

what progress have you made size/ weight wise since the PC?

Not an interrogation or anything and i know that’s not necessarily your main goal but just out of general interest


Haha well I attempted to diet down earlier in the year which was horrible! Since then I went up to 207 and have since had to diet back down to 198 for my meet on Sat.

So as I type this I am 198 and would venture around 10-12% BF as I have 4 abs popping out pretty well. Haha you can see the other 2 but barely. My arms are an inch and a half larger than they were at the end of the PC and my legs have increased several inches.

I plan on going up to the 220’s by the end of this year so after this meet size will be my main goal.

Oh and for the record, I will be in the drug tested group. Just in case someone wants to bust my balls again about posting in the steroid forum lol

I always followed your progress because I felt our physiques were relatively similar, though at our weight you are definitely much stronger at this point than I am. Congrats on making huge gains in arms, legs, and the dead.

I really wished I was picked, or at least picked for round 2, I know I’d make it happen (I guess that’s why I started my training log), but its water under the bridge. And honestly, you were among the most UNDERrated results. You won the deadlift comp didn’t you? It’s a shame that it gets masked to losing a ton of weight.

It’s really strange that they did this once and then dropped it completely. Never heard from the other guys again, never bothered to follow through on season 2…it sort of just fizzled.

Anyway, congrats!

Bartl posted pretty regularly after the PC got done until at least the end of last summer, and I know he continued on that did a couple more races and seemed to add a good bit of muscle.

I hope he’s still out there staying clean and healthy.

Really bummed that Gus pretty much vanished as soon as the PC was done, when he did such a good job and seemed like the site was more then willing to let him be a poster boy for T-Nation.

And Greg, well i’m still pissed that would look such a gift horse in the mouth.

Hopefully we will hear back from USCTrojan when he gets back from the sandpit.

From his post history, it looks like Bartl still posts frequently. Seems to be sticking to the Powerful Women forum these days.

[/stalker off]

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
From his post history, it looks like Bartl still posts frequently. Seems to be sticking to the Powerful Women forum these days.

[/stalker off][/quote]

odd place for him to be hanging out…

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
Bartl posted pretty regularly after the PC got done until at least the end of last summer, and I know he continued on that did a couple more races and seemed to add a good bit of muscle.

I hope he’s still out there staying clean and healthy.

Really bummed that Gus pretty much vanished as soon as the PC was done, when he did such a good job and seemed like the site was more then willing to let him be a poster boy for T-Nation.

And Greg, well i’m still pissed that would look such a gift horse in the mouth.

Hopefully we will hear back from USCTrojan when he gets back from the sandpit.[/quote]

It would be great to hear from Trojan, hopefully he is staying safe over there.

[quote]acelement wrote:
I always followed your progress because I felt our physiques were relatively similar, though at our weight you are definitely much stronger at this point than I am. Congrats on making huge gains in arms, legs, and the dead.

I really wished I was picked, or at least picked for round 2, I know I’d make it happen (I guess that’s why I started my training log), but its water under the bridge. And honestly, you were among the most UNDERrated results. You won the deadlift comp didn’t you? It’s a shame that it gets masked to losing a ton of weight.

It’s really strange that they did this once and then dropped it completely. Never heard from the other guys again, never bothered to follow through on season 2…it sort of just fizzled.

Anyway, congrats![/quote]

Hey man your other lifts seem pretty close to mine so I would say all you need to do is work on your back and form a little bit! Clearly the strength is there!

It’s kind of like how the Avenger’s got disbanded and fell apart. Kind of sad really how times change and people move on.

Thanks for the update, CP.

I had been following your PC progress although I’m more in the “body transformation through fat loss” department. Your commitment was/is definitely something!

Concerning the other PC guys and gals not (overly) active anymore: has anyone considered how powerful, demanding but also draining it must have been to be exposed to such a big audience? Maybe they just needed a break. And we all know how life has a habit of intervening.

I, for one, would very much like to read about Gus and how he has been doing physique-wise. Didn’t he plan to slowly and sensibly bulk up and to partake at a natty show?

On a related note, does anyone know if the old PC threads can be found anywhere? They were a goldmine of training and nutritional info.

[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
AngryVader wrote:
From his post history, it looks like Bartl still posts frequently. Seems to be sticking to the Powerful Women forum these days.

[/stalker off]

odd place for him to be hanging out…[/quote]

Vader you are such a stalker…

He’s hanging out there on my log and Crew, it’s not an odd place for him to be hanging out at all. He has good reasons :slight_smile:

I’ll point him to this thread, however I can assure you he is doing very well. I don’t want to steal his fire, but I will tell you that he’s currently training to compete in the same triathlon he did at the of his PC last year.

I love how when you don’t live your life vicariously through this website that people assume you just took off, never to be seen again.

Alas, you can’t rid of me that easily.

Yes I am still around. Yes I post occasionally over on my girls page. It doesn’t meant that I am not reading and learning all that I can.

I haven’t been posting here because I have my own separate blog where I talk about my current training (I asked my coach to do it here and she, yes I said she, said no), I have a blog over in the Member Zone of Precision Nutrition detailing my intake and then over on Courts page I chime in. So its not that I don’t post anymore, I just don’t post here.

I also frequent other sites and blogs, sites of some of the contributors here at T-Nation.

Between that, studying, working and surfing, I keep busy.

As for what I have been up to, I did another triathlon 3 months after the clinic ended and did some pretty good damage to IT’s and MCL. So I took some time off from endurance training and focused on building some strength by completing Cressey’s Maximum Strength program, where I added 7 pounds, lost more inches of my waist, increased my bench by 20 lbs, squat by 65 pound and deadlift by 55 pounds.

I am currently on Precision Nutrition and gearing up for a busy summer. I have 4 triathlons I’m doing in 4 months, two of them are only 2 weeks apart. So most of my reading is focusing on nutrition and endurance training instead of hypertrophy and strength.

As for Gus, I will give him the link and let him talk about himself, but again, just because someone stopped living their life through a blog doesn’t mean they aren’t here or training.
